Boards Reconciliation Need help for second NC – chances and duration?

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  • #36155
    • Total Posts: 40

    So a small update, I was being way happier with time and on 7th day of NC I dropped an email, explaining being unwell on the day of breakup. Later followed up with small text, she replied little angrily but it sounded better than before, like I asked that perhaps it was small misunderstanding, she replied she is no god to understand everyone, I replied that I totally understand her situation and at least don’t wish to loose years long friendship, she read that and perhaps trying to come up, yet to respond that given she is in different timezone. And I know establishing a false friendship would be way to go ahead, so waiting and watching.

    Now, if friendship begins, I will follow RR methods and will play it cool with being true myself with no expectations from her. If not, I will initiate NC again for longer period. I know she is in more pain and trying to recover, most probably she will reach out because it is only me who helped her out in any of situations.

    Feel free to suggest about this approach.

    • Total Posts: 151

    I thought you are doing NC.So why you sent her email on just 7th day ?

    • Total Posts: 40

    I know this was little early and I will continue NC or limited contact if she initiates further, but I wrote the mail to clear this thing that what happened was a mistake and misunderstanding, and to let her have a second thought. Staying in contact should help not being her indifferent as per relationship rewind, that’s why I initiated this and I will give her lot of unexpected space even if she initiates contact. Hope this is fine, isn’t it?

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