Boards Reconciliation Need Happy Birthday Plan and advise please.

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  • #56502
    • Total Posts: 151

    Also,if she has moved on and detached herself…she should not take any gifts from me..she took it last time on her bday and this time too.

    If I have no connection with anyone, I will not take any gifts from him/her on any occasions no matter.

    She tells her sister that I have given her very hard time when we were in relationship,not sure what does that mean and which hard time I gave her.I didn’t marry her when she was begging me for 2 years but I had lot of personnel issues with my ex wife which were still pending at that time.


    • Total Posts: 50

    Hi Kali, my heart goes out to you. Although she accepted the small gifts, and I think there probably are still feelings there, it looks like she is firm in her position that she doesn’t want to reconcile. I hope she does at least wish you happy birthday in a couple of weeks time. Warm wishes for your future

    • Total Posts: 151

    Thanks Anthurium ! If she wishes on my bday I am not sure if I am going to reply,i am tired now that’s it,i really loved this girl but I think I should give up and move on !

    • Total Posts: 151

    So I wished my ex bday thru email(21st nov) as she don’t want me to call or text her,and its been close to year with no texting or call from my side.But, she can do call me anytime she feels like or email me.

    Anyways, so I wished her bday and she never responded to my email.But she called me after like 2 weeks and talked about her job,family,schedule (daily routine) and random stuff,and after the call was active she said she wanted to come my home and she came in 10 min and also brought me some home made food.I welcomed her and she spent an hour with me and my daughter and checked the things at my house and talked about her job,my business and other misc stuff,nuthing romantic.
    I was nice to her and welcomed her at my home and was happy.

    Now,its been 2 weeks again and she wished me bday on 13th at 8pm saying * in email saying only happy birthday that’s it.

    She does this all the time,comes or calls at her own schedule which is once in 1 or 2 months,sometimes stops by at house become friendly and than goes away for while.

    I am not sure how to handle this situation,i really want her back but she is keeping me as back up and taking so long time,its been 1 year and 7 months already.

    I am tired of this but same time understand that I can only wait as the ball is in her court.

    Any thoughts ?

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