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  • #34055
    • Total Posts: 323

    I’m happy to hear everyone is doing well! Mike how your ex reached out on your birthday is the exact same as my ex. First one message, then another to make sure I had read the first. It’s strange isn’t it! Like, how are they expecting a reply when they’ve broken up?

    Happy belated birthday to you both Mike and unimare!! unimare I’m glad your ex reached out to you as well as to show you some courtesy.

    Mike I don’t know, but what your ex looked like in the photo is just exactly what I had envisioned in my mind! I really don’t know why!

    Belle, you flatter me!
    Meeting Belle was awesome, but it went by too quickly! I could have spoken to her for hours! She’s SO gorgeous and charming both on the inside and outside! atea to answer your question, I wasn’t surprised at what Belle looked like because I got a photo of her beforehand, however I was surprised at how ridiculously young she looks and of her charm! If I was a lesbian, bi or a man, I’d want Belle! I keep thinking that her ex must be absolutely out of his mind to let her go!! Also how cruel he’s being to her by blocking contact and not reaching out to her son, who does this man think he is?! I will be shocked if he leaves things as they are right now. I’m really in shock over her ex, and feel like the laws of the physics don’t make sense if he won’t regret letting her go!

    I’ll be giving some updates on myself later on, but for now I’m busy working towards a deadline for my studies. Hope you all carry on feeling better!

    • Total Posts: 944

    mike, I’m happy the date went well for you! even if it doesnt progress sometimes its nice to go out and be reminded that there are other people in the world besides our exes. I’m glad you had a good time! your ex still confuses me with asking questions about who you were out with, where you were, etc. it seems odd considering you broke up almost a year ago. are you still planning on talking to her?

    aphrodite, so glad you had a nice afternoon! i think all of our exes are idiots – we are all great! post an update later with how youre doing. i hope you are feeling stronger lately!

    • Total Posts: 297

    Well that’s impressive than Aphrodite about envisioning her correctly.

    I agree with you about belle. She is a very attractive lady! I joked with her before about buying her a drink if I saw her out, but now after seeing her I might be too shy.

    It’s pretty cool
    You two got to spend some time together. Glad it went well!

    • Total Posts: 944

    i feel like i missed out on the photo sharing!! i will have to send some to belle later and have her forward them to you two!

    • Total Posts: 297

    Yea Atea you missed out lol. I just attached a
    Photo and emailed it to belle and she sent one back. She forwarded mine to Aphrodite.

    • Total Posts: 397

    Yes Atea, you’re normally the one on the ball! My email has been taken off the site now so I hope you got it?

    Thank you Mike again for the compliment! How can anyone be too shy of lil ole me?! Lol. I’m not surprised but a moment that you’re never short of a date!

    Aphrodite’s words are too kind! Not sure if it’s because we knew so much about each other’s inner thoughts that we just had this instant connection. Was awesome! 😀

    • Total Posts: 944

    oh no i forgot to save it! i guess you will all still have to use your imagination for me and my ex!

    • Total Posts: 397

    Atea, if you want to message Kevin with your email address he will pass it on to me. When I asked him to remove my email address he said in future to go via him.
    It up to you or we can use our imaginations!

    • Total Posts: 944

    i will do that! so curious to actually see what you all look like!

    • Total Posts: 297

    Thanks belle as well,

    Surprisingly enough I am not currently fighting girls off lol. I tend to be a bit standoffish and not real forward so that could be my problem.

    Yea atea, it was interesting to put a face with the name when I got belles picture. All very cool after talking as long as we have.

    • Total Posts: 89

    Ohnoo, I want to see what everyone looks like :'(

    • Total Posts: 297

    “First one message, then another to make sure I had read the first. It’s strange isn’t it! Like, how are they expecting a reply when they’ve broken up?”

    After thinking about it unimare is correct…I did respond to her mother and brother pretty quick. She did wait like 6 hours later to make sure I got it. I just don’t understand how you can go from dating someone for so long to then acting like we are just friends. I guess that’s what she thinks…just friends. But then she will get emotional and say the letter was too emotional to read. Maybe she is completely off her rocker and I just never realized it lol. I don’t understand how she doesn’t think I wouldn’t want to be with her and how her being like this won’t confuse the hell out of me. I have to have the talk and then tell her to just leave me alone if she says no. That’s how it has to be because I know I will always want to be with her. Infinite no contact if she says no.

    Thank you all again for the birthday wishes again!


    You last few messages have all seemed so confident and strong. You are really doing well. That’s great to hear. It seems like you have really found your independance during these past few months and that will really help you improve as a person moving forward.


    I have asked myself how someone can care for you for all these years and then just end it and not want to try again about a thousand times as well. I just really will never get it. I never got anything from her to really know. It seems like you didn’t get anything significant as well.

    • Total Posts: 944

    mike, i do feel a lot stronger lately, but I’m also starting to develop resentment for my ex. I’m not sure if this is normal. initially i thought he should need maybe years away, like a significant amount time to see what else is out there, but now i don’t think so. i think he is completely fine and content losing me and i deserve more. its been over 5 months and he hasn’t missed me enough to want to reconcile. it would be one thing if he just wanted some time off to screw around but it seems he really thinks I’m not the one for him. I’m actually feeling pretty pissed that he hasn’t out right said that to me and i don’t even know if i want him back anymore after all this. i want to have a talk with him about it but theres really not much to say and i guess i need to be patient. today I’ve just felt so frustrated. all part of the process i guess.

    • Total Posts: 52

    Atea and Mike and whoever can I get your guys’ opinion on my situation?

    So my ex and I have been talking recently. Idk if I told you guys everything but basically during the breakup she got used by another guy purely for sex even though he seemed interested in her. And now she’s really hurt and feels like a fool for believing a player. So we’ve met up and talked and I’ve been really sympathetic and supportive for her. Andddd we had sex one night and she slept over that night. But now she says she just needs time to heal from her situation with that guy. She says she feels numb. Here are a couple texts : “It’s just I made a stupid mistake jumping back and forth (between guys) and now I just need to appropriately close things off (with the other guy), heal, and be ready for love with you.” “I know I’m in love with you I just need to heal from life and then I will be ready to be back to girlfriend.” We aren’t really talking today besides this morning and I’m hoping that will give her some space. What do you guys think?

    • Total Posts: 944

    hi ryan,
    in my honest opinion, its too soon for you to reconcile. just because she had a bad experience with one guy doesnt mean she’s ready to be back in a committed relationship with you. i think she knows that you really love her and after this guy turned out to be not what she thought, she went back to you because she knows you love her. its nice that you’ve been sympathetic and supportive, but youre not obligated to do so. she chose to pursue this guy and now she’s hurt as a consequence.

    i think she just turned back to you out of comfort and for support. I’m not sure she genuinely came back to you for the right reasons and i think that was selfish of her. she’s right in that she shouldn’t jump from guy to guy. she should really take the time to be on her own and evaluate what she wants going forward. plus i think you need to give yourself time to heal from the break up. i am all about forgiveness and second chances, but i do think you should be a bit pissed at the situation overall and i think you should give yourself time to swallow everything thats happened. i don’t really like that she told you that she needs time to “heal from life and then she’ll be ready to be your girlfriend”. it sounds like its all on her timing and she’s kind of stringing you along. my advice to you is to live your life. when will she be ready? a week, a month, a year? you shouldn’t be waiting around on her timing.

    if i were you i would cut contact. she doesnt deserve you consoling her for getting her heart broken by this other guy. you should tell her you love her, but you need some time and space to clearly evaluate and heal from the situation as well. then don’t contact her. wait a couple of months and see how you both feel then. theres no rush. you need to make sure if you reconcile its coming from a place of love and not out of comfort or convenience. i think you should really take a step back. remember this is a mutual decision – its not all on her time.

    sorry if this seems a little harsh! I’m not in the happiest mood tonight.

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