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  • #33087
    • Total Posts: 397


    Yes! I can do Sunday or Monday but have a not so good dental appointment on Tuesday pm which no doubt will involve a numb mouth and generally leave me heading for duvet haha.
    Would love to hook up!

    I’ve not wanted to put my email address up as I know the whole world reads our messages. I’ve made a temporary email so address, contact me on [email protected]
    If you give me your email address I can get in touch with out the world getting our email addresses on here.
    Atea and mike , you’re more than welcome to leave email addresses too but you may not have the need.

    • Total Posts: 297

    Belle and Aphrodite. Sorry to hear you gals are not having a good week. I have been doing better but honestly this still is not what I want. Like we all say, our lives with our exes is what we want. I have just been trying to block out most thoughts. I know I will never fully move on unless I can block a lot out. Starting to get a bit nervous about this date tonight, I think because this is my first date with decent expectations.

    Hope you all have good nights. I’ll send an email to you as well.

    • Total Posts: 944

    let us know how the date goes!! i really hope it goes well for you tonight.
    its so true what you said – I’ve been doing better too but a life with my ex is still what i want. i try not to think about it so much. I’m still not even 1000% sure if i want to move on yet. is that crazy?

    in other news – i have gotten back into cooking full swing! something i couldn’t bring myself to do since my ex and i split up for some reason but over the last three days I’ve started up again and it feels good to start getting back to myself 🙂 I’ve been really tempted to reach out to my ex to ask him to meet up now that I’m feeling good again but i don’t want to throw off my equilibrium and do something too soon. I’m going to hold off.

    jealous you girls are meeting up in london!! i wish we could all sit for some wine and venting about our exes together!! if you all want to start an email chain, ill send my email as well but if not i feel like the whole world already has access to my life problems from reading this thread!

    • Total Posts: 323

    atea I understand! You’ve got your birthday to wait until, so really the best you can do is to take it easy for now:) It kind of helps me knowing you’re still like me, not having accepted the break up as permanent yet. Perhaps we shouldn’t push so much to want to know the future and try to be settled where we are right now. It seems like you’re doing a really good job with that and I admire you for it! I don’t know what it would take for me to get acceptance either. It’s possible I won’t get it until he has a new girlfriend. Don’t even want to think about it unless his new girlfriend will be meee!

    Belle I’ve sent you an email:) Hope everything will go well with your dental appointment! I’ve been pushing back one of those myself.

    Mike, thank you, I understand it’s still not what you want. I still admire that you have gotten quite far though! Don’t be nervous about your date:) When I go on a date I’m going to go into it expecting to meet a new friend instead of a potential boyfriend. I think that mindset will make it easier, and take down the need to compare them. I’m sure you’re gonna be just fine! Let us know how you get on:)

    • Total Posts: 944

    aphrodite, i keep telling myself that. I’ve about 9 weeks to go until i can expect contact from him so I’m just trying to relax during this time and i will see how it goes when he reaches out. i still have a lot of questions i want to ask him but it wont do any good right now. it does help knowing i have this time frame kind of where i will have an opportunity to see where he’s at. i definitely haven’t accepted the break up. i have just finished my theses (80 page paper for my masters program!) and i celebrated yesterday with a ton of retail therapy with my best friend! its funny when my ex and i broke up i kind of stopped trying. I’ve always been very put together and fashionable and it seemed like all i wanted to do is be in sweats and no make up but I’ve snapped out of it. but now its lately whenever i feel like i look attractive i only want my ex to see! i know it wont matter much but every time i put together a cute outfit or something i always think i want him to see me in it. and then i kind of tell myself it will happen eventually but the truth is that could be a lie. once again, I’m not sure whether or not i should trust my gut feeling on this or not. for right now I’m doing ok and am content in the meantime and I’m kind of just hoping my ex feels the same way – content without me but happier with me in his life. i just need to hold tight the next 9 weeks so i can have the chance to discuss with him.

    • Total Posts: 297


    That’s great you are starting to cook again! I don’t think it’s unusual to have thoughts about not wanting to move on. Noone is this thread really wants to move on and thinking about that is always tough for me too.

    There was one big thing I couldn’t do after my break and it was going to the movies. We did dinner and a movie almost every Tuesday. It took me awhile to go to one and i still felt not good. I remember she used to always like tuck her leg under mine.. Small things like that are hard to forget. I still don’t really like going lol. I understand what you mean about not wanting to cook. It’s good you started tho!!

    I’m game for the email stuff as well.

    • Total Posts: 397

    Having an issue with the email address, so I’m will just bite the bullet and put my email address to the world here, well, what else can go wrong in my life after all! Lol


    There you are world…. Come and get me! Haha.

    • Total Posts: 397

    Maybe one day we can have a “get your rotten ex back” convention.
    New York, London, Tokyo, Sydney! Lol

    • Total Posts: 944

    mike, yeah i totally get that. its the little things we remember. the cooking thing had been bothering me because its not even something we used to do together. he’s a terrible cook! it was something i always loved but i used to make dinner for him all the time and always send him pictures of things i was making so it just kind of got associated with him. he always appreciated it! but last week my roommate said to me that it was ridiculous that i gave it up and at some point in my life either he or someone else will appreciate my cooking again so trying to push myself.
    i totally understand why you would feel that way about the movies though. there are certain restaurants and places that we used to go that I’ve tried to avoid at all costs. but i guess we’re all actually here because we don’t really want to move on so maybe thats a good thing!

    belle, i just laughed out loud from your posts!! i would love to be a part of that convention!! i think we’ve shared way more personal information on this thread than our email addresses!

    • Total Posts: 944

    by the way not sure if any of you believe in the law of attraction, but yesterday and today I’ve been pretty happy for no reason and i got texts from three different guys: one guy who i used to hookup with 5 years ago when my ex and i were in an “open relationship” who i legitimately haven’t heard from since then, one of my best guy friends from high school who has always had a crush on me who i hadn’t spoken to in a while since i rejected him, and the guy I’ve been seeing casually the last couple of weeks.

    unfortunately didn’t work to have my ex reach out but i must be doing something right to attract those three!

    • Total Posts: 52

    Hey, it seems like you all are much further along the process than I am and you all are doing well. So, first off did any of you have trouble eating after your breakup? And for how long? Because it’s been 9 days since the breakup, but I still can’t eat more than 500-700 calories a day and my body is running out of energy. If any of you did go through this, do you have any ideas for what to eat? Because nothing sounds appetizing.

    • Total Posts: 944

    Hey Ryan,
    I couldn’t eat for about two weeks after the break up. I survived off of smoothies because they were the only thing I could get down. Then I was able to have some soup. It was easier for me to get down liquids until my stomach settled.

    • Total Posts: 944

    mike, how did the date go!?

    • Total Posts: 297


    Had to reschedule for Monday. She texted me aroun 2 and said she was sick. Said she tried all day to take medicine to get better but felt se would be unpleasant company. She kept apologizing and I was like it’s fine. Will try this again Monday.

    • Total Posts: 944

    i hope monday goes well for you! its nice to have something to look forward to after the weekend. i usually feel better during the week for some reason – the weekends i have more time to overthink and i think about who he’s spending his free time with.
    anyway i think you have a birthday this weekend?! i hope you have a great weekend!! let us know how your ex handles it!

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