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  • #29847
    • Total Posts: 397


    Tarot taken with pinch of salt but really it’s like therapy and if it helps, why not. I’m going on Friday morning… Can’t wait!!!

    I think about the control thing, it’s hard we can have our beds exactly how we want, fold clothes till blue in face but we can’t control how people think. So instead we analyse, just let it take it’s course and don’t worry about how many months you’ve been doing it or how many more it will take. In a way it’s out of your control and you can only speed things up in ways that you can control. What works for someone doesn’t work with another. It’s very personal.

    As each day goes by it’s another day closer to being totally healed. Rome wasn’t built in a day!

    • Total Posts: 297


    This place is not the best…it’s play some pool and have a few quick drinks and get out. This nice lady lol was in her mid 40s and she said she had like 8 kids. She was nice tho. There are better ones in my area and they don’t give free reading haha.

    It’s funny because she said my sign means my personality is very hot and cold. Also said I have months where I’m social and months when I don’t want to be bothered and a loner. I was like have we met before lol.

    • Total Posts: 944

    @unimare, i dont blame you for being annoyed. i almost wish my ex would be cold and just not answer me some days. i feel resentful when i reach out to him and he responds in a nice way. even last week, i was completely and utterly shocked when he answered the phone. i haven’t called him once since the break up and i thought for sure he wouldn’t pick up. i didn’t even know what to say! midway through the conversation i said “why didn’t you just ignore this call?!” sometimes when they’re nice but don’t want to reconcile its even worse!

    , maybe i will find a friend to go with me and do that this weekend! its true we just need to let ourselves i guess keep analyzing and obsessing until we don’t want to do it anymore! i think thats the trick. it really is out of my control and I’m just hoping gradually ill start to obsess less and less or one day i just wont want to spend all day obsessing! i guess only time will tell…i will say i have stopped obsessing to my friends and family for the most part because other than a select few i think they want to kill me so that means more obsessing to all of you!

    • Total Posts: 397

    Sorry didn’t see your post.
    Yes I can understand the frustration.
    When my ex last week said “I’m sorry for all the things I’ve done to you” said in a email (of course), said in a way that’s was so nonchalant as if he’s split his drink on the carpet and saying sorry! It was like fuck you! Sorry doesn’t even touch it so don’t go there! Say sorry so you can go and live your happy little life knowing you’ve said sorry! Whoopee doo!

    As you can see it pissed me right off he had the nerve to say sorry. He probably doesn’t even know why he’s saying sorry! Just the done thing that’s actually quite meaningless!

    Yes Unimare, I always don’t say much to give anything away at tarot readings! As I said it’s really therapeutic and atea you should find a good one who’s positive. In the past it can really help get over these situations because you can start obsessing over every word they say! Haha. Some record it so you can listen later…over and over and over and over, while folding clothes and straightening the bed! Haha.

    • Total Posts: 944

    @belle, isn’t that the most annoying response in the world?! When my ex and I were on the phone last week he kept saying “im sorry”. “Im so sorry”. He has no idea the impact this has had on my entire life!!! If only they all knew…
    Im going to do some research on tarot card readers and go to one and maybe she can give me some insights! If not
    You’re right – at least something else to analyze besides my last conversation with my ex!

    • Total Posts: 297

    She just reached back out. She said:

    Hi! Sorry again about the other night. You caught me on a long day. How are you?

    I’m not available to talk now so I asked if I could text later. She said sure no problem.

    She did follow thru with reaching back out.

    • Total Posts: 944

    im so happy she reached back out first!! will you ask her to get together to talk this week? definitely a good sign that she actually did follow up and text you again

    • Total Posts: 297

    It’s Valentine’s Day this weekend, that’s just kind of awkward I think to hang out this weekend. Maybe I’ll text her next week and ask to hang out one night.

    • Total Posts: 297

    It’s weird usually when we talk I feel kind of said after, but this time I actually felt happy. She was genuinly happy and excited for me and asked a lot of questions about the job.

    One text actually made me smile. After I said my title and Hiw I feel about it, She said in one text:

    That’s wonderful! You are confident and very capable of learning and doing the job successfully! I’m very happy for you!

    It was a nice conversation, I just don’t know if her reactions and what she says means anything toward a reconciliation.

    • Total Posts: 397

    Mike, whether it’s a step in the right direction you want it to go or not it’s very positive and the more she sees your positivity the better it is!

    • Total Posts: 944

    mike, i think it sounds good! sounds like it was a great conversation. i think its a positive she sees you doing so well and she’s happy for you and still makes an effort to want to talk and catch up. hard to analyze what that means in terms of reconciliation but it looks good to me. also I think it shows a lot that youre ready to talk about the future to her because now youre happy when she reaches out instead of getting sad. i think this is huge. once you can move past the sadness thats very important because you’ll bounce back regardless of the outcome. I’m rooting for you!
    belle, how are you today?
    i woke up feeling very sad. i just miss my ex as a person. he was my go to person and best friend for everything in the last 7 years and i just miss having him as such a big part of my life. in other news, the guy from last weekend keeps texting me and asking me out again so I’m going to pursue that for the time being. i refuse to contact my ex no matter how sad i am because it will do nothing besides make me feel worse.

    • Total Posts: 323


    I went out last night and did some heavy drinking. I found out, that’s no longer me. I feel like death!!!!! I’ll have a drink here and there but nothing like this.
    I’ve felt quite lost as a person, not knowing who I am now that I’m single.. but at least now I know I’m not one for partying like this anymore!! Feeling absolutely awful, and really quite depressed too!!

    Mike I’m excited for you that you will have a chance to talk to her!

    Atea, I feel for you, I know exactly how you feel. My ex was my best friend for 12 years. It’s so hard to know he has given that up. I also wake up every morning with a physical pain in my heart.

    Did you do your tarot reading yet Belle?

    • Total Posts: 21


    So I just started NC but it didn’t go well. Basically she gets all mad because I haven’t asked how our daughter was doing (My 2 year old lives with her) since sunday and she got all mad over it. She even said that IDGAF about you and that I don’t love my daughter because I didn’t ask how she was? She said I’m a bad father and I tried to explain to her that I needed some time to my self to focus my mind and get back on track and she never replied. I tried calling and puts me straight to voice mail. I know I’m a good dad and she thinks I’m not and as long as she thinks that I HAVE NO CHANCE.

    Basically things are not looking good for me and NC is IMPOSSIBLE when you share a child together. I see my daughter every Tuesday,Thursday,and weekends and now shes not even replying back and put me on block? She has a short temper and at this rate I just want to give up all hope. Things were going good until this morning. I’m lost

    Hope you guys are having a better morning

    • Total Posts: 1

    Day 9 of NC: Today was a good day. Although he consumed by thoughts every minute of it, I feel happy and well again. I fantasize about him coming to see me with flowers in hand at my door step this valentines day, but such fantasies are unrealistic and will only get me hurt if I keep them. I feel 50% confident in us being together again. I love him with everything that I am, but am also very confident in the fact that I will be okay whether or not I have him again. There are an infinite number of opportunities to love again, and I’m looking forward to them. However, right now, he is all I want. But it’s clear that I do not NEED him like I once thought I did. I am thankful for that.

    • Total Posts: 397

    Aphrodite and atea,

    Yes I know exactly what you mean about losing a best friend. I know so well. It’s hard to even talk about isn’t it. So many things that I see or think about and what to tell my ex,mother I keep remembering that he doesn’t want to even hear off me let alone hear about any news.
    It’s nice you’ve got a guy texting you atea, just go with the flow and take day by day. I know he’s not your ex but it’s a distraction, so go for it!

    Aphrodite, how’s the head!? Rather you than me, I get migraines when I drink too much which these days isn’t very much at all! All the emotions come out too and I won’t be getting tipsy any times soon as like with my cold last week its disastrous when trying to keep NC.

    I was thinking today it’s been 2 months now since he hasn’t wanted anything to do with me, it’s a long time isn’t it and I thought that really he’s prob getting used to it and moving on.

    Tarot on Friday Aphrodite, don’t worry I will relay the information word by word.
    I did have a facial thought today, not quiet the same but least my skin is clean! Hahah

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