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  • #63366
    • Total Posts: 129

    Well I’m glad you’re not in limbo anymore!and I agree I shouldn’t look to much into what she says. It will drive me crazy I I do haha.

    I actually have an uncle who lives outside of San Antonio in one of the suburbs (honestly not sure which one lol.) How do you like living there I heard it’s one of the better places in Texas. I’m from rural Minnesota by the way, I’m sure it’s quite different than living down there haha. and I’ve actually helped at a fireworks stand once and they do make good money

    • Total Posts: 149

    I actually just started talking to someone from a dating site and met her tonight. The fireworks stand was delayed until tomorrow since they messed up on the days. I think I’m just going to have to let my ex go for good. Yes, I’m still in love unfortunately, but this girl is already giving my ex a run for her money. I’m just going to try like hell to take things very slow.

    Yes, never take everything your ex says as written in stone. Things change all the time so just because she says that, she probably feels pretty guilty. Like I said, I guarantee you she wouldn’t want you dating anyone else, no matter what she says.

    I love it down here in San Antonio. It’s just humid all the time, which I hate but I love the city, overall. Minnesota would be extremely different, weather-wise lol. I did the fireworks stand for New Years and it made some good money, but this is a little longer and supposed to be more people, so I’m hiring different people as we speak to cover everyone.

    • Total Posts: 129

    That’s great man! I hope you found yourself a wonderful lady! You are a very great guy and deserve someone who makes you happy. I wish you and her the best of luck!

    • Total Posts: 149

    Lol thanks but like I said, I’m still in love with the ex, so I need to go extremely slow. I don’t want to hurt anyone. How is it going with you?

    • Total Posts: 129

    Yeah but even though you’re still in love with your ex it’s good you’re going out and meeting new people.

    Things are going well (I think). Been working a lot but I like that since I’m just a poor college kid lol. She texted me on Friday and we talked, she told me he was going camping with her family and her brothers 4H group this weekend and she said she didn’t have anyone to hang out with so I told her she could talk to me if she wanted. So she did and we texted a lot on Saturday because I didn’t work. Saturday I got a thank you card from her in the mail so I told her thank you for the thank you lol. Then she started getting really serious and said she felt bad because she treated me so badly and I still helped her set up for we grad party. Then she started saying stuff like I made so many mistakes and I feel bad, etc. I kind of comforted her and told her I forgave her of all that stuff. But it was getting late and I fell asleep in the middle of the conversation. So sudsy morning I texted her saying sorry I fell asleep we can finish talking whenever you and she hasn’t texted me since which is a bit unusual. Normally she responds at least sayin thank you or something that acknowledges she received the message. If she doesn’t text me tonight I’ll start to wonder but I think it’s good. We were a little flirty on Saturday so that’s good, and she even hinted that she wanted to meet up sometime but I’ll let her chase me a but for now.

    • Total Posts: 149

    I think you’re headed in the right direction. It sounds like she’s very responsive to you and for her to get serious like that, it really means that she does regret doing the things that she did. These are all excellent signs that she is thinking about you and that she remembers everything that ya’ll shared together. I think things are definitely going your way. I think all that it boils down to is just a little more time. It’s great news. As far as her not saying anything, she may have been a little irked you fell asleep lol but I wouldn’t worry about it. She was just in that sentimental mood, it sounds like. Just keep doing what you’re doing. It really looks to be working.

    • Total Posts: 129

    Yeah I agree I think things are going well. I guess now my trouble is conveying to her that what she did was wrong and in a lot of ways not ok in a way that still shows I forgive her for what she did because I do. At the same time I will have a hard time completely forgetting it.

    And even though she is showin remorse for her actions, she hasn’t really shown me she has changed. That doesn’t mean she hasn’t though.

    • Total Posts: 149

    Yeah, the whole thing is a gray area. What I’ve been told by several people is that if I did ever get back with my ex, I would have to completely forgive everything that she did and start out fresh again. It’s easier said than done of course but what you have to look at is you’re starting a relationship all over again with the same person but you have to treat it as someone new. Then, later on after you’re back together, you might be able to sit down and talk to them about everything. But not really until then because you’re using the time now to be positive all the way around. It’s a judgment call but it’s kind of like you can forgive but never forget kind of thing. What several people have told me is that the past is the past and you have to move on and treat it as you’re with someone new for the first time.

    I hate this fireworks stand. No people, Texas heat and sitting here not being able to keep my mind occupied, it wanders. And you know what happens then…. (sighs) looking forward to this weekend and being done on the 5th.

    • Total Posts: 129

    Yeah I agree with what you said for my situation.

    Sorry to hear the fireworks stand is slow but I’m sure it’ll pick up sometime. I guess I’ve found a weird way to get my ex off my mind when my mind wanders. I’m a big sports fan so for example I might try to name as many NBA MVPs in my head as I can. It’s kind of fun and I guess I do it with sports but it wouldn’t have to be. I suppose you could do things similar with musicians, geography, anything if you wanted to.

    • Total Posts: 149

    Lol I guess I’m just lonely out here right now. I’m the only one holding down the fort till Saturday. I’m used to my directv and computer at home for my entertainment. This small phone doesn’t really cut it. But thanks for the advice. I’ll try to keep occupied.

    • Total Posts: 129

    Yeah, I feel ya on the lonely part. I’ve had a rough couple of days. Been having a short temper and feeling pretty sad. The mind is a powerful thing. I keep fearing she is just messing with my head but I know that’s not true. I keep seeing her with someone else, even though I know she’s not.

    Man I thought I was over that stuff but the last couple of days it’s come back. She’s been texting me a bit and initiating the contact but then she will leave suddenly without saying anything and then text back a couple days later acting like nothing happened. She’s never been like that before or after our break up. It’s really screwing with my head man

    • Total Posts: 149

    I just saw mine back on the dating site again. I’m all hurt again. Even though I’m trying to move on, that just confirms she is too and I wasn’t worth fighting for.

    I’m sorry you’re going through a rough time as well. I know it’s just not fair to us that we try so hard and seem to get the bitter end of the stick. I think our minds play tricks on us as well and makes things seem worse than they are and then our heart doesn’t know what to do except keep loving them.

    • Total Posts: 129

    I’m sorry to hear that on your end. And yeah we just have to keep fighting I guess. It’s just frustrating right now, but we’ll get through it.

    • Total Posts: 4

    @baseballguy10, @phillthefrill,

    don’t give up! It’s hard, but you both guys have to stay strong and keep trying!

    As a woman, I would advice you to try and try and try to win your ex back, if you really love her. I would love my guy fighting against the world to win me back,, though it’s been him who rejected me…
    there’s no feeling as precious as someone to make every (possible and impossible) things to get you in their life, above all if you were in a relationship with them. Though your ex may have (but this I don’t know) any right to be resentful or angry, the thought you are making any effort to better yourself and try so hard to get her back, might greatly impress her, if she’s even a bit into you, yet.

    today’s been a tough day, for me. I apologize, I’m really down…

    • Total Posts: 129

    Thanks prince! That’s very encouraging. Kind words are very nice to hear when you are down!

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