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  • #63124
    • Total Posts: 129

    Thanks for that Phil. You’re right, I am just overthinking things and I don’t need to put time and effort into this, I just have to let it happen. My ex actually texted me on my break at work today so that made me feel good, she seems to be chasing me a bit now. I just need to keep my expectations low, hope or the best, and see what happens.

    I’m glad to hear that you’re doing well! Keep it up man! I wish I had the courage to go in more dates but I’m just not ready for it yet.

    • Total Posts: 149

    Yeah, just go with the flow for awhile and she will contact you when she hasn’t talked to you in awhile….she’ll get curious.

    It wasn’t a date, it was with a friend who happened to be a girl but my ex didn’t know that. 😉

    • Total Posts: 129

    You sneaky devil! Playing mind games and inciting jealousy! Genius!

    • Total Posts: 149

    lol She said she never gets jealous, so whether that’s true or not, I’m not totally sure. Actually, I just wanted to go to this BBQ thing and I knew my ex would be there, but I didn’t want to just show up alone…that would be sad. So, it just happened that my friend’s sister was free and it all worked out. I really wanted to show her I’ve moved on or moving on. I’ve decided as much as I love her and I want to be with her, I just can’t ever trust her again. I fell in love hard and she destroyed everything, so even if we got together, she could get scared again and leave and then I would just be back to where I was 7 weeks ago. But I would never talk any of you all out of trying to get your ex back. I believe you need to follow your heart and do what you feel you need to do. I followed my heart and all in all, I’m too old at 37 to wait for her to come around.

    • Total Posts: 129

    Well good for you man! You probably got her all riled up now lol.

    • Total Posts: 149

    Lol well, she gets what she deserves. I’m just like you though on still loving her whole heartedly. Glad we have this forum for supporting each other.

    • Total Posts: 129

    Yeah I’m so glad for this too. I’m the kind of person who pretty much gets along with everybody but doesn’t have close friends. I’m not sure why, just my personality I guess. But yeah it’s really nice to have someone to relate to, and can support me.

    • Total Posts: 149

    I have 2 close friends myself….one lives in Hawaii so all we have is long distance txts and fb and the other is in the same city of San Antonio, now married with a kid, so we don’t talk as much… I guess you could say I’m a loner. I get along with everyone as well, but I have my few select people I really can trust. But, you’re right. This is definitely the place to be so we can all relate and support each other.

    • Total Posts: 129

    So I have another update for you. I guess I kind of broke the rules and talked to her about some serious stuff. One thing led to another and she ended up telling me she still loves me. She said she doesn’t want a relationship right now because she wants to focus on her relationship with God. She also said she sees us being together whenever she gets all of her stuff figured out but she doesn’t know whenh at will be.

    • Total Posts: 149

    Man, this is great! Don’t worry about breaking the rules….if she said she still loves you, that’s a start. Let her focus on her relationship with God if that’s what she wants right now. If she sees you being together after she gets things figured out, it looks very positive. I would just try to stay working on yourself and keep everything light and fun and she will stay around.

    • Total Posts: 129

    My thoughts exactly! I just need to keep doing what I’m doing and everything will work out. This was a nice confidence boost. It gives me a lot of motivation to keep working on myself!

    • Total Posts: 129

    Hey man, haven’t heard from you in a few days. How’s your situation going? Everything alright?

    • Total Posts: 149

    My situation is the same over here. Still in love with her but haven’t talked to her. Some days are better than others. Been re-reading old txts of when times were good. It’s kinda nice. Other than that, just trying to stay busy, how about you?

    • Total Posts: 129

    My situation is much the same as well. We’ve only talked once this week but she wanted to have a serious talk and she said she doesn’t want to hurt me anymore and that she doesn’t forgive herself for what she’s done to me. She told me she doesn’t want me to wait for her to figure things out. She said I really care about you an still love you but I’m going to follow God. I guess she was implying that it’s not a given that we will get back together when she’s ready to date again. Her unpredictability makes me nervous but I believe we will still get back together eventually.

    Pretty frustrating to be in limbo lol. But I’ve been trying to keep busy too. Work is work. Been trying to eat healthier because ice put in a couple pounds from college lol

    • Total Posts: 149

    lol don’t listen to her about her not wanting you to wait for her….she wouldn’t be happy if you were seeing someone else. Saying this is because she feels guilty but it definitely doesn’t mean she would be ok with you seeing someone else. Just try to take what she said in stride. She probably does feel bad she hurt you. Yeah, I hear ya on being in limbo. Though it’s not my situation now, my first ex I had always kept me in limbo for years. It was not fun at all. It’s good you’re still staying busy and taking care of yourself and eating healthier…you and I have the opposite problem. I’m trying to gain muscle and weight since I was underweight and you’re trying to lose weight.

    I’ll be doing a fireworks stand about 45 minutes away from San Antonio (where I live) so I may not be able to respond as much in the 11 days I have to do it. I’m not looking forward to it at all but it’s supposed to make some good money. But I will still definitely check my email. It may just take me a little longer to respond. 🙂

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