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  • #64949
    • Total Posts: 129

    Yeah that’s probably why I feel empty. Hopefully it does give her that little nudge to push her in the right direction.

    That’s too bad, but there’s penny of good kissers out there lol. Fewer are good people and I guess that’s what you should shoot for. Perhaps God is saying it’s not time yet but sometimes you appreciate things more when you have to work for them. You’ll find the lucky lady in God’s time.

    Indeed what do ya do is question lol. I’m hoping we talk tonight but I’m guessing the chances aren’t very good of that happening. Also I think she might come back with the ‘let’s be friends angle’ which I fear. It’s not that she’s a bad person but I would have a very hard time separating my feelings for her. Maybe I should just quit thinking so much lol.

    • Total Posts: 149

    Let’s be friends? You both already are so I don’t see the difference. It’s ok….I overanalyze things all the time.

    I found out from my ex’s brother she’s looking for a job. I emailed her with an opportunity and she completely ignored me. Facebook told me she read it.

    Anyways, I’m getting drunk tonight. I’m feeling sad and lonely. See? Your situation is better than mine bc she still talks to you. Mine acts like I never existed. Life is too short but wtf…it has to get better for us, right? I sure hope it does for you.

    • Total Posts: 129

    I meant like let’s be friends for good and nothing more. I mean right now I would say we are a little more than friends lol.

    Keep your head up Phil! I’m not gonna say your situation is good with your ex but hey life moves on. You’re already seeing other people anyway, you’re moving in the right direction! And maybe my situation is better, maybe it isn’t. Maybe she is just leading me on, which would do more damage to me in the long run. Things will get better for the both of us but I think it’s important to remember things are never as bad as they seem. At least we have each other to talk to, right? It’s ok to feel down but you have to remember things are looking up!

    • Total Posts: 2868

    Friendship always has a chance to develop into more..

    • Total Posts: 149

    If I really thought about it, I honestly don’t think your ex is leading you on. She may be confused about what to do but your ex is already better than mine. Mine just writes people off and throw them to the curb when she’s done with them. You keep your head up too. I’m just having a hard time right now. Believe me though, your situation is better because you still have a chance.

    Maybe I’m meant to be alone for a good while, I don’t know anymore, but yes, I’m always here to talk to. Things aren’t looking up though when I keep meeting the wrong girls.

    • Total Posts: 129

    Maybe my ex is better, I dunno. And if your ex does that to people, maybe that’s not someone you want to be with. I know your down now but you’ll get better soon! It happens to me too, it’s alright. Also, IMO drinking doesn’t help out the cause but I don’t drink so idk.

    You’re not meant to be alone, nobody is. You’re not having luck with girls right now but you’ll find a worthwhile one. You’re a good guy and that’s what’s important, you can only control you. I guess my advice would be maybe to try to go meet girls at different places rather than online. Anyone can pretend to be anywhere me online so they can fool you easily. I’m not sure what you’d be comfortable with or not because I’m not much of the going out to meet people type but maybe you could join like a yoga class or something? It seems like you like to work and hey, plenty of ladies! Idk just an idea I’m not sure of your other hobbies but it’s good to join a club or team so you know they have common interests as you right away!

    • Total Posts: 149

    I know I shouldn’t want to be with her but I still love her, I don’t know why. Yes, your ex may be stubborn as you say but she hasn’t written you off which is a lot better. Yeah, I only drink when I get upset but I always do it at home…never out in public.

    I may not be meant to be alone but I still feel I will be for a good while. You still have a chance though and no matter what to never give up on what you fully believe in.

    I meet them online then in person because it’s always been easier for me. I can meet them once I talk to them first though.

    • Total Posts: 129

    It’s perfectly ok to still feel that way about her, you can’t control your feelings.

    I guess I don’t have the answer to how long you’ll be single but I promise you’re not alone. I know it’s not the same but you have your friends and family to lean on during these tough days and by all means vent on here. These things are tough beyond belief but just from talking to me on here I know your a good guy. How many would help some random young ‘kid’ only line with his ‘silly’ relationship issues? That’s not something a lot of people would do, and there’s not many good people out there. The only problem is it takes good people to recognize other good people. If your ex can’t recognize your good qualities and see how great of a person you are, she doesn’t deserve you and she’s very lucky to have someone like you to care about her even if she doesn’t realize it. And if you know your comfort zone for meeting girls, by all means stick to it. I’m not one to talk as I met my only girlfriend in elementary school lol.

    I know sometimes when people are upset they don’t want to hear this but I feel the need to tell you. No matter what, God loves you and he sees the good in you. He knows your potential and will always give you the love you need. You’re never walking alone if you have God by your side.

    • Total Posts: 149

    I don’t think your relationship issues are silly. You pour your heart into everything you do and did for you ex and it’s admirable to me. I know we all have our ups and downs but you’re right….it’s tough. I appreciate the kind words though. She said she realized it when we were together but her past is controlling her, making her run away from everything.

    You met your ex in elementary school….do you know how rare that is? She can’t possibly throw away what you two have. God brought you both together and He will see you both through these hard times.

    I know God loves me, but I just wish He would give me signs. I pray every night for God to walk along side of me and tell me where to go.

    • Total Posts: 129

    I don’t think my relationship issues are silly and I know you don’t either but a lot of people would. That’s how I know you’re a good guy. You’re right her past is controlling her and unfortunately there’s nothing you can do about it. She has to decide she wants to change before you an help. If you truly love the girl and still have feelings tell her one last time. Don’t beg or plead but, just like you told me, tell her how it is. Tell her your feelings, tell her that her past is controlling her and that your fight was just a big misunderstanding. If you’re going to throw in the towel anyway, what have you got to lose? Tell her she’s running from her problems and she’s never going to find someone ifshe continues to act that way. Tell her you can and want to help.

    I hope she doesn’t throw that away. I know what I bring to the table and I know not a lot of people can offer what I can offer. If she doesn’t value it, that’s her problem, not mine.

    It’s good that you pray, God will give you signs in due time. I’ll pray for you too. Pray for God to take your worries unto him and to ease your mind. Give all your problems to him because he can handle them. He will take care of you.

    • Total Posts: 149

    Well, I txted her on fb on Sunday to call me and she just ignored it so I don’t think it would do any good. I feel like I would just be opening myself up again.

    Isn’t it your birthday today? Happy birthday! I hope you have a great one today.

    • Total Posts: 129

    Well I guess you would know your situation better than me so trusting your gut is probably the thing to do.

    It is my birthday, thank you! My birthdays pretty slow because we had a party for me last weekend. I just went to the fair and am relaxing lol.

    She did text me this morning saying happy birthday. I said thank you and we texted for a bit. She was camping with her family and was having like a reunion so ahe didn’t talk long. She seemed down, so I asked how she was doing and she said she was doing alright. She said she was still thinking about what I told her this week. Then she had to go and told me to have a good day. She didn’t say when we would talk again but I hope soon.

    • Total Posts: 149

    Going to the fair and relaxing sounds like a good birthday. She’s still thinking about what you said…excellent. Yeah, you will talk to her soon. It’s just a lot to think over. Maybe she is down because she misses you but she’s too stubborn to admit it to you. At any rate, it’s good that she texted you and that she’s thinking about you. That means that she’s keeping the lines of communication open with you.

    • Total Posts: 129

    Yeah it was pretty good. Yeah she probably does miss me at least some but It’s never really fun to get criticized either I guess. She seemed distant which isn’t good but it was kind of hard to tell because we only sent like 10 texts each. It is good she texted me though, shows she is really thinking about me.

    Anyway, how are you doing? Sounded like you were doing better yesterday. Hope you’re having better days!

    • Total Posts: 149

    Well, I criticized mine yesterday in an email. I went to her brother’s house yesterday to visit and he told me that she told him that I emailed her and wondered what I wanted. So I wrote her a little email last night and said that what I wanted was to tell her about a job offer that they had through a school district for her to be a substitute teacher and that I could have gotten her an interview last week but she chose to ignore me. I told her I thought she would have mellowed out after not talking for almost 3 months but clearly her Pride was much more important.

    She really is an idiot and I’m done with her for good. All she cares about is being stubborn and having everything her way. According to her brother, she’s done this to more people kicking them out of her life when she’s done. Now I’m done.

    I still urge you to keep fighting and never give up. I know without a doubt that she still loves you and that she still thinks about you a lot even though she may not admit it. I’m glad you had a good birthday yesterday. She may just have a lot on her mind with everything that you told her so she may seem kinda distant but in a way that’s really good because she’s thinking about everything you told her. You just kind of have to hang back for a while and let her sort through all of everything.

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