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  • #58536
    • Total Posts: 127

    That’s good improvements in your relationship. And yes. You are the only person responsible of your own happiness. There will be people stupid enough to make decisions for you and you better not listen to them. Why? Because the consequences are all for you, not for them. You make your own path in your own life. You want happiness chase it. But not over enthusiastic about it. You want stability then work for it. You want respect then earn it.

    • Total Posts: 107

    Thank you friend! I can’t agree more. I’m just afraid now that I’ll end up hoping too much again. Because I bet he agrees too that we both know each other so well and we still share this strong connection. We can talk about anything and everything. It such a waste to give up on people like this in our lives. but it’s not like I can control anything. We been chatting quite a lot lately, and I really enjoyed it. My ‘true’ friends left me,they don’t even bother to be there for him, but when I talked with him about it he gave he best advice and just be there and hear me out I’m truly touched. :’) I just want be be the better me for now.

    How you and your ex btw @nightdeleon?

    • Total Posts: 127

    My ex? Friend never been better. Got her pissed at me. It feels like her relationship now is breaking apart and she is only pretending she is happy because she is seeing me happy. Frankly I feel happy wihout her. And she disrespected me back then so I was very neutral to her as if she had the gall to ask for better from God but do something bad. Its like she’s finding an excuse lol πŸ™‚ anyway. I’m glad you are doing awesome πŸ™‚ hope it continues:)

    • Total Posts: 107

    Well good for her! *sarcastically lol* I mean she need to learn to get hold of her emotions, and what she wants in her life. You ain’t gonna wait for her forever. Sometimes I still struggle and got depressed cause of stress. But I’m sure I want to get my life together I want to be the better me. Thanks for your motivation though! I want to pull back a little again I don’t want my ex to feel like well .. I need him :/ Although he really meant a lot to me and knew me more than anyone else. But I need to learn to save myself from my own thoughts…if that makes sense.

    • Total Posts: 127

    She can go taunt me for all I care. She can say her words will make me cry but won’t solicit a single drop. We broke up because she thought you can find “true” love within a week of the break up. Now interesting part is, i know she is miserable and is pretending to be doing great. She’s been a real pain in the neck for me and has been assuming I have been wasting my time for her. Nope definitely wrong. I became more independent when she left. Frankly I’m having more fun now. I became a domesticated man. Now? I have let loose my fangs again. Lol hahahahah but the good part is that she no longer has a grasp on my life. Not a single thing she can control. And I know for certain she’s watching.

    • Total Posts: 127

    Btw I’m not waiting for her anymore. I’m free at last. Well I don’t really want to disclose sensitive info here so I’d rather just keep the reason why Im not waiting but I could be reasoned out with if she wants a chance. But not now since she said hurtful things and was very immature.

    • Total Posts: 107

    Sorry for late reply! πŸ™ And I’m happy that you’re a stronger person emotionally now. At least her foolishness gave you motivation to be your better self. Stay strong !
    For me I still miss him a lot sometimes. We’ve been chatting here and there these days. That day I posted a status , a quite depressing one. He came up and asked me about it. Then another day he randomly chat up with me saying that he noticed I haven’t go to bed. Then we chat up a little. Funny tho but I guess I’m really happy that he still cares for me. :’) As a guy what’s your opinion on this?
    I’m not rushing anything though, I believe me and him still need time apart to find ourselves. But in the same time we kinda want to keep each other in our lives. It’s okay though if we end up being friends, at least it feels more okay to get in touch later in the future .

    • Total Posts: 127

    Well if i care about the person id ask her why she cant sleep. Thats a good sign. Yah she is foolish and now is emotional about valentines day hahaha. I dont know what happened but it made me feel better hahahahaha. You have a decent chance. πŸ™‚ trust me

    • Total Posts: 107

    Hmm I really feel she need to get herself together :/ Only if she decided she needed a change , to become a better her. Then only she deserve your time to try to work things out and grow potentially as a couple again. It’s good that the odds are in your favour now, at least we all know!
    I guess we are all a little bit emotional about vday aren’t we? It’s just that we are a stronger person now so we know how to get hold of our situation now.

    Well I hope so, I mean I’ve learn to let go anyway. But a part of me is holding on because I feel it’s a waste to give up, but it’s not like I can decide anything. For now my best approach is to pull back a little. If I matter to him he’ll made a move. Just like how he asked me out for dinner a month a ago and we end up had a really great time and chatting here and there until today. I know for sure I don’t need him to complete me, I’m a whole now , not so broken anymore. It just sucks to give up on a person you spend so much time for, all the efforts . It’s pathetic. How people give up on people so easily.

    • Total Posts: 127

    I know exactly how you feel. I didn’t give up. She gave me up. Now I have the strength to walk away I feel so free. Plus other people like me lots so It’s a win for me. I guess. I did love her but she was making these decisions that were crappy and didn’t really represent her. Decisions made by other people. So does that make her right? Nope. Then i continue my path. My own path but a path i have chosen. No one to guide me but myself. I regret nothing now. Lol πŸ™‚

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