Boards Reconciliation my soon to be ex husband says he wants to be friends.

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  • #6963
    • Total Posts: 894

    oh my, that’s not good is it? does that reduce my chances of getting him back?

    • Total Posts: 272

    It doesnt in any way reduce your chance of getting him back!!

    But you do need to do and act in ways that you dont usually because only then will he start to wonder.. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 894

    quick update: did I mess it up? lol.. so i sent him a text why our youngest didn’t go to school today, and he replied with ok he’ll pass by later to bring me the money. I said to let me know the time, and he did. then I asked him if he could pick up my oldest because he works around the school and he said hes getting of early that he doesnt feel well. I responded with Oh I see, everything ok, and he said Fine. then I said ok. Do you think that I messed up there? or was it fine, I felt worried about him and really wanted to ask him if he was ok, but I just said if everything was ok. So did I mess it up or am I ok? thanks Also what do I do, say or how do I act when I see him, he should be heading this way shortly, I feel nervous already. Oh thanks πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 894

    I see, In which ways for example, like walking away from him acting like he’s just another person in this world? lol..thanks πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 272

    Well you did mess up because you should have ended it when telling him about your youngest but dont worry about that now. It wasnt so bad so just dont worry about that.

    When he comes by be calm, cool and collected. Dont make conversation with him but also dont be rude.. just act as though you dont really care..

    • Total Posts: 272

    But be happy!!!

    • Total Posts: 894

    I see, ok, wish me luck lol, I’ll give you the up date afterwards,lol question, he likes tuna, should I make some to offer him, but almost every time I mention offer him something to eat he rejects it.

    • Total Posts: 894

    i may act like im texting someone or like im on the phone saying something like hey give me one moment or let me call you back, to get him thinking and hopefully jealous, like last time do you think it’ll work?

    • Total Posts: 289

    @clear I started reading one of your post and your story sounds similar to when my husband and I first started going out lol, we were 16 when we met, lol, I didnt finish reading it but all the fighting, him working, me doing everything at home sounds just like us,lol some how we made it through, only difference is we had a child. You can do this and will get through it. πŸ™‚ I will finish reading it at a later time. πŸ™‚ btw he always used to hangout and get drunk


    We started our relationship at 16, but we’re both 18 now. And I don’t drink often, as I wrote in the story it was my 3d time ever and I messed up..

    • Total Posts: 894

    @clear yeah him and I both were 16 when we started going out,lol I’m 7 months older then him so now were 29 and 28. yeah that’s a very bad habit to have, it caused us a lot of fights and all but he was in the beginning of using drugs and all even smoking cigarettes but slowly but surely he started changing his ways, with me by his side. πŸ™‚ we both put up with a lot from each other, but made it through those rough patches and we did break up on and off but loved each other so much that we kept going back till recently, I guess he had enough but he left the drinking and everything else in the first few years of our relationship. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 289

    @aamls So you think that there is still hope? My girlfriend seems to be pretty sure about her decision, and I’m actually afraid that she’ll move on.. and meet someone new..

    • Total Posts: 894

    im in panic mode right now he is here and brought me a money order i said why he said because when he goes to court he need proof. then he said we need to talk. he wants to turn in the papers. im panicking right now, idk what to do. i wanna cry, he said fine he’ll turn them in without me. what do i do, should i take the divorce papers from his car its open and i can get them someone please answer, hes still here. idk what to do. omg

    • Total Posts: 894

    shouls i ask him why he was stalking me the other day? oh lord what do i do?

    • Total Posts: 894

    I still feel suicidal every time I think of this, omg what do i do

    • Total Posts: 894

    i cant tell him i accept the break up since he want to turn in the papers, im not signing them

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