Boards Reconciliation my soon to be ex husband says he wants to be friends.

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  • #7478
    • Total Posts: 894

    i feel like texting him saying i miss you so much. idk now my youngest wants to call him to see whats up, ugh

    • Total Posts: 894

    so thinking about it I dont think im gonna give him the letter, I think he was cheating or messing around with other females for a while, sometime ago I took a picture of a message in his email, it was dated 7-15-13 I thought it said 7-13-14 back then we only had one car, it was a message with a female that he was contacting this year, and was speaking to while my fathers burial. meaning he was talking to her over a year ago. the text said hey babe I got a ride. and I have facebook messages about some stuff he was writing with her. Also even though I asked him before and he denied it his mom kept telling me that he was messing around with some girl back in 2006 when he was working somewhere, he even kissed a girl in 2003 or 2004, and his mom told me he could have been messing around with another girl at another store as well, and now thinking about it, it makes sense that a girl called my home asking for my husband at one point. he may actually be doing me a favor and I may just write him another letter instead and give it to him. im gonna have his mom help me confront him later. Im gonna write him something similar to the above but would like to add a lot of other stuff to it. idk what do ya think? @cassie @clear

    • Total Posts: 272

    I think that before you do anything, you need to decide whether or not you want him back and you want to start fresh. Right now it seems like you arent sure, which is completely fine, that’s also what the no contact is for. Giving him the letter and trying again will be fooling the both of you.. you cant dwell on the past. Either you need to let go of whatever happened in the past and move forward or you both need to move on with your lives. One thing is for sure, none of you will ever become truly happy if you dont let the past go. I know it’s harsh but think about it. Think about what you really want in your heart. You may love him but is that love strong enough?

    • Total Posts: 894

    its true what your saying and I do love him that much but 2 things, 1 is he gonna fess up to everything wrongs hes done (i dont think so) i even think hes enjoying himself as of now. 2 I dont think he wants to go back with me. the new letter would simply be what the 5 step plan is. Im not sure,whether or not to even give him any letter, Im not sure if to confront him and im not sure if giving him any letter would do of any good. yes im semi confuse but I do know I do love him but hes being irrational now. what do you think, if hes willing to changes his ways which im not sure he’ll do then i want him back but i dont think he wants back or to confess anything.

    • Total Posts: 272

    but wait – do you know for sure he cheated on you?

    • Total Posts: 894

    so we texted, this is how it went. me: Hi, Him: Hi me:how are you doing? Him: fine how are you? how are the kids?Me: good, they ok 🙂 is everything ok? Him: im gonna pick kids up in a little bit. Mecan we meet up somewhere? why didnt you come earlier?Him: busy we can meet at the zoo. then he meant park. I said zoo? you mean park? is everything ok?him: yeah Me: ok, thought some was wrong Him: ok im more than fine.Me: ok did you watch the fight last night?Him: meet you there at 2:45 ME: were you excited about it?I asked you for the link but never had a reply. Him: dont remember the link ttyl Me” yeah, I know. what do ya think? he forgot about me already. should I just give him the letter? im confused and need to meet up with him ugh

    • Total Posts: 894

    not 100% so I cant accuse him but all signs are there. what should I do, I should be heading to meet him at the park soon, actually in a few. should I just give him the letter? or how should I act next to him?do I have a better chance by writng him another letter following the plan? im confused.

    • Total Posts: 894

    it doesnt sounds like he misses me at all. what do you all think? @clear @cassie? im on my way heading out now? any advise on what to do before I leave? should I just give him the letter?

    • Total Posts: 894

    if I give him the one I wrote would I still have a chance at getting him back or should I do one following the plan, im running late,

    • Total Posts: 894

    has anyone bought relationship rewind? and does it really work?

    • Total Posts: 272

    How did it go at the park? 🙂

    • Total Posts: 894

    not well, he kept saying I was getting to close to him ect, and saying I look slimmer every time he sees me not to starve myself, and to buy a certain yougurt,ect, then he told me if I saw the fight, he said he didnt and he told me he doesnt care to watch them anymore. then I got him to sign this paper for me for help and now he calls me saying that its gonna be a problem and not to turn it in ect. I cant stand him, all he wants apparently is to be free to do whatever he wants, I had to leave because I didnt want to cry infront of him, I had written another letter to give him which was friendly and never gave it to him. my oldest text me saying he has a girlfriend. as well, idk what to do anymore, hes so unfair and doesnt care about me or my feelings, all he cares about is himself, I feel like just taking a bunch of pills and thats it, I hate this. idk what to do anymore.

    • Total Posts: 894

    Also he said that this paper would counter act what he put in his divorce paper and honestly I dont care. man hes giving me a hard time about getting the help. all he cares about is himself and how he looks. I would rather just die then deal with this anymore, its him, financial problems that have to do with him again, everything to do with him. ugh

    • Total Posts: 894

    everything is apparently done with and this plan apparently went sour, even if he may still feel anything for me 12 years was nothing to him, i apparently never meant anything to him.

    • Total Posts: 272

    No no no, that’s not true. He still cares for you – you are the mother of his children! The other girl is just a rebound.. But you really need to just calm down. What you’re doing right now is not making the situation any better. First of all, do you want him back or not? Do you want to forgive him for his past mistakes and move on (whether he admits to it or not)? I honestly think you need to take 30 days no contact at all. No nothing. You clearly cant stay calm, positive and happy around him and if you cant, you’re just making it even worse!

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