Boards Reconciliation my soon to be ex husband says he wants to be friends.

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  • #7335
    • Total Posts: 894

    I just want to text him and say I love you so much and miss you and want to be with you, and tell, him I need to cuddle, but I cant because he would reject me and I also feel like just giving him a big hug when I see him but he’ll push me away and say something stupid. πŸ™ I jst know it. πŸ™ im at my wits end here. πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 894

    I honestly thought of writing another one but doing it how the plan says, but am not sure anymore. So im scared hes gonna reject me and say he appreciates it but he can’t be with me or whatever, at least it wont be so bad since all im saying is give me a chance to prove it to you and am offering a friendship instead of anything else, I hope it works. Im scared it’ll backfire. so how am I suppose to act on the texts with him? and I am angry at the fact that he keeps wanting prove for court meaning he wants the divorce and apparently theres no way out of it for me. I really hate this and then I start getting very depress and well feeling and thinking bad thoughts. πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 894

    should I text him and apologize to him? should I ask him out somewhere?(he most likely will reject me) should I ask him to bring me my med since he works at the same store? should I ask him to change the money order for me or to give me cash in stead? idk what to do anymore. should I tell him that I still have something for him?(the latter) im at a lost right now and I dont know what to do. I also need him to sign a paper for me unfortunately. πŸ™ I feel like I’ve lost him as a spouse and mate forever. πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 894

    so summary for today is: I’ve been depressed all day. after those texts he text if he could come get the kids. I never answered him. and the reason he text was because my kids called him and ask if they could spend the night. so he calls later and said he would come by to get them and I said no, (because he doesnt want me to go to where he lives, so I dont think its fair for him to come to where I live). anyways so we were gonna meet up at his job, but didnt go and he said he was gonna come really early to get the kids. on the phone he mention he was gonna have to go to court because of the kids,but I never told him he couldn’t see them. because according to him we need to plan something(after 1, I’ve told him when he can get them and 2, I’ve mention this to him a month ago when he told me about the papers.) why is he being such a prick? why is he trying to control when where and how he gets the kids?(he never called them yesterday either, they had to call him) and thinks he can do whatever he wants? I even sent him a text asking him for a link to some thing and he never answered me. we kinda got into a small argument on the phone but he was talking to his mother, not me as I didnt want to speak to him. so other then the above questions, should I still give him the letter? and then do no contact after the letter. meaning the letter could be a fair well. I’m realizing hes dead serious about the divorce and apparently I cant stop any of it. im not sure what to do anymore. and unfortunately is coming without permission. (because he doesnt want me going to where he lives) I dont think its fair. today I felt like I started at the very beginning idk. any advise? @cassie @clear

    • Total Posts: 894

    also do you think the letter would do anything? I think I already lost him already. πŸ™ idk what to do anymore. @cassie @clear

    • Total Posts: 289

    If you already think you’ve lost him, then why be afraid of giving him the letter? Just do it no matter what.. “why is he being such a prick?” Because his hurt, no matter what he does you should just take it. Show him the nice side of you, not the bad one. Let him have his way

    • Total Posts: 272

    I honestly think you need to give him the letter as well. But honestly, if you keep fighting and argueing with him, he’s not going to take you back. You really need to show yourself from the best side πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 894

    I forgot to mention that my oldest kept yelling shes crying, then my mother in law told him I was crying,(when I made a face to her, she said oh sorry)ugh, its not right that they were telling him and making me look “needy”. I just didn’t want to give him the letter because once he rejects me he’ll have me in the palm of his hands saying I can have her if I want to,ect. and I dont find it fair. πŸ™ but I’ll give it to him and expect the worse,which I already think its at that and regardless I wont make any illusions of getting him back. its sad and depressing but what can I do. I’ll give him the letter. I kinda kissed it with clear lip gloss lol and put oil perfume on it to make it smell good, so I kinda messed up the letter, lol, but will still give it to him. do you guys think its bad I did that?

    • Total Posts: 894

    Also so should I look for old notes or cards hes given me and make copies of it as well and hand them over to him? meaning waiting to give him the letter? or just give him the letter and not give him copies of the things hes written me? or should I not give him copies of the stuff he’s giving me at all? or should I just give him the letter first to see his reaction, before even considering doing so?

    • Total Posts: 289

    Damn, you seem to be really frustrated.. Honestly, give him the letter and expect no response… What else can you do? You’re over thinking way to much

    • Total Posts: 894

    lol, honestly yes I am lol, I really wish there was something to do. :-/

    • Total Posts: 272

    Unfortunately there is nothing to do πŸ™ You need to give him the letter and wait for him to get back to you. You must remember that he’s hurting a lot and probably trying to protect himself

    • Total Posts: 894

    I see, this sucks. Im pretty sure hes gonna reject me as hes been doing. and also he never text me yesterday after I asked him for the link to the site I asked for. He may be mad at me, I dont know, :-/

    • Total Posts: 272

    I understand if he’s mad at you after the way you acted on the other text messages.. when you get mad at him, he wont want to talk to you πŸ™ That is the honest truth πŸ™ The letter is not meant to make everything better – it’s meant for you to tell him all you have to say.

    • Total Posts: 894

    omg idk what to do I feel like texting him but either he wont answer me or he’ll reply mean or he’ll say something like were not together anymore,or something stupid along those lines. πŸ™ I really miss him. πŸ™

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