Boards Reconciliation my soon to be ex husband says he wants to be friends.

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  • #7197
    • Total Posts: 272

    I think it’s a great letter but you’re pushing him a bit to start fresh. I would maybe just say “I hope someday we can get back together/ someday you’ll take me back/ one day you’ll give me another chance”

    • Total Posts: 894

    So How would I reword everything? It took me forever to write it. I was also thinking that I could put something like, P.s. I miss your text messages and going to your lunch at work. also should I remind him of waiting for him a few times in the car, lol, something like, I miss waiting patiently for you in the car as you had to work.? thanks

    • Total Posts: 894

    what part am I pushing him at? he did tell me I wanted to be friends. I hope I wont have to re write the letter. :-/

    • Total Posts: 894

    ok will do, then and hopefully it doesnt sound pushy. @cassie Also should i allow my mother in law to read it?

    • Total Posts: 894

    @clear and @cassie should I text him, I miss him so much and I know he was sick but idk if I should to ask him how hes doing like a friendly text, he may not reply and being doing the same thing im doing, well was doing, no contact. or should I wait till he comes around or calls or texts, im scared since its friday he’s gonna find himself doing a lot of no’s or dont do’s, I feel un ace today. I miss him so much and want him in my arms. im scared to lose him. and if ya say yes to text him should I tell him i have something for him? also his mom told me she was gonna call him to check to see how hes doing. I feel scared and dont want to lose him, I love him so much, I feel like stalking him,lol, idk what to do. I hope hes not hanging out. πŸ™ im feeling down.

    • Total Posts: 272

    You can text him asking if he’s doing better πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 894

    I don’t know if I wanna give him the letter anymore. His mom has a big mouth and was talking crap, now I gotta talk to her and see what happened. last night I was feeling very sick, like literally like I was gonna fall. I almost fell in the store and well I sent him a text saying: Hi, I hope your feeling better. I just want you to know in case something happens to me that I have something for you. (the something is the letter.) then I left my phone in the room. and went to my in laws room, but he had sent me a text saying Hi, thanks but what do you mean happens to you? What’s wrong? I didn’t see then till later but was feeling really sick, then the house phone rings but his mom didnt hear it, then her cell rings and she gets it. then she gets up and says she has to use the bathroom and went to talk to him in the bathroom, idk what shit she was telling him. man, but I wil ask her later. so anyways this morning I sent him a text saying:Thank God i’m ok. thanks for asking, πŸ™‚ I was really scared last night. :-(, he wrote:well i’m sorry for whatever happened to you. take medicine and make sure you eat well. I wrote: yeah, thanks. πŸ™‚ he wrote: you shouldn’t diet by starving eat healthy and walk. (I think this is where his mother said stuff she shouldn’t have) I have no idea what she was saying. so I wrote: im not what are you talking about? then he wrote: if you open a bank account I can transfer the money directly to it,but for now I have to do money order. I wrote: what are you talking about.he wrote: ?? then, well I know it can be irritating having to cash money order. I wrote: om sorry for even texting and bothering you, have a nice day. if I ever feel sick again or anything rest assure you wont hear from me again. πŸ™ have a nice day. He wrote:No,(and my name) dont say that, just because we are seperated does not mean I dont care about you, I never wish you bad, I was just assuming that the stress was causing you to feel sick and wanted to help some of problems. I wrote: have a nice day. (and wrote his name in all capital letters) and he never texted me back. πŸ™ now I have to go ask her what he was saying and what she said. Im not sure if I should even give him my letter now. I feel so sad,scared and confused, and know hes gonna reject me because look at those texts. this aint fair, I may have lost him forever. πŸ™ when I see him in person Im gonna return the money order to him and tell him to give me cash or im breaking it. I cant deal with this anymore, this aint right or fair, hes so unreasonable. I hate this. what do ya think of this mess? of everything I wrote and of the text messages? thanks also should I still give him the letter?

    • Total Posts: 894

    @cassie @clear what do you guys think of that whole situation? πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 894

    btw I almost texted him, that I needed him and missed him so much when I was feeling sick, but thank God, I didn’t because look how he responded to the text.

    • Total Posts: 894

    I literally feel like im losing my temper, lol and im about to lash out on him. the only reason im not texting him stuff is so he cant use it against me in court. but im gonna be nice get him to give me the paper that says he pays me child support for government help and then give him his money order back saying to bring me cash or that hes gonna get it, I feel like i cant handle this situation anymore. its not fair, im not sure i even wanna give him the letter. I shouldn’t have to been going through any of this when Im not the one asking for it. I wish I never texted him last night, I feel like I hate him for everything he is putting me through. I cant take it anymore, im just gonna quit and give up.

    • Total Posts: 894

    I cant take it anymore and apparently I’ve already lost him, this is a lost cost and waste of time. im gonna tell him he better hurry up with the stupid divorce and that I n ever want to see him ever again in my life and that if something ever happens to me or when I die he surely better not be there, because I hate him to death. I shouldnt have to deal with the shit he is putting me through, I wish I could fine a way to get revenge towards him. i feel so hurt,sad, and depressed. i cant deal with this pain or any of it anymore, i might just even break the money order and give it to him.

    • Total Posts: 272

    Calm down!!! Everything is not so bad.. I think right now your temper is getting the best of you. Take a deep breath, go for a walk and just find some peace of mind. I know it’s easier said than done but you’re a strong woman and you can do this!

    I think that it was good that you texted him last night and it seems to me that he actually replied in a very very nice way whereas you seemed to get a bit angry with him. Remember – you need to at all times show yourself from your best side – that’s the way you get him back.

    I think you should definitely still give him the letter – it seems that he still has lots of feelings for you and wants to work it out.

    Remember that you’re the one who cheated on him and that he is hurt too – things will all work out!

    • Total Posts: 894

    thanks for your reply. πŸ™‚ your right I do let my anger get the best of me, I just feel really sad and really depressed and the way he keeps texting makes me believe that he wont work it out. I think I lost him forever already. Idk what to do anymore. πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 894

    at the bottom of the letter I wrote: p.s. these are just my feelings nothing more nothing less. idk anymore, Im pretty sure I’ve lost him forever. πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 272

    You haven’t lost forever! He was super nice in the texts he sent you so that’s a positive sign. I know you dont wanna hear this, but i think you weren’t so nice in the texts.. if your not nice to him, he wont be nice to you. You are the one who is trying to win him back, not the other way round.

    I really think that you should give him the letter.

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