Boards Reconciliation My ex girlfriend contacted me after 7 months…

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  • #51299
    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Little history after my text, me and my ex girlfriend was together 3 years after it,it ended because my ex gf was depressed and had other issues with herself what she got allready when we met first time,after breakup we tried to be friends because she wanted it and i still had some feelings so agreed..that trying to be friends lasted about 6 months when i had enough and she was with other guy so i just cut all contact to my ex gf and chainced my phone number and this all was end of the last year and started live my own life.

    about few weeks ago i got email from my ex gf where was hello how you are doing? i didnt answer right away i thinked a little do i answer and thinked that when i see her again to test do i still got feelings for her. So i answered her and we send we emails to each other and i got info that she was single and has had few “guys” but those havent worked at all and she has been thinking me and how i was doing for a while now and se was eager to see me next day after few email, but i was busy. So we talked little more on emails and i told her that i got messenger app on my phone and told her that its easier to contact me that way,she send me next day few emails that she has installed that on her tablet pc and gived her name in that. we talked little randomly thru that because she was on holiday,after she got home from her holiday little earlier she asked me what day was ok to meet. I told her that i had friday free but wasnt sure 100% so i told her that i tell her if im not able to see her..on that morning she was first to message me at morning and asking what time she can come. i answered that i got few things to do and help father with his pc so she can come around 17.00. I got home around 16.00 and did some stuff eat and was just about hit the shower when i head doorbell ringing so i went to see who was there just towel around me 😀 and there was my ex gf little early and she has come to my place with bicycle and dunno how far because i dont know her current address. we talked fast and she went to living room to wait when i went to shower after it and after i got dressed we hugged and talked a little while i asked what she want to do because we was just supposed to just spend time together. So we go around my apartment a little that she could see it because she wanted it and we hugged more because i heard she had met so wrong men and she was lonely. I kinda tested waters and how i would feel so i kissed her during one hug she kissed back. i asked after it is ok to kiss her and she was ok to it. we started to play some game because she wanted it and we had fun she laughed and seemed little relaxed we hugged little more after it and i took her next to me and put hand around her to keep her next to me and kissed her a little she didnt act negative to it,so i tried little more and put hand on her boob and hold my hand there a little while afte it my ex gf moved my hand on to her hand and hold her hand over my hand but still keep hers self next to me,after it she wanted to eat and took her snack what she had brought with her and we started watch some childlish cartoon to relax her and me her to laugh because i remembered in the past she like stuff like that and it worked.

    after that we played little more and she was seemingly having fun but it was getting late and she was little tired so we called it for a day and she was starting to go home we talked little more about things and it went to a sex,she sayed because lately bad experience with other guys she wasnt ready for some time to it but didnt say totally No to it because we are both single, so i sayed her that next time she is visiting me she says right away if she wants it and we talk about it just make sure after it we hugged and kissed little more and during it i squeeze her buttock and laughed a little that sorry im man and she looks very good that i couldnt resist, she didnt act negatevily about it and we hugged little more and her backpack was pushing my hands down to her butt and i sayed its the reason why my hands was down there and we talked little more after it she went home and 1 day after it i got message from her during sunday “how im doing? :)” we talked a little on that messenger app and she told her next week a little what she fears and what she waits and what she has been doing on sunday.

    So my question is? is my ex girlfriend little interested about me because she has been thinking me lately, she was eager to see me, enjoyed my company even i tried the limits because i was on her mind afte it? what should i do? because i dont got romantic feelings for her but i care about her and when we spend time together it felt good and natural im not hoping but im not closing option to get back together only time will tell because we only have seen each other 1 time and my ex gf asked can she come someday during week too.

    and is it stupid thing to do that she sould earn my phone number by slowly spending time with me to a point i trust her more because she broke up with me.

    • Total Posts: 1

    As a 17 year old Boy who has been alot of stuff and learned a lot about relationships and life.

    I would tell you that it’s up to you now , whether you think it’s worth a last shot or not. She has probably hurt you a lot. But here is the thing. You said u were together for 3 years. Now that’s a lot of time. And also you said that she is so good looking that you couldn’t resist touching her. And also you said that it feels good being with her. Now in my opinion that’s just great! She had a few other guys but nun of them was as good as u to her. That means she is kinda ready to settle down and with YOU.

    IF i were you i Would forgive her and give it a last shot cause in the end it’s really worth it!

    Good luck!

    • Total Posts: 20

    Pretty sure you broke down most of the barriers between exes during the single night you describe.

    You’re saying that you don’t have romantic feelings for her, yet you clearly find her sexually attractive AND you “care for her.” This isn’t intended to be a shallow comment, but what else to romance is there besides chemistry and compassion? Do you not see a future with her?

    On another note, why don’t you trust her? Was the breakup really bad? Did she ever actually do anything dishonest?

    I think everything is going to fall into place here by itself. Just keep doing what you’re doing. Let her come visit when she wants to. Let her spend the night if she wants to. Invite her to do fun things together (i.e. dates that don’t necessarily warrant the title just yet). You’ll find that as you spend time together, you’ll both feel more comfortable/trusting of each other, and this can set the stage for another healthy relationship (as I said before, you clearly already have no problem with chemisty).

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Thanks for advices “if” i got it correct 😀 But when somebody breaks up with you, you lose some trust with that person and when we brokeup last year i felt cheated because she gived up fighting for our relationship and i was fighting for it myself..

    She was at my place again yesterday (friday) after her work and after she had her hair done at barber shop she comed right after it to my place and what made it interesting it was hers birthday too that day and she wanted spend time with me on that day..

    she comed and ringed me door bell and i opened up and she comed in and again she comed my place with bicycle dunno how far and i tough she used car because she was so fast at my place after she send me a message that she is coming what i asked because i wasnt sure if i was at home right time.

    We talked a lot more than last time and little more personal stuff,we hugged many times and kissed one time, she got more emotial when i gived her my phone number and seemed allmoust burst in the tears and we hugged again.. i told her that i needed to see and feel how it feels to me and how things goes between us before i give her my phone number. I dunno about romantic feelings towards her yet more like similiar caring feeling. like you care person you see important in your life.

    We talked kinda honestly about many stuff and stuff has not gone very well me too she asked me few things and i gived her honest answers and we talked little about past that she dont got nothing to apologize anymore because we are talked about it and its in the past and i told her that if she feels like it that she just wanna talk with me she can call me and i will answer if i can and during our talk tv was on because there was some program she wanted to see but each time we talked she put voice on tv mute to hear what i say to her.

    Again she was at my place until she got tired and i understand it and say to her that its ok if we see some time and she leaves early even after short visit because she is tired. She is going to see psychologist at next week and was little scared about that because she dont know can she open up in there, so i sayed to her that she should write down a list of thing she wants to talk during weekend and it seemed to be good idea.

    Dunno how things will go, she has apparently been through some hard stuff in her life after our breakup and so wrong men, because she wasnt accustomed to that somebody cares for her more than a how can i say it sex object and gived her hugs and it seems im only person that she can open up and be herself because our past and i know her.
    I havent asked much about other men she has been seeing and she herself only told a little and that stuff was more sexual that those guys suggested some wierd sex stuff to her what made her feel uncomfortable. So its understandable that even she likes my company she till got little fear on her because other men, do i got alternative motive or im really that what i am around her..So i have told her few times during our meet that she makes me feel good and im honest on my words because it and im real with my acts and toughts and words..

    Will see how future goes im not in the rush and going to take things slow but it seems little positively going with her because i havent heard “No” word for things like movie,cartoon,gaiming maraton that we just hang and have good time and i got little feeling she likes me a little but holds herself back a little because our past breakup and her depression and her past during our breakup..

    Haha i got my mind open and so much text here but thats in my mind…

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