Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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  • #44893
    • Total Posts: 425

    So thargus how did it go?!

    • Total Posts: 312

    Following this thread silently, so I’m really interested to hear as well! Also, how are you doing today, Amy?

    • Total Posts: 425

    I’m feeling pretty crappy if I’m honest πŸ™ I thought the meet up went really well but haven’t heard from him since, not sure whether to contact him or not! πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 312

    So let’s try to think about this from an objective perspective for a moment, just to see if we can maybe shed some clearer light on it. Answer these questions for me:
    – What exactly led you to believe that meet up went well?
    – What exactly leads you to believe things are not okay? Is there anything besides not having heard from him?
    – What does your GUT tell you the best thing to do in terms of contact is? (not your heart, because clearly all of ours hearts want to contact our exes!)

    If you can answer those, I think I can give you a bit more of an outside perspective. I don’t think things are necessarily as bad as you imagine.

    • Total Posts: 425

    Okay, soooo

    1. The meet up went well because it wasnt awkward at all – we caught up on lots of things, talked about when we went travelling…a lunch outing turned into lunch/beach walk and hot chocolates (5 hours overall!) He would make jokes about my sulky dog, saying “awww shes sulky cos she misses me :P”, but then when I said about revising for my maths tests, he would say “yeah I’ll be your tutor! mates rates :P”…mates rates i was a bit like aww man πŸ™ haha. We didnt mention the break up, which was weird, and when we said goodbye it was a little awkward ( soo…see you…later?! maybe?! bye!….)

    2. I met up with his sister and she asked how it went : i said great, but it was a little wierd that nothing about the break up came up. she said that he had said the same, and that he was expecting/wanting a deep/serious conversation about something but she didnt know what.

    3. I’m so unsure πŸ™ i KNOW i shouldnt,but he is someone who is VERY bad at texting/contacting anyway. and i feel as though as he was the one who dumped me he should. but at the same time, i know he might be feeling awkward. or he jsut doesnt, or didnt give a crap πŸ™ haha!

    its annoying πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 425

    I initiated the meet up too, so i kind of feel like he should (but again…he’s terrible at contact anyway, always has been :P)

    • Total Posts: 312

    My question about the texting/calling is this: If you’re really being honest with yourself, do you think he’s not in contact because he doesn’t want to be/has no interest in talking to you or do you think he’s not in contact possibly because you’re not contacting him first? Because he could think he’s going to look just as desperate or silly as you worry you’ll look? I’m not saying it’s one way or the other, but I’m wondering what you really think his reasoning is if you try and look at this from a place of no fear or need. A completely objective spot.

    The meet up sounds like it went well to me too, so no criticism or argument there. I think you’re just in a hard spot where you have to give things time. Last time I saw my ex was on Wednesday when he lent me his car to take my cat to the vet, and the next time I’m guaranteed time with him (outside of work, which doesn’t really count) isn’t until Monday. I know waiting and taking care of yourself in the meantime is hard, but it’s only a week until you should see him again! And if things went as well at your meet up as you thought they did, that meeting in a week should be really good too! Just try to breathe.

    At this point, I personally would take wanting to have a deep talk as a good sign. He’s already broken up with you and he doesn’t have to answer/see you if he doesn’t want to, so what could he say that’s negative? “Let’s break up”? “We shouldn’t talk anymore…”? He can’t break up with you a second time and if he wanted nothing to do with you, he’d just ignore you. So try not to automatically assume that’s a bad thing.

    I know that he dumped you so he technically should have to initiate this stuff. But unfortunately, sometimes guy are just dense or they’re scared like we are. The world isn’t fair and so if you want to see him or talk, you may just have to go for it sometimes. I don’t know if that’s the right decision right now, but you can’t let the fact that he ended things stop you from doing what you need/want all the time.

    • Total Posts: 425

    Well we’ve been through SO much together, like so much. And we get on so so well, i cant believe that he would never want to talk to me again/isn’t bothered about talking to me. I think the fact that he wants a serious talk (in my head) shows that he does want to talk to me again (maybe?). When I first initiated the contact apologising about his dogs death, he was really fast at replying and it was pretty nice πŸ™‚ so that gives me confidence that he does want to speak to me…but maybe doesnt know what to say? His family have also commented on how bad he is at contacting people haha. ahh i dont know.

    I feel Im so clouded by my friends and families opinions – obviously, they all dislike him A LOT so are constantly telling me to leave him alone and dont do anything.

    Exactly – well it was exactly a year ago today that we went travelling after he has spent his year abroad…i was tempted to text him something along those lines, and say how nice it was to catch up the other day. I’m supposedly seeing him on friday next week, as its his sisters birthday night out πŸ™‚

    Would you message him, or wait until the end of the weekend/next week/do it at all? πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 312

    If I’m being really honest, I think I’m agreement with most of your feelings. Like I said, there’s really not much point to having a serious negative talk. He has broken up with you and he’s made the personal choice to continue seeing you or talking to you. Unless he’s a complete drama queen and the type of guy who has to have a “serious talk” to let you know you shouldn’t be in contact anymore, that just doesn’t make sense to me. I mean, don’t get your hopes up that immediately wants to get back together or anything. That would be just as bad. I just don’t think there’s a point to assuming his talk will be negative because I can’t really think of any scenario in which it would be.

    My ex has always been terrible at being in contact. He’d text me or call me when we were apart or when I asked him to because he loved me and wanted to respect me, but outside of that, he ignored a lot of texts and phone calls from people that weren’t me or his family. He was also terrible about responding if he didn’t do it right away – he’d forget he had a message or something like that. He literally dislikes texting and phone communication so much that he’s never upgraded to a smart phone or anything because he doesn’t want to be plugged in like that. If you guy is anything like mine, that could be part of why he hasn’t been in contact. It’s also possible that there just isn’t much to say. As much as I hate that, sometimes there’s just really no reason for a conversation or something to continue, so it doesn’t. My ex’s last message to me was about arranging time to go see a movie. I texted him back and told him a movie sounded great and I’d keep a particular day open next week. As much as I wanted him to text me back or for us to keep talking, I realized there’s really not much to say and that’s probably why I wasn’t hearing from him. It’s also possible that he is just waiting to hear from you. Again, I’m trying not to put too much faith into either of our situations but 99% of the time when I text my ex, he’s responded within two minutes and he’s sent more than one text message. He NEVER used to do that. I think sometimes they’re just waiting to hear from us because they know texting us would just look like a ploy for conversation. This may not be the case, but it’s at least a positive possibility to keep in mind.

    I personally would skip it unless you feel certain you’re sending a message that there’s a purpose of responding to. You’ll see him on Friday and not talking to him until then isn’t going to kill either of you, and it’s not going to make or break whatever is going on in the long run. I’m just as guilty of this as anyone but I’ve come to the realization that I think most of us just send way too many messages and are communication way too much, to the point we don’t realize how unhealthy it is. As much as I hate not sending every message to my ex that I want to, it has made me realize how much crap we used to talk about on our phones that wasn’t important at all or could’ve waited until we were together in person. If you really feel the need, go for it. But in the long run, you can tell him the same thing and everything else that happened to you when you see him in person. And since that takes time, I know I’d rather do it in person.

    • Total Posts: 312

    Also, if you wouldn’t mind reading my post, I’d really appreciate it:

    No pressure either way though! I’m still here to talk, even if you don’t!

    • Total Posts: 425

    Ahh thanks so much, that’s literally the best advice!

    We did text a lot about crap. I guess I’m so used to it now it’s crazy!

    Okay, I’ll leave it until I have something to say πŸ™‚ I guess I know he’s away visiting his friends at uni this weekend and I’m scared he’ll meet someone haha :S

    • Total Posts: 425

    Aww no Ill def read it πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 312

    I’m glad my advice is helpful! I don’t want to give you too much hope, but I wasn’t lying whatsoever when I said that is how I see things.

    Haha we ALL text way too much. It’s so unnecessary and I feel like it actually prevents us from really having much to say that’s meaningful when we’re together. Like I said, I’m TOTALLY guilty of this. Being broken up has been crappy but it has opened my eyes to a lot of things.

    He’s not going to meet someone in one weekend! I mean, he could meet girls. He probably will. But that’s not enough time for it to be anything meaningful or for him to replace you. Don’t worry about that one bit.

    My ex just longboarded past my house and blatantly looked to see if I was home… He totally could’ve gone a different route to get home. That was odd.

    • Total Posts: 273

    so are you ready to hear what has happened?

    here goes..

    so i picked her up at 12.
    we immediately set off for handing in the cv’s to schools. stuck on our CD, sang, and put on our sat nav, and just enjoyed the ride.
    after she dropped the first CV off, she told me that she went out with her girlfriends on Wednesday night and that her friend (the one whos mother passed away) had shown her condolence message i had sent her and they were talking about how nice it was. she must have brought it up to my ex during their night out when they all went for some food, and my ex was telling me how sweet it was that i did that.
    so i do wonder if they were talking about me then? who knows. but it always made me realize that it was ALSO at this time that she had text me to go out for lunch and take her to drop cv’s off with her. so it makes me think even more that they were talking about things? and she had been texting me lyrics like i had said during this time too. she told me she had gotten home that night about 10pm and we had stopped texting about 9:30. so she actually spent time to text me a lot during the time she was out with Friends. this actually surprises me and makes me think even more that i was talked about. its strange lol

    so back on track..
    we delivered all the cv’s to places and had a real laugh along the way. afterwards we went to a restaurant to get some food for us both and we just talked and joked about things, talked about movies etc etc.
    the thing is, i was able to make her laugh, but not just laugh, i mean hysterically laugh. by just being myself.
    nothing was brought up about us and our relationship yet either, and in a way im kind of glad. she seems to be initiating things very recently and i hope it keeps going that way.
    The whole day was just fantastic with her… its strange how this has suddenly just gone into this direction.
    that’s all i can really say, just that it was a really nice day out with her and we enjoyed ourselves so much. i did pay for our food at the harvester purposely because she doesn’t have a job at the current time, she left it as i said previously. and being as i was just paid i thought it would be nice.

    • Total Posts: 273

    but goodness.. i have been so incredibly patient with this though.

    and hell @between1standa πŸ™‚ ill also read your story! and ill give you a good reply πŸ™‚

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