Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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  • #41300
    • Total Posts: 273

    I’m leaving it as that, I just had to since she didn’t turn up which was very odd. I wont text her from this moment on! And cool let me know when you can πŸ™‚ I have two hotmail accounts also

    • Total Posts: 273

    just an update, My ex text me back this evening. she said, “want to go for coffee tomorrow night?” of course i said yes! i replied “sure, sounds good. picking you up from work and go or?” she replied, “yeah, alright that sounds good :)”

    The fact im picking her up from work means that there is no escape and that this is it…
    what do you think of this?

    • Total Posts: 750

    That’s good @thargus
    She initiated it which is good and asked you. Good luck

    • Total Posts: 711

    good thargus! seems we are having some advances here all of us. i’ve got news, please check?

    • Total Posts: 273

    okay, she is quite in denial of the fact it cannot work again because it didn’t work the first time, so she has asked me to let her think about it so i have. im 50/50 about this now.. :/

    • Total Posts: 711

    you guys met already right? that’s what she said?

    • Total Posts: 273

    yeah. im down in the dumps right now, how can i have hopes after that.

    • Total Posts: 711

    you need to show her it can work. show her you have worked on your side. all its left is her to meet halfway

    • Total Posts: 425

    Thargus I think you’ve already proved that it can work – i think if you personally did anything else it would put her off because she was feel pressured.

    My advice? She’s already realised you have worked on your side and that it can work, otherwise she wouldnt even be saying that shes 50/50 about getting back together. Don’t pressurise her or do anything else or try and prove anything else – the pressure may scare her away! Make her respect you by respecting the fact that she needs to make the decision – if you see something funny or something like that then text her about that, but don’t hound her about it all.

    honestly, its great what shes said already – you should be really happy! remember these things take time, you cant expect her to just say “yep i’ll take ya back!” People don’t work like that. What you’ve done is great so far, don’t ruin things by rushing this part too quickly πŸ™‚ and ive said it already but dont pressurise her and tell her how much you’ve changed and that youve worked on your side – she knows this already, if you keep on at her about it it will get annoying haha.

    • Total Posts: 425

    but please please please please don’t text her again or even contact her again until she contacts you.
    you want her to come back to you because she WANTS to, not because you’ve annoyed her into taking her back (im sure you haven’t) but this is the time that silence from you really is the best thing to do until she contacts. She’ll have way more respect for you.

    • Total Posts: 711

    oh yeah, i didnt mean to say to put pressure on her. just that i think targus needs to make her feel safe again and with little things show her with time that he changed. for example i was needy clingy dramatizing and assuming things. i barely did any of it all these time. rather, HE assumed things, not me! and when we meet for coffee i will make sure to let him know how I could have acted like him but decided not to jump into conclusions and think “be probably didnt seem me” rather then “he ignored me” like he did.

    amy pls check my thread and give me advice? would apreciate it tons! any news on your part?

    He says he would like to get back but…

    • Total Posts: 273

    im not going to text or anything again now, i feel i did put a bit of pressure on her from this conversation we had.. but all i can do is wait. i wont do a thing!

    • Total Posts: 273

    going to bed now though, its 00:23 here and when i get time i will describe the whole convo for you πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 273

    I still haven’t heard anything, maybe she really is thinking hard? I’m kind of glad this time I haven’t had a text so early on, I want her to think as hard as possible and realise.

    • Total Posts: 425

    Yeah thats good, have you texted her? I think silence from you would be the best thing to do at this stage, make her miss you a bit πŸ˜‰

    my ex is home this weekend – i saw his sister yesterday and gave her one of his tshirts back that I still had (made sure I sprayed it a little bit with my perfume as last time I gave something of his back he said he missed my smell πŸ˜‰ muahahahhaa)

    Still haven’t contacted him though, and he hasn’t contacted me – 10 weeks now! Crazy how time flies but I feel so much better than I did – I’ve realised I’ve needed this time now that I look back at being a crying, heartbroken mess for a good month and a half haha! I also saw that he’s been looking at my snapchat stories – theyre not very interesting (the beach I was at yesterday, doing my work haha) but at least he still looks and is still curious πŸ˜›

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