Boards Reconciliation met up with my ex, what do i do now??

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  • #37554
    • Total Posts: 273

    Playing it cool is the key to everything here! Though I am having trouble myself doing so haha

    I am seing her Thursday evening for the show. I’m not nervous as such but I know when I’m going to see her.. That it will feel like our first date again. Just as it did a few weeks ago. :\ this is hard..

    • Total Posts: 711

    So, he posted a pic today. The photo is dark but it seems like theres two helmets in there. Some people say theres only one. I really hope so…

    • Total Posts: 273

    @kaila even of there was two, understand that if he moved on that fast.. It is guaranteed to be a rebound, don’t worry :)its natural to think like that. I feel on the verge of giving up at the moment because I am becoming more and more depressed. And I know that when I see her Thursday.. Those feelings will come rushing back.

    • Total Posts: 273

    but i do have a question that i need several honest opinions about..
    do i need to bring up or should i bring up a conversation about us at all? im going to try and find out whats making her so down recently, i need her to know she can still talk to me. at the same time do i talk about us? not suggest getting back together but just to see where i stand sort of thing?? or is this a bad idea and why?

    • Total Posts: 750


    If I was you, I wouldn’t bring up the conversation of you and her in an “us” way. It’s fine to find out why she is down and say that you are there to support her. But in my opinion, if she is feeling down and a little out of sorts, you bringing up the “us” convo may just make her feel worse and she might go on the defence about it. I would leave it a couple more times of seeing her before you bring that up, but that’s just my opinion ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Total Posts: 273

    No.. I think thats a good opinion tbh, I thought about what you said for a while and id agree. If she brings something up herself then I will. But ill just make sure she really enjoys the evening out and make her laugh. It’s what she needs and will appreciate it the most

    • Total Posts: 425

    I agree, I dont think you should bring up the ‘us’ conversation just yet. How many times have you seen her?

    Just because this happened to me a few years ago. A boy cheated on me and broke up with me – I met up with him twice afterwards, everything was really good and we got on really well, and on the 3rd time asked him how he felt about us – was NOT good. needless to say we never got back to being close again, and that was about 5 years ago now. Saying that, when my ex that ive been speaking about in this thread broke up with me, he did email and say im sorry to hear about it.

    But the point is!…..I think you should wait a few more times. You can’t rush these things, if she likes you again she isn’t going to go running off with anyone else anytime soon, so dont rush ๐Ÿ™‚ espeically as she isnt great from what she was saying ๐Ÿ™‚

    I saw my ex’s sister this morning again, was really nice! we had a great chat, and she was saying how worried she was that we wouldnt be friends after her brother broke up with me (to which I replied of course we would, shes like a little sister to me – which made her so happy!) I asked how he was and she said that hes good, but hes having a jacuzzi party this weekend….oh gawddd!!

    The important bit….I said should I contact him, and she said maybe….but at the moment he feels it would be quite awkward ๐Ÿ™ But she said she knows that we’ll be friends in the future and that he still cares about me a hell of a lot, but its too soon for him to start talking to me without worrying one of us will want to get back together, as he wants to be single for a bit still. (obviously this is SO annoying to hear as all I want is him back!!)

    I guess I’m going to have to play the really slow game….won’t give up though! my game plan is in action!

    • Total Posts: 750

    @Thargus yes I think that’s a good idea. If she willingly brings it up then by all means talk about it as she is ready to. But it is her choice to bring that up, and I would wait for her to do it.

    • Total Posts: 273

    I’ve only seen her once.. I guess I need to take a step back and realise that. This will be our second time, its way too soon yet. I’ll talk to her about why shes feeling so down, because shes in a really bad place. I cant help but Think if she is okay and stuff, ill back off a bit and just enjoy our time out. And @amy111 the slower you go the faster it will happen if that makes sense ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Total Posts: 750

    @Thargus, yes exactly. Just give it some time. At least you have seen her once and are seeing each other again. Just go from there. And like you say, just enjoy your night out together for whatever it is.

    • Total Posts: 711

    Hey everyone. So I texted yesterday. I asked how he was, and about a place we went where we had romantic and funny moments.

    He answered at the end of the day and said he was more or less. Answered about the place normally. And asked about my job interview. We didn’t talk for 3 weeks, mind you.

    After half an hour of answering me he posted a status on facebook saying he needs a drink and a long talk about his day. if someone was up for it.

    I only saw this when I got home at the end of the night. And I answered him before I saw it, 2 hours after he texted me.

    I said wow you dont seem good at all, what happened? Then said interview went well and that I had a few after that so lets see. Also asked about his mom.

    He didnt answer yet. When I got home I freaked out. Got really worried with him and also started thinking wht the hell why did he post that. He has tons of friends. A lot of them posted there saying they were available. I dont know who he went out with but Im worried why did he post that he doesnt need to do it he can just call one of his friends! Whose attention is he trying to grab? Another chick? Why doesnt he relly on me. Why didnt he ask me if I wanted to go with him? Im so sad! Why did it came down to this? Why did we love each other were there for one another and now it ended and it came to this! Why doesnt he relly on me?

    I called today morning to know how he was he didnt answer. Anyway he is busy with work. I texted asking him to call back when he can. I am thinking about asking how he is whats going on. And to tell him he can talk to me. And ask if he wants to hang out later today. Im afraid with that post he might have plans already. Its the second time in a week he has posted about being down. Why ? I dont get it :'( I know its about work for sure. But whos attention his he trying to get?

    • Total Posts: 425

    Good work thargus!! Sounds as if you have much more control over your emotions now ๐Ÿ™‚ and your making progress, am very happy for you!
    That’s true-for someone who is so impatient I’m finding it very hard! But when I contact you guys will be the first to know-I’ll be panicking horrendously by that time!

    Kaila- from the sounds of it I think you should wait for him to contact you now-you’ve told him your there for him etc, but be careful not to bombard him, as that would push him away ๐Ÿ™

    • Total Posts: 711

    amy, please read my last updates and tell me what you think. i really need some perspective. if you need more background info just head to the first post and read. please I am going nuts

    • Total Posts: 425

    sorry for the late reply kaila!

    From reading that it sounds like you’ve definately got to make yourself less available. It seems as though he thinks he can pick you up and drop you!

    though i dont think you should worry about this part –

    “Wellโ€ฆ I asked if it was gonna be in the morning, afternoon, or nightโ€ฆ Before I could say night he said โ€œno, no, in the morning!โ€. Like I donโ€™t deserve his afternoon. Like he doesnโ€™t value me. Like he doesnโ€™t really care much and is just keeping me around”

    I dont think thats anything to do with valuing you or anything, just sounds like hes busy ๐Ÿ˜› but if your unsure or getting restless, give yourself a time out. you want to be playing it cool and be in control of your emotions, and it doesnt seem like you are at the momemt ๐Ÿ™ i hope it all works out okay ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Total Posts: 425

    Im a little bit stuck at the moment too – from previous posts you guys know Its been almost 7 weeks of not talking to my ex but Ive stayed close friends with his sister.

    well, i was round at his sisters todya, and she told me he had left his email on his laptop, and when he gets messages on facebook, they come through to his email…and his sister said she had a sneaky peek.

    Apparently, his friend had said to him “did you know amy had met up with your sister?! have you guys made up?”

    obviously my ex had replied, and his friend had replied back saying “nah its cool forget about it. You down about the lack of girls?”

    Its SOOOOOOO annoying that she couldnt see what he had wrote!! But now I dont know what to make of this!! I like the fact it said “lack of girls” though!! ๐Ÿ˜€

    but now what? Im really tempted to contact now! his sister said she would tell me if anything else is said….

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