Boards Reconciliation Meeting up with his mum..

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  • #40784
    • Total Posts: 127

    Ahhh it sounds like this is the reaction he wanted really!

    It’s okay for you to feel this way, but vent it all out on us, not him! If you let him know he’s gotten to you, he’s won!

    But it’s okay to let us know, we won’t tell haha.

    • Total Posts: 750

    Haha @Annakis he won’t know any of it, trust me. I haven’t replied to it!

    I just can’t get WHY he wants this reaction out of me! Is he trying to see if I still care?1 Or does he care that little about me that he really does not give a shit!

    • Total Posts: 127

    Um I think he is trying to see if you still care and if he can still get to you… it’s an ego thing I think. He wants to be able to think “oh look, I can still make her jealous.” Or whatever…

    It’s annoying but a lot of ex’s do this… In a way I guess I’m lucky, I think I’d prefer not talking to someone playing mind games with me!

    • Total Posts: 750

    Dangerous game to be playing with me! He isn’t getting a reaction out of me. I might just block him for a while, I really can’t do with all the BS. I feel bad when I’m not talking to him, but I feel even worse when I do because there is always something that comes up that seems to set me back again. I know tonight I am just going to be thinking about him being at the cinema with her!

    • Total Posts: 127

    Yeah I know it’s hard to think about stuff like that… It really gets to me too when I know my gf is at her new guy’s house :S

    I’m not sure if I would block him though, wouldn’t that make him think that he’d gotten to you? And yeah it must be really hard… I hope to get talking to my Ex at some point too, but I imagine it’ll be the same for me, lots of setbacks… But there are always going to be these setbacks sadly… And it’s also true (I think) that the person trying to get the other person back has to be the more emotionally strong one… We have a lot to cope with, don’t we?

    • Total Posts: 750

    I would just block his number so that I wouldn’t receive messages from him. He would only know if he called me which I highly doubt he would do.

    I’m just trying to calm down, literally I am shaking and my blood is boiling. Just trying to see some clarity and think that it’s easy for him to go out with her, it doesn’t mean they are dating but he knows I wouldn’t like it. to me, it’s just cruel him telling me that, and I wouldn’t dream of doing that to him. At least he hasn’t got a reaction out of me.

    • Total Posts: 127

    Yeah it does seem pretty mean of him… But then again, if he’s acting this way, trying to rub it in your face that he’s out with other girls and everything… Might indicate that maybe he’s not as over you as he’d like you to think?

    • Total Posts: 750

    Yeah possibly. She’s easy to fill the void of not having me around. He used to say to me that I was the only person he went to the cinema with and he always enjoyed us going. So he’s gotta go with someone hasn’t he! It’s gonna bother me. I’m gonna end up driving to the cinema to try and stalk them haha

    • Total Posts: 127

    Haha yeah maybe not the best plan 😛

    Aw yeah maybe that’s just it, he’s just trying to fill the void you left…

    • Total Posts: 750

    Haha no it’s an awful plan. And knowing my luck I would bump straight into them, I am not the most subtle person lol. I would be a very bad detective!!

    Lol bless you trying to make me feel better 🙂

    • Total Posts: 257

    @annakis is right! The fact that he wants a reaction out of you means he cares a lot more than he lets on. If he didnt care, why would he even bother telling you? He’d probably hide it to save the drama.
    Have you got plans tonight? If not i think you need to make some. And non that involve going to the cinema.. He will be expecting you to do something and its the best medicine to let him get on with it! That way the whole time he’ll be thinking, i wonder what shes doing or i wonder what shes thinking, why isnt she causing trouble for me?
    By the sounds of it, she is THE person he knows will P*** you right off. Let him get on with it.. If you feel it will be beneficial to block his number then do, but only if you think it will help you, otherwise it is a rise out of you on his behalf.. x

    • Total Posts: 750

    @pineapple thank you! Just trying to think that he is filling a void and stupidly filling it with her! She is definitely THE person he knows will piss me off! No doubt about it!
    I didn’t have any plans tonight as am busy all weekend and no one is free tonight!

    I seriously don’t think he does care that much anymore. Didn’t think he would stoop that low but he has proved me wrong!

    yeah it was gonna be for my benefit so that no messages would come through, but highly doubt they will come through anyway! x

    • Total Posts: 127

    Mm I’m thinking my ex is doing the same thing, just trying to fill the gap left by breaking up with me with this new guy as fast as she can. Luckily this guy seems like a self absorbed asshole haha, so it might work to my advantage!

    At least you have plans over the weekend though! You definitely deserve to have some fun and not think about him for a while!

    • Total Posts: 750

    I think they all do it eventually, but this woman is an absolute bitch. She had no problem coming on to him when we were together so I bet she is loving it. It’s the worst person he could be out with! She’s always been a little bit of a threat to me in the sense that something has happened with them before. I’m glad I have plans too otherwise I would be doing my head in!

    • Total Posts: 257

    If I were you I’d be thinking that the jokes on her.. She’ll be feeling really smug about it but let’s be honest, he isn’t doing it coz he wants to, he’s doing it to wind you up! So he’s using her.. He therefore values her lower than you! She sounds like someone who’s pretty easy and to be honest, if that’s what he’s into then your better of without him! That’s my opinion..
    It’s like my ex had only ever slept with me and I thought maybe he wants to go out and sleep around and see if he can get it better elsewhere but then I thought if hes that kinda person, that values sex over love then he can ram it where the sun don’t shine, I’m not interested!
    People have said to me since then that they don’t think its that, that he just wants to have no ties for a little while, but it still enters my mind occasionally x

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