Boards Reconciliation Meeting up with his mum..

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  • #40715
    • Total Posts: 257

    Yep, to be honest, i reply because i have to, like he’ll ask a question, i’ll respond and then he leaves me hanging! I don’t get him.. I do think im going to have to accept that he isnt and wont ever be interested again! πŸ™

    Yeah don’t be like that because it will be so obvious. Just say, yes it was lovely thankyou, did you? or something like that! πŸ™‚ keep a bit of mystery! haha!

    • Total Posts: 750

    I think they do that so they have the control. I was thinking about this, I always reply because I feel like I have to, but then they will just stop, and that’s them taking the control away from us so it makes them feel better. I wouldn’t go that far hun, you didn’t think he would see you and he did, didn’t think he would go for coffee and then he suggested it! There is hope there. I think the next 5 days will be hard knowing he is away, but that’s also a good reason for him not to get in contact.

    Haha yes I will πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 750

    Ok So I replied lol I didn’t last until lunch time…. But I lasted two hours!

    I said “Hello, yes it was lovely thanks, did you?x”

    He’s replied straight away “It was good. Went golf with Dad and got some sun πŸ™‚ x”

    Do I need to reply to that? Probably not!

    • Total Posts: 257

    Two hours is perfectly adequate i think! πŸ™‚

    No i wouldnt reply to that! you’d just be replying for the sake of it.. and thats when they’ve can leave you hanging! It wouldnt suprise me if he doesnt send you another message if you don’t reply!

    • Total Posts: 750

    Ok not going to reply to that one!! Ahhh!

    • Total Posts: 257

    It must feel good to know you’ve now got the upper hand! πŸ™‚

    I know i need to try to be more optimistic but i am struggling with this feeling of dread that he will never come back! x

    • Total Posts: 257

    There is a god.. i just found out im getting a Β£2500 a year pay rise! Woop! πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 750

    I feel a little bit more in control but not great haha.

    Woo hoo that’s amazing!! Congrats! x

    • Total Posts: 257

    Thanks! πŸ™‚ I’m dead chuffed with that.. I didnt expect it at all!

    I’d feel pretty darn amazing if i was you! You’ve done so well and now its worked in your favor! Well done you..

    • Total Posts: 750

    That’s a lovely start to the weekend!! Gotta feel good about that!

    I don’t feel so amazing, I caved and replied something funny (well I thought it was funny lol) and he hasn’t replied to it. So now I feel rubbish again lol. Oops!! x

    • Total Posts: 750

    I am FUMING!!!!

    He just asked my plans for the weekend so I told him and asked him his, he replied “Going cinema with Emma x” now let me explain. Emma is his “friend” she’s older than him with children, before I came along they had a brief fling after being friends for years, he told me about her at the beginning of our relationship because he was worried she would try and ruin our relationship because she had feelings for him. She was an issue in our relationship, he made the decision not to talk to her (I didn’t tell him he had to at all). So he knows that telling me he is seeing her again will really affect me. I don’t even have anything to say to him! I feel sick!

    • Total Posts: 257

    It is pretty good! πŸ™‚

    Ahh man!! Has he replied yet? I bloody hate when they do that! Your right, its about control i think and them leaving us hanging.. Its like if they think that if they text back we’ll get the wrong idea and think they want us back.. Thats why im terrified of texting him at any point..

    I wish Kevin gave advice from this point onwards.. Its all up until that initial contact and then i cant seem to find anything else from here! I know its because by now you should be able to do it yourself but a little guidance would be nice! πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 750
    • Total Posts: 257

    Sorry i didnt see that one! WHAT AN ARSE!!!!!!
    I wouldn’t even respond to that! He wants a reaction out of you, dont give him the satisfaction! Hope your okay! πŸ™
    He was obviously dying to tell you to see how youd react..

    • Total Posts: 750

    But why does he want a reaction from me! I’ve done nothing to try and get a reaction out of him at all. I have been SO good. and what’s funny is when we were together, the big problem is that he would always say “I’m just seeing a mate” would never mention her name and I asked for him to just be honest about it and tell me if he was seeing her, he chooses NOW to be honest about it when we aren’t together?! My blood is literally boiling, I am shaking. Did not need to know that at all!

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