Boards Reconciliation Meeting up with his mum..

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  • #40601
    • Total Posts: 127

    Yessss I knowwww I do feel like I can be happy without her, in fact I know I can… But I want to be with her! Though I don’t have that in love excited feeling about her anymore, there’s still so much I love and appreciate about her and her personality and I still get the feeling that if we can change the way our relationship works then we could be wonderful partners…

    But that’s in the far future I bet… She’s not even talking to me yet, so I guess my plan is to get her talking to me and try and build up some of that old attraction… But the difference is that I’m trying to build it up for me as well as her, I need to know that I can fall in love with her again before anything else can happen…

    • Total Posts: 257

    Everything your both saying is so true because before I was back in touch with my ex I was in a better mental place.. Now I’m analysing everything and trying to figure out what things meant and what I should do now and freaking out! I think it’s normal though.. At least I hope it is!
    I feel that my chances are fading despite being back in touch.. But then I can’t help but feel that he’s going to come back to me, like a deep gut feeling that I can’t explain! I don’t know whether it’s just that I can’t picture a future without him or what! Don’t get me wrong, I know I can have a future without him and a happy one, I just can’t picture it with the same clarity as I do with him! x

    • Total Posts: 127


    Yeah I’m in the same boat… I’m just thinking about the future we had planned… I was gonna move over there, we were gonna get married, I was gonna be a stepdad to her daughter and we were gonna have a kid of our own after a while… I still really want all that stuff, but I only want it with her is the thing! She’s the only woman that’s ever really made me want all those things, it’s hard to let go of…

    • Total Posts: 257

    It definitely is! I was so ready to settle down and be a wife and a mummy (im only 24!!) with him! I knew it was so right.. Without him, those things no longer feel important! And that makes me really sad! πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 127

    I’m only (???) 27 heh! And yeah that is exactly what I feel… I mean I know that I may meet someone in the future who’ll make me want those things again but… Ah well.

    I guess I have to accept that future is gone… Hopefully I’ll get a chance to build it with her again though πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 750

    I’m 26, 27 in a couple of months. And I know exactly how you both feel. I think it’s just not wanting it to be with anyone else! X

    • Total Posts: 127

    That’s exactly it isn’t it? We know we have a future without them but we want the future with them!

    I think a big part of it is that I miss the person I was when we were together… Can anyone relate to that?

    • Total Posts: 750

    Absolutely. I can be happy and be on my own bla bla but I don’t want to!

    Hmmm kind of. But then for the last month of my relationship i was depressed so I wasnt a good person! But everything felt easier with him around.

    Struggling to not text him! Help me! X

    • Total Posts: 257

    Yeah I’m the same! He’s flown to spain today for 5 days πŸ™ feeling so distant from him! It’s really hurting..
    IKnow what you mean.. Although I think I’d be an even better person with him now we’ve been apart! x

    • Total Posts: 750

    Yep that’s how I feel too pineapple! Taking all my strength not to message him tonight! X

    • Total Posts: 257

    I am exactly the same!! But i know that any text to him now would go unanswered because hes having too much fun! Plus he told me he was going so it would look like i was specifically trying to ruin it or not letting him have his fun.. Which is not what i want at all.. I’m really hoping it will give him some thinking time away from work and he’ll come back and want to meet up again or text or something.. but i reckon this is false hope and he wont!

    • Total Posts: 750

    Yeah that’s tough but like you say the best thing at the moment is leave him be while he is away. It will actually probably make him think about you more! And you will look really cool and calm πŸ™‚
    I think a lot of mine is false hope. Feel like I’ve been kidding myself that he can’t talk to me or see me because there are feelings there, whereas now I feel like he isn’t doing it because he actually doesn’t want to and couldn’t care less! that’s a lot more painful!Argh I just don’t know what to do!

    • Total Posts: 750

    My ex has just text me…

    “Hey, did you have a good Easter? Hope you are ok x”

    Now, how do I play this? Do I ignore it? do I reply friendly? Or do I reply a bit cold?

    Part of me thinks I should ignore it because I want to show him I’m not always here. But then I don’t know!

    • Total Posts: 257

    Oooh – tricky but exciting! The fact he has text means he WANTS to! Which is a great sign! πŸ™‚ Check you out…

    I think i would mirror his tone etc. Maybe leave it an hour, look like your not waiting for him to text but i wouldnt ignore it and i wouldnt be cold. I dont know if this gives you any help but hey. Also, try and be the one to finish the conversation and not text back.. I haven’t managed to do that yet and its always me that ends up being the last to text and it makes me feel crap! haha!

    • Total Posts: 750

    Yeah I’m going to leave it until lunchtime and text him back then. Not going to be overly enthusiastic as he hasn’t really given me much but I will be polite and friendly lol. I don’t want to be like yeah my weekend was AMAZING I did SO much great stuff haha.

    Yeah I haven’t been able to finish a convo yet either lol. I’m just rubbish at that bit, I always feel like I have to reply, even if there is nothing to say!

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