Boards Reconciliation Meeting up with his mum..

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  • #40572
    • Total Posts: 750

    The thing is though as we aren’t friends on facebook and we don’t have any mutual friends, he won’t know anything! Which sucks! However, I’m pretty certain that he looks at my facebook so I’m going to put up a status and photos and make them public so when he goes to have a nosey he can see them!

    Oooo a hula party sounds like fun!! You gonna dress up??

    Yep exactly. I don’t really want to know unless it’s something I want to hear haha x

    • Total Posts: 127

    Oof more dreams… I gotta admit, I dream about my ex almost every night. Last night I had a dream where I looked at her facebook and saw all these posts she’d written with her new boyfriend that were basically just mocking me! Wasn’t very nice.

    Easy to interpret though, as I’ve recently forbidden myself from looking at her facebook because I know that it’s only going to cause me pain!

    Sounds like you two are gonna have a good weekend! There’s no parties happening for me, but I was thinking about going to this japanese restaraunt I found today… it’s REALLY expensive but I need cheering up so it could be worth it πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 750

    @Annakis dreams are so weird!! It’s funny what your mind conjures up when you are sleeping. just makes me feel bad that I can’t even escape it when I sleep!

    Yes I’m looking forward to having some fun this weekend. I just need to be well behaved when drunk and NOT call or text my ex, otherwise I will undo all my hard work lol.

    Yes go for it, we all deserve a treat πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 127

    @KD1988 I actually feel LESS like texting my ex when I get drunk! I get all happy and silly and I’m like “See? I don’t need her to have fun!”

    And a good tip is to give your phone to a friend so you can’t drunk dial πŸ˜›

    • Total Posts: 750

    @Annakis I think I might be ok this time round! The last time I went out was only a few days after the break up and I was an emotional mess. I still managed to resist calling him or texting him though, just liked something on his facebook lol. So I think I will be ok. I will be having far too much fun to even be thinking about him :p

    • Total Posts: 127

    @KD1988 Ah yeah, if I’d got drunk just a few days after I would have called or texted her too πŸ˜› And yes, you will πŸ™‚ It’s gonna be good!

    • Total Posts: 750

    Can’t believe that was 5 weeks ago!! Kinda feel like my time is running out with him a bit now!

    • Total Posts: 127

    Yeah it’s about the same for me… It’s horrible how slowly the time seems to go isn’t it?

    • Total Posts: 750

    Yep!! feels like it’s been forever. But at the same time I kind of want it to stay here for a while because the longer it goes on the less chance I have!

    • Total Posts: 127

    Hm I don’t know about that… I heard somewhere that it takes longer for the dumper to miss the dumpee than the other way around, so for all we know he might be feeling worse by the day!

    • Total Posts: 750

    I can see how that would be true to be fair. Because he made the decision he probably feels ok to start with and can convince himself that he doesn’t miss me. But with more time maybe he won’t be able to. I remember him saying when we first broke up (I said I don’t know how you can be so ok with all this) and his response was that well it was his decision so he has to be ok with it. OR maybe he is absolutely fine, I am sure he is fine regardless of whether he misses me or not. I guess it would just ne nice to know that I pop into head sometimes.

    • Total Posts: 127

    Yeah I feel exactly the same, I would love to know for sure that she’s thinking of me, and even missing me I hope! I’m certainly missing her…

    But the thing is I don’t feel like things are right for us to get back together yet, even if she didn’t have this new bf. I’m still emotionally hurt although I’m recovering and I still don’t have the money that I would need to go over there and live with her for a few months, which is something I feel that she needs…

    In general I’m not feeling very mentally strong right now. If we were talking she’d pick it up I’m sure, and that’s not a very attractive quality is it? I think I need more time to work on myself really.

    • Total Posts: 750

    Yeah I know what you mean. And it’s good that you are recognising that. I could talk to my ex fine, but it’s afterwards that it really starts to affect me. I know if he was to meet me now, then I would really get my hopes up that it meant something and that it was going to progress further. I want to be completely strong in the knowledge that if it doesn’t happen, if he doesn’t want to come back, then I AM ok.

    • Total Posts: 127

    Yes me too! And I feel like I could fake it for a while but like you, it’s afterwards that things would start getting to me…

    I’ve kinda of accepted that at the moment my ex is no longer a positive influence on my life at all… Thinking about her, looking at pics of her… They all just make me feel bad! I’m sure talking to her at this point would do the same… I feel like I need to get to the point where she’s just another person to me before any good can come from her really… That’s if she ever decides she wants to talk again!

    • Total Posts: 750

    Yeah absolutely. I think that’s a good attitude to have as well! Like I know that I can live without my ex, and I can go out and have fun and be happy, I just don’t want to live without him lol. I think I have actually felt worse when we have been talking, because I was analysing everything he was saying, questioning it all in my head and driving myself insane, at least this way I am only questioning why he isn’t talking to me lol. One is better than a million thoughts!

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