Boards Reconciliation Meeting up with his mum..

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    I think it will be a long day away but I hope to be better by then! Off to Corfu for 10 days with my best mate. Will be lovely to get away, bit of sunshine and some cocktails and forget everything around me here!

    Oh no! Trip to the doctors?! x

    • Total Posts: 257

    That sounds amazing! I keep hinting at my friends but theyre all loved up so going away with their boyfriends and the ones that aren’t are skint! Eurgh!

    Yes probably! Argh!

    I really miss him today! I was just thinking about it on my drive back from the dentist.. A song was on that was played a million times on our holiday to cornwall last year, and it just took me right back. We had such an amazing, romantic, chilled out week and i can’t believe i don’t get that with him again..

    • Total Posts: 750

    My mum was booking it for me and my ex, then he broke up with me so best mate taking his place!! Come to Corfu with us! Haha.

    Ah I hate that so much πŸ™ literally nothing makes you feel better! X

    • Total Posts: 257

    Literally, nothing. I think im still coming to terms with it.. I thought i was losing the ‘fight’ in me to get him back but i realised today i am not! I can’t give him up, i just can’t. I just dont know what to do to get him to come back! I know i cant do anything technically, but i need to make him realise! πŸ™ argh! Feeling so helpless.

    Haha Corfu sounds amazing! Some sun and relaxing, so jealous! I need to find something to do for definite!

    • Total Posts: 750

    I think I am in the same boat as you also. I thought I’d lost my fight, but it is still in there. HOWEVER, my attitude towards it has changed slightly. I don’t feel the panic and urgency surrounding it. I feel quite calm and chilled about it. Kind of in a “what’s meant to happen will happen” sort of thing. You are doing everything right, you are not being needy or desperate, you got him to meet (which ended up being his suggestion in the end!) which is great, you were really good when you did meet and you haven’t reacted since. In his eyes you are so cool and calm, he doesn’t have a clue πŸ™‚ x

    • Total Posts: 127

    Hey, no, no response from the letter yet… And if you don’t count the letter it’s been 34 days… Not sure if I’m going to get a response really, but then I shouldn’t really be expecting one I suppose!

    • Total Posts: 257

    @kd1988 yes your right! I do have moments of complete panic, where I feel really stressed and just want to text him and tell him everything and how much I miss him.. It’s not like an upset it’s like a can’t cope feeling! It’s weird..

    you’re right to think you shouldn’t expect one but I can understand why you would! x

    • Total Posts: 750

    @pineappleblue I know what you mean! I had that the other day where I just wanted to text him and tell him how ridiculous all this was and that we should just be together bla bla bla. But obvs I didnt. I was well behaved lol. It’s a hard reality to face up to, but I have to accept that the likelihood is that he won’t come back to me, and that’s ok, I can live without him! X

    • Total Posts: 257

    @kd1988 I can too! Shame I don’t want to.. I’m feeling so hard done by! Haha! It’s just not fair!
    It’s scaring me that the balls in his court now, what if he never try’s to get in touch? Argh!

    • Total Posts: 750

    @pineappleblue I know, I try not to think about him never contacting me again but it’s hard not to! It does scare me too. But I guess it’s just one of those things we can’t control so have to let it go! I had a dream about my ex last night, usually it’s him turning up at my door with flowers telling me he’s made a mistake. Last night it was him agreeing to see me, he turned up with a new gf, I asked her to leave, then he told me how he’s moved on, he’s sorry but he doesn’t care about me anymore etc I woke up in tears! Was horrible! X

    • Total Posts: 257

    @KD1988 Ooh that sounds horrible! πŸ™ Dreams are the weirdest! How are you feeling now? It always affects my whole mood for the day if i have a dream like that!
    I had a dream the night before last where me and my ex were together and we were going up some stairs in a lighthouse and all of a sudden we had reached the top of the stairs but he wanted to go on the roof, and he kept trying to climb over the railings and it was really windy so i kept begging him not to because i thought he would fall and i was crying saying please, please dont. And then i woke up, i didnt get to the part where he did or didnt. Go figure that out eh? Ha!

    • Total Posts: 750

    @pineappleblue yeah not feeling great! Haha. It really upset me! Maybe it’s telling me he has moved on and met someone else and that’s why he doesn’t care anymore lol. If that’s the case then I would rather not know for the time being!

    That is a really weird dream!! Maybe it’s something about doing the opposite of what you want him to do! x

    • Total Posts: 257

    @KD1988 I think that’s too obvious – dreams arent usually a prediction, more a subconscious sign! It could be that your feeling your competing for his emotions with something else, or that you feel he won’t commit.

    I thought that. I also thought it was like that i was happy with where we had come, but he wanted more adventure and wanted to push himself further. Which is actually very true. And my fear isn’t so much him falling, but him leaving me behind due to my fear to fall? All very philosophical but it makes sense i guess!

    • Total Posts: 750

    @pineappleblue More that I feel he has just crossed over to not caring at all, whereas I am still here, caring, with a tiny tiny bit of hope that one day we may reconcile! I would just like to know what he is thinking, but unless its anything good then no good would come of me knowing about it!

    I think you may have that spot on! Google it πŸ™‚

    I am going out Saturday night with my best friend for her birthday. The last time I went out drinking was a few days after me and my ex split, I got ridiculously drunk, cried all night, I hadn’t been on my facebook as I didn’t want to see what he was posting at the time, and made the mistake of going on there and seeing something of his, I liked it, then unliked it. And the next day he deleted me off facebook lol.

    so I’m hoping this time, there will be no tears, I will not contact him at all! x

    • Total Posts: 257

    Im sure the lighthouse is representing something too! haha! I will google..

    Yes i think you should do this! And post so many pictures on facebook.. He’ll hear that youve gone out and had fun and wonder why he didnt hear from you this time. My sister is have a hula party on friday night so im looking forward to that! I am going to be very nice and drunk i think πŸ™‚ I deserve it!

    Yes i agree. I think i want to know but then i think if i knew and it was relief or gladness then i would be heart broken! x

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