Boards Reconciliation Meeting up with his mum..

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    @pineappleblue You’ve come much further than you think! It may only seem like a small step, and maybe it is, but it’s a step nonetheless… You’ve made progress and that’s the point πŸ™‚ I think we all want a sudden hollywood style reconciliation where our ex’s show up out of nowhere and and profess undying love but really we’re probably in it for the long haul… So just keep taking small steps and you’ll get there in the end πŸ™‚

    I know exactly how you feel sadly… I really want to skip all the grieving and healing and just be fine already haha, but I’m making progress with myself bit by bit… Feeling more positive about the future and myself everyday, even if it’s only a bit. Don’t forget this is about you as much as him, so do what you can to make yourself feel good about yourself and heal… Then when you do get in contact he’ll see the happy, confident you πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 750

    @Annakis you are so right. I have definitely made changes, and I am ok on my own. I live by myself, and have done for years now so I’m independent as it is. I have gone down a clothes size and started to tone up now so I’m feeling better about myself in that respect. And I am making sure I’m spending time doing things, fun things, whenever I can. Surrounded myself with family and friends. I think the thing I worry about is that because our relationship was only 6 months or so, I worry that he will move on really quickly. For me, just because it was 6 months doesn’t mean it was any less meaningful to me. I felt for more this guy than I did for an ex I was with for over 3 years. I just want the day to come where I genuinely do not think about my ex anymore at all! I know it will come one day, until then I will do what I can lol

    • Total Posts: 257

    @kd1988 bless you! Again, I think stop worrying about him moving on.. It’s another thing that is out of our control! Also, if you feel that way after only 6 months there is a chance he will too.. If that makes sense? Your doing so well and doing all the right things! πŸ™‚

    I know it’s definitely a positive im just not sure whether it’s a positive in me moving forward alone or us reconciling! I’m very confused.. I saw his mum again tonight and she said that he hasnt talked to her about me at all this weekend other than to ask her to stop liking and commenting on my Facebook posts as he thinks it would upset me and it keeps coming up on his wall.. :/ what the hell? Who does he think he is? What does that even mean? Grr!

    • Total Posts: 127

    @pineappleblue Hrm It could be exactly what he said… Maybe he really just wants to avoid upsetting you… it might seem silly to you though! I dunno what’s going to happen, sadly we can’t predict the future but either way it’s a positive πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 750

    @pineappleblue I know what you mean hun, I definitely think he felt the same as he told me when we were together. But who knows if it’s the same now! Just got to stop it all, stop the worrying.

    That’s weird about what he said to his mum, but maybe he is thinking what’s best for you! In a weird way!! X

    • Total Posts: 257

    @annakis it just seems really arrogant of him! And completely like he just wants everyone to cut me out! Struggling to see anything as a positive to be honest but whatever..

    yes we do need to stop worrying! It’s easier said than done though isn’t it? x

    • Total Posts: 127

    @pineappleblue It is a bit arrogant of him in a way I suppose… After all, you didn’t break up with his mum did you? Hrm who knows… He’s probably got a bit of the post breakup confusion too though, probably not totally ‘normal’.

    Oh well, just remember you’ve done a good thing πŸ™‚ Now if only I could get my Ex to talk to me!

    • Total Posts: 750

    It’s so much easier said than done!! X

    • Total Posts: 257

    @KD1988 why has your reply been reported? How bizarre!!

    have you not heard anything back from the letter? How long have you been NC now?

    • Total Posts: 750

    @pineappleblue I have absolutely no idea lol. How are you doing today?

    • Total Posts: 257

    I’m okay today! I dont expect to hear from him as he’s going abroad for 5 days with his friends from tomorrow so my hopes are not high to hear from him before he goes.

    Asides from him i am not good. I’ve got an emergency dentist appt this morning to try and figure out what is going out with my wisdom teeth! Theyre in agony, my face is swollen and i can barely swallow – all good news! Not. Haha! Definitely not the look to pull your ex eh? haha!

    How are you doing? x

    • Total Posts: 750

    Oh no!!! No one wants the swollen face coz of wisdom teeth look haha. They are sooooo painful! I hate them.

    Ah I’m ok I suppose. Trying not to dwell, not to think and just forget πŸ™‚ x

    • Total Posts: 257

    That sounds like the best plan! πŸ™‚ Dwelling get us nowhere!

    I’m hoping they just take them out and be done with it ha! I know its not that easy though.. Maybe some sympathy will bring him back? Hahah!

    • Total Posts: 750

    So hard not to though lol. I am waiting for the day that I wake up and he isn’t the first thought that comes into my head!! I’m hoping by the time I go away in June, this will all be a distant memory to me lol.

    Ahhh normally have to get booked in to have them taken out πŸ™ maybe some nice strong painkillers though haha x

    • Total Posts: 257

    Yes i know what you mean. That day feels a very long away for me. It didnt until Monday but now it does again.. Are you going away anywhere nice?

    So i just got back from the dentist and its nothing apparently. Just a bit of bone that i’ve never noticed before and iv irritated it and thats brought it to my attention. The face swelling and throat problems must be something else according to the dentist. Great!

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