Boards Reconciliation Meeting up with his mum..

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  • #39744
    • Total Posts: 750

    Just saw a good quote come up on my facebook “they ignore you, but they’ll need you later” true!!

    • Total Posts: 257

    I like that.. πŸ™‚
    The contrast between how I would have been feeling if we were moving into our house compared to how I’m currently feeling is so bloody obvious today! I’d have been skipping about, excited, not being able to sleep, giddy.. Instead I’m just sat looking at boxes and wishing I could wake up and it all be a dream.. Everyone keeps saying “this is obviously how it’s meant to be” but it doesn’t feel like it πŸ™ x

    • Total Posts: 750

    Oh hun πŸ™ I can understand completely. Think today is just going to be a tough and shitty one!! I wouldn’t for one second say it’s obviously how it’s meant to be! They are probably trying to make you feel better but are saying what they think you want to hear! Chin up lovely, you can do this x

    • Total Posts: 257

    Oh yeah they are just trying to make me feel better.. Just there is only one person who can make it better.. And he’s AWOL! Ha!
    I met my neighbour who seems lovely and my own age so that’s good news πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 750

    Always the way isn’t it!! The one person who can make us feel better is the one who broke our heart!
    Ooo that’s good πŸ™‚ x

    • Total Posts: 127

    Awesome, you two seem like you’re feeling pretty confident about things over all πŸ™‚

    I feel bad for you though pineapple… Oh well, once you get him back you’ve already got a place for him to move into! πŸ™‚

    As for me… The letter has probably arrived. Eep. There’s been no reply on facebook or by email yet… So nervous waiting for it haha.

    Of course it may not come at all… But I guess we’ll see πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 750

    @annakis just trying to take it for what it is πŸ™‚ there’s no point me dwelling on things anymore, it’s out of my control. If he wanted to talk to me he would, or see me, or get back. But he doesn’t so it is what it is. I am leaving him to it. I’m fairly certain one day he will realise what’s gone!!

    Ah try not to worry too much, I know it’s hard though!

    • Total Posts: 127

    Oh he definitely will realise what he’s lost… I think all of our ex’s will!

    • Total Posts: 750

    Yep!! Just don’t know how long it takes for them to realise. Which is the annoying part lol. At the moment I know he is doing everything to keep himself busy, which speaks volumes to me because when I was with him he didn’t really do much. Even if I had plans with my friends he never really did anything. I used to try and encourage him to go out more! And after telling me his weekend is mega busy seeing friends doing this and that; I know he’s doing it to keep his mind off things!

    • Total Posts: 257

    @kd1988 Your definitely right πŸ™‚ he’s keeping his mind off how he’s feeling!

    you never know, she might be thinking about what to say.. Give it some time but try not to focus too much on getting a reply.. Think of it more as a closure thing! Then anything better is a bonus!
    Well I’m all moved in and I’m feeling lots happier! Just can’t believe, chances are, he’s never going to set foot here! It’s an odd feeling but for the best I guess πŸ™ I really feel he won’t come back now!

    • Total Posts: 750

    @pineappleblue well done hun. Moving is stressful!! You never know!! Is he coming to yours on Monday? Or are you meeting in a mutual place? X

    • Total Posts: 257

    Meeting at a mutual place I think, we haven’t arranged properly yet! I don’t want any memories of him here if he isn’t gonna come back so don’t want him coming round unless he is completely back with me..

    • Total Posts: 750

    Yeah I get that completely!! I struggle everytime I am in my flat, just being here reminds me of him and it’s MY flat!! It’s horrible

    • Total Posts: 257

    I’m glad that I could move as it will help a lot not having those memories! So I do not envy you at all πŸ™
    He’s just posted some old photos on Facebook (not ones of us) saying he’s found them, it makes me wonder if he’s been looking through our old photos or if he’s going through and deleting them all x

    • Total Posts: 750

    I try and spend as little time as I can in my own home because of it!

    It could be either… BUT he is looking at them regardless! X

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