Boards Reconciliation Meeting up with his mum..

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  • #39563
    • Total Posts: 257

    My prediction is you’re soon going to get sick of his games and move on and that’s when hell decide he’s not good and come crawling back..

    • Total Posts: 750

    My prediction is definitely the first one! I am getting sick of it already. I’ve done a lot to improve myself, and I don’t play games, never have. Didn’t think he would either but he’s proving me wrong!

    • Total Posts: 257

    Bless you! He is messing you around a lot.. I guess you’ve just got to take a view on what you wanna do about it x

    • Total Posts: 750


    he just text me this…

    “morning. Sorry for the bluntness last night. Just wanted to say that I am still not sure how I am about meeting up. I can’t really tell you how to take that but I am happy keeping it as we are for now x”

    so I replied “I’m not taking it in any way. Is there something you are worried about if we met up? For example, you may think I might try to start a conversation about us? x” (that wasn’t really the worried I was thinking about lol, more that he couldn’t do it coz he had feelings but I couldn’t say that. So he replied “Nope not worried at all hun. Just happy as we are 🙂 x”

    What the….. Help!

    • Total Posts: 257

    That makes zero sense. How does he perceive you to be? x

    • Total Posts: 750

    I have no idea!! I think just talking and that’s it :/

    The bit that’s got me is he comment of “I can’t really tell you how to take that” I dunno what that means, how am I meant to take it?! X

    • Total Posts: 257

    I have no idea my lovely! It must be so infuriating for you..

    On a positive note, he still wants you around. That is better than nothing? I know how frustrated you must be. I’d just leave him to it.. be polite but don’t try too hard.

    • Total Posts: 750

    I THINK he means that he can’t see me because he still has feelings but didn’t want to say that’s what he was thinking. I dunno, I’m so confused!
    I think it’s kind of got the point now where he needs to just admit to his feelings, because he is at risk of me giving up completely and by the time he comes back it will be too late! But obviously I’m not going to tell him that lol. Yeah I think that’s exactly what I have to do. Not initiate anything with him, but if he does contact me I will be polite and that’s about it!

    • Total Posts: 127

    Yeaaah definitely don’t push things… You know how it goes, you move a step forward and then run a mile lol.

    Be patient and let him make the decision to meet… If he feels like it was his idea he’ll feel more confident about meeting I bet.

    • Total Posts: 750

    @Annakis thank you. Yeah going to leave it all up to him now. I wasn’t trying to push anything with him anyway, he just kind of mentioned it. I am just confused about what he said. I mean obviously I respect the fact that he doesn’t want to meet yet, or as he keeps saying he “can’t”, it was more his comment about it and then saying I can’t really tell you how to take that… I don’t get what that means. I dunno if he meant I can read into it how I like, or if he was saying he doesn’t really know why either! Lol. 🙂

    • Total Posts: 127

    Oh I didn’t mean to say I thought you were pressuring hi, I don’t think you are… But one thing he said made me think. I read somewhere that when your ex says “I can’t” it can sometimes mean that they want to, but circumstances or feelings or whatever are holding them back.

    • Total Posts: 127

    Maybe that doesn’t really make sense in this particular instance, but has there been any other times where he’s been like “I can’t do this” or “I can’t do that.”?

    • Total Posts: 750

    @annakis yeah whenever he says about meeting he uses the can’t word. His brother wants him to play guitar at his wedding and my ex said to me he really wanted to but he can’t coz he’s too scared. So it could be similar!

    • Total Posts: 127

    Mm could be! My ex used the word can’t a lot too when we broke up… I think it can also be a way of shifting the blame away from themselves too, they tell themselves they can’t so it doesn’t feel like their fault, you know?

    • Total Posts: 750

    Absolutely. I think he’s worried if he meets me, he won’t have control over his feelings and he’s been able to push them to one side but if he sees me he knows I’ll see right through it

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