Boards Reconciliation Mass Confusion & How To Proceed

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  • #64320
    • Total Posts: 173

    Like idk if she just wants to have sex with me. But, I don’t think that’s the case because she accuses me of just wanting to have sex with her and she said that’d be okay if that’s the case. But she isn’t always straightforward and is confusing as fuck so I’m like what lol.

    • Total Posts: 73

    Lol it’s great you are getting along well. I said though I wouldn’t do anything with her while she isn’t with you bc now she might not feel the need to be with you while you are having sex already. I told you that you want her to miss that and be able to want to get in a relationship with you to have all those things back.
    Trust me I know it’s hard to contain ourselves when we have our loves in bed with us it’s hard for me too. But really if you want her back don’t give her all that she won’t come back when she knows it’s easy to sleep with you and have that side of you.
    I had an ex that left me for another girl. I ended up sleeping with him and hoping that at the same time he would leave the other girl. I kept avoiding him and he would come running after me and begging for us to see each other. So I gave in many times while he kept cheating on her telling me he was going to leave her. Turns out he never left her and he still kept begging til I knew he was using me bc he got what he wanted. I lied to him telling him I had a new boyfriend and of course he got mad and we stopped talking for more than a year now and he’s probably still with her.
    When I kept avoiding the sex he was thinking hard about leaving her bc he knew he couldn’t get that out of me and I just kept giving in. If I didn’t do it he would have left her and been with me now though I’m happy it didn’t work out anyways bc he was a terrible person.
    I just don’t want that happening to you and we have to avoid that. I don’t want you getting hurt from her. You got to maybe back off a little and give her space to miss you. Just don’t mess up if you want her back. Other then that I’m glad you have her close to you! Congrats on that. Be careful! πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 73

    And also, I would tell her the truth that you want a relationship and you don’t want her to feel like she’s being used. Ask her out again! I think it’s safe to do it now πŸ™‚ lol

    • Total Posts: 173

    I fucked up like you said not to. We got in an argument last night. Earlier in the day she said she had a pack of cigarettes that she didn’t want and that I should come get them when I get off work. I assumed she’d want to spend a little time with me, and not to just give me a pack of cigarettes, so I got excited because I enjoy seeing her. Well around 8:30 she cancels on me and it pisses me off so I ignore her for two hours. I was really mad, a girl at work said I should still make an effort to see her, so I call her 3 times when I get off work(she told me to call when I get off work). When she answers I jokingly tell her to wake up and she tells me to shut the fuck up and hangs up on me. So I text her saying I just wanted to bring her a Diet Coke(her staple drink) and that SHE was the one that made plans with me. She said she works full time and she’s exhausted and that she said she gave me ample notice she didn’t want to see me and that if I cared about her I wouldn’t act that way. And she told me she’s not going to play childish games and I told her that childish is when you tell someone you’re going to do something and then don’t. And I told her that I’ve skipped work to spend time with her so it’s bullshit that I don’t care about her. And that I don’t get why she’s salty when she’s the one that told me to call her and that she can call me childish all she wants but don’t ever tell me that I don’t care about her because I’ve proved different all things considered. And finally later on (she must’ve gone back to sleep while I was texting her this). And then later on I text her and told her goodnight and that I’m sorry and that I’ll make it up to her. She called me 3 times while I was sleeping and left a voicemail asking what last night was even about. So I called her while she was at work and left a voicemail saying that I was upset that I didn’t get to see her and that I’m sorry, and I also text her telling her to call me when she gets a chance. She has a birthday dinner with her friend tonight, so I was going to see if she would let me drop by for a second and bring her a letter to apologize. I’m thinking about cooking for her and getting her flowers when I get paid. Do you think I can fix this?

    • Total Posts: 173

    And also she told me to have a nice fucking life, but if she didn’t want to see me anymore she wouldn’t try to call me would she?

    • Total Posts: 73

    Okay there is still a chance to resolve this. She’s acting salty I agree. Yes it will be a great idea for a note and flowers she will love it πŸ™‚ that’s why I was sayin to make her feel special. Idk why she would be acting like that tho. Did you remember anything that went out of line when y’all were hanging out? Btw how old are you both I forgot to ask to get a clear image bc I know how to deal with different ages and situations…except older than me lol but yah I think flowers will clear it up. Letter is a strong one. Let me know what happens!

    • Total Posts: 73

    And no she’s talking out the other end she’s trying to make you feel bad and run after her when she said have a nice life. I still don’t know why she’s mad tho. But yah true fact she wouldnt be calling you if she was serious! She still likes you

    • Total Posts: 173

    I’m 19 and she’s 21. I fixed it, we hung out last night and smoked and I wrote her a letter. She sends such mixed signals, she said she doesn’t want to be with anyone right now. But then makes comments about how I don’t take it seriously and how she doesn’t think I actually want to be with her, when I’ve made it very clear that I do.

    • Total Posts: 173

    It’s like she says the opposite of what she means just see how I react. She also said girls don’t actually say what they mean, and by God I’m starting to get that lol.

    • Total Posts: 73

    Damn your girl is confusing hahaha I think she’s just confused. But if I were you just play it cool try not to give her too much attention. Whenever you think it’s time, get her flowers and ask her out a romantic way. You can even include the note in the flowers.
    She should like that a lot. Hopefully lol try not to be her side guy bc you want her to be into you as something more than that.

    • Total Posts: 173

    I think it’s time I step back again, nothing is going too wrong. But, I think I’ve been showing her too much emotion and being needy. I don’t think I’ll ignore her altogether, but I’ve been laying it on way too strong. I hope she will ponder on why I’m not giving her so much attention as before. I’m curious to how she’ll act or even if she’ll be affected with the absence of my affection.

    • Total Posts: 73

    Yah I think it’s the best thing to do for now to get a clear understanding of what she wants. She is pretty confusing I’m not gonna lie. But I think she will come back wondering why you aren’t giving her attention. Did you do the flower thing yet? If not I would do it if she comes back and it ends up working out this time.
    She might complain you were not there or complain you backed off just be prepared for it and I would give her the flowers then and ask her out. But only when you feel it’s ready. Again don’t give her what she wants yet until she fixes herself and you know you both are on good terms again.

    • Total Posts: 173

    It’s just got me really anxious. I feel almost feel like she never will want to be with me again.

    • Total Posts: 173

    Some of the shit she says is so mean and uncalled for. Plus, she is so selfish. It almost feels like I’m the one losing attraction now.

    • Total Posts: 73

    I know this might seem bad, but her attitude seems a bit off. I would go out and date other girls and you will realize there is way better out there. I actually found my boyfriend on okcupid and he only lives 10 min away from me and it was the best choice I made. When I meet people in person it’s hard bc all guys I met in person was attracted to what’s on the outside and ignored who I am. And they were all douches.
    I think for you, try that okcupid app and see who you meet. Trust me it will take your mind off this chick. And I know you will start drifting away and I know she will come running after you. If she’s not attractive to you anymore, it’s a red flag. You will start to realize you could do way better!
    If you still want her back and you know you can’t get your mind off of her, then simply give her a lot of space and she will come running. But I mean ALOT of space as in don’t message her maybe just text her once a week. She keeps coming in to you and pulling back again bc you give her too much. You just have to stay distant.
    I’m sure you will make the right choices πŸ™‚ and for a girl to be selfish isn’t good! Be careful

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