Boards Reconciliation Mass Confusion & How To Proceed

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  • #63755
    • Total Posts: 73

    Your asking about how long it took for us to connect again? It took 2 weeks only bc our situation was different.
    No you aren’t wrong for that bc she still likes you and we all know she is confused. There is nothing wrong with that. Right now he doesn’t matter it’s just between you two.

    • Total Posts: 173

    That’s about how long it took for her to contact me again. I’m running by her place tonight to drop off an old jacket she gave me so she can use it. And we’re having coffee on Tuesday:). Hopefully I can get a chance to talk to her tonight a little about how she feels.

    • Total Posts: 73

    That’s awesome! I’m glad you guys are working out! Hopefully you both can have a convo about yalls relationship

    • Total Posts: 173

    I’m sorry I’ve been asking for so much advice. My situation is kind of unique. I’ve fallen in love with a girl that has Asperger’s Syndrome. I’ve had some idea for some time now, but she recently got diagnosed. This makes almost any social interactions a task for her, sometimes at the peril of my feelings. So her talking to me and actually reaching out to me again is a big step I think and I think she still has some tidbit of feeling for me (or at least I hope). But, I’m also worried to ask out of fear of what she might say. People with Asperger’s a lot of times don’t take another person’s feelings into consideration, so although she might not mean to crush me. What she might say might. We didn’t hangout tonight, but we are tomorrow and I think I’m just going to take the risk and ask her.

    • Total Posts: 73

    There is not a problem with that, I think it is safe to ask her. I’m sure the condition she has wont affect that. Like she asked you if you think of her so if she asked that, it means she is. It’s just the huge signs I’m paying attention to.
    If she didn’t like you she wouldn’t keep messaging you like in the beginning, she wouldn’t agree much with hanging out. Since she asked the “do you think of me” question I think you are in the safe zone to ask. Just ask one or two questions to just take it slow.
    Lol don’t be sorry about asking for this much advice, we all been through this and it’s tough and we help each other get through it. Don’t worry!

    • Total Posts: 173

    Alright, so we hungout for a good 5-6 hours yesterday. I took her to Starbucks and she bought us coffee and then I took her out for dinner. Later on when we got to her house I asked her how she felt about me, she didn’t really give me a straight answer. And the she asked me and I said I felt a lot of different things. But then she kept asking, so I told her that I liked her still and she said as a friend and stuff right and then I said yeah. But then a couple minutes later I said still like her feelings wise. I don’t know if she’s being difficult or if she doesn’t like me anymore. But, she wanted me to stay at her house longer and stuff. And then I hugged her like 3 times before I left. I’m just so unsure.

    • Total Posts: 73

    Wow that’s a long time which is awesome. Yah she’s a bit confusing but her actions show a lot more. I think she likes you a lot but maybe she doesn’t want to say it yet bc maybe she doesn’t want to look stupid this early after breaking up? I have no clue she does seem confused though and yet she is confusing.
    If I were you I would just back it off again and text her way less bc I think she needs that time to think again. If she liked you as a “friend” it wouldn’t be that much bothering texts from her and wanting to spend this much time with you as well as continuously asking these questions. I don’t even see my guy friend that much just like once a month lol
    Let’s say her actions are more obvious then her words. Looks like you gotta go back to the slow boat and see what happens.

    • Total Posts: 173

    Her actions seems like there is something there. And she has been frequently talking about leaving other guy and talking a lot of shit on him to me. She normally doesn’t hangout as late as she did with me because she has work early, and she blew off other people to hangout with me. And she has been texting me WAY more and replying WAY faster. Yesterday just made me realize how retardly in love I am with her still lol. She even brought up a couple good things from the past. When we got back to her house, she let me lay in bed with her and watch a movie. We didn’t touch or anything, but that’s still odd to me.

    • Total Posts: 73

    Yah it’s extremely obvious!! Lol you know what, just let her ru the show. Have her make that decision to come back to you. It will be that idea of hers. I wouldn’t bring up anything about you two being together for now, she probably doesn’t want to look stupid for coming back quick like that. Just wait till she breaks up with the guy, and don’t ask her anything about relationships at all.
    Whenever she finishes the other guy off she might come back again to you and ask if y’all could be together most likely. But don’t go further with her again you don’t want her to have a boyfriend and still have you at the same time. Don’t treat her too close right now. She will figure it all out at least she knows you like her and still have feelings for her. Just don’t be too much with her yet you don’t want her to suddenly back off. The more distant you are, the more she will want to run after you.

    • Total Posts: 73

    And yes you guys can hang out its cool but just text less and basically don’t be attached yet. This stage is possible her mind can change like crazy. So just be careful not to be too close and make her say forget it.

    • Total Posts: 173

    Alright, so we hungout yesterday. I drove her to get us coffee and then we went to target. And then we went back to her house. She kept telling me to sit next to her. And while I was there she broke up with her boyfriend through text and she was talking a lot of shit about him to me. And she talked about stuff from the past. Before I left she sat her legs up on mine and then I started kissing her neck and stuff. But while I was there a girl snapchat me that I don’t even reply to ever lol, and she got really jealous I think. Now she keeps saying things like “go talk to your girlfriend” and “tell your girlfriend I said hi” and she seemed irritated through text messages and when I called her today. I don’t get it.

    • Total Posts: 173

    And when I asked her if she’d like to go out and hangout in Saturday she said “Fine.” There’s something bothering her but she won’t tell me what it is.

    • Total Posts: 173

    But everytime I ask her if there’s something up she says “I’m not mad, should I be?”

    • Total Posts: 73

    I wouldn’t worry about it. She’s just being extremely childish to get jealous over something small like that. Even though she dated someone else she honestly has no room to get jealous. That means she wants attention from you she wants you to run after her.
    Just take her out and maybe surprise her with flowers to get her mind off. And leave your phone out and visible so she won’t think you are hiding something. Make her feel like she’s the only one in your life by doing a small surprise trust me it works everytime lol
    You are on a good page with her you progressed with her so much. I’m really glad she finally left the guy! Congrats on that. She loves you. See how it goes with her and possibly see if she wants to reunite together? Tell her you love her so much make her feel special.

    • Total Posts: 173

    Okay, so both of our parents went out of town for a week. She stayed at my house twice and I stayed at her’s for almost the whole week. We slept together A LOT and spent a lot of time together and she seems more comfortable around me. But, I don’t think she wants to be with me still. We sleep together but she won’t let me kiss her bye or anything like that or kiss her while we aren’t sleeping together. It makes me feel really weird. I don’t know what she wants or how I should continue.

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