Boards Reconciliation Mass Confusion & How To Proceed

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  • #63548
    • Total Posts: 173

    So you think she’ll come in contact again? And if she doesn’t should I contact her first after those two weeks?

    • Total Posts: 173

    After she hugged me I asked if she still wanted to talk to me. She said “If you want to, yeah.” So I’m not really sure what to do with that lol.

    • Total Posts: 73

    I personally think she will contact you. Just don’t contact her first. Let her run the show bc you don’t want her to have both guys at her grasp. When she sees you fade away and not act as close as before, she will start to worry and miss that. Again I think she’s confused.
    So you are good so far. Her answer is accepting you to be in her life. She still wants you to contact her lol that’s why she’s been trying to get to you. Just stay away again and she will hopefully give in to you 😉 it’s obvious she still has feelings.

    • Total Posts: 173

    I hope so. She can be heartless at times so her contacting me just to apologize was so out of the blue for me. I honestly thought she couldn’t give two fucks about me lmao. I hope she didn’t just want to see me out of pity because of the events that took place. But I don’t think she really feels pity for anything so I doubt that’s the case. I’m just so happy and so shocked at the same time. But I’m not letting the excitement get the better of me and keeping me from thinking rationally. I’ll just try to sit back for now and hope she contacts me again.

    • Total Posts: 173

    I also think the next time I get paid I’ll treat myself to a haircut to maintain my shaggy ass mane and also invest in some new clothes, it’s been like a year since I’ve bought new clothes lol.

    • Total Posts: 173

    A lot of people tell me the same thing when I tell them that I want to be with my ex again and they kind of act like I’m weird for that. They say they usually just move on and wait until they find someone else. But, I don’t want anyone else so am I wrong for trying to do something different?

    • Total Posts: 173

    She text me again asking “You alive.” Should I respond and just act cool about it or just not reply?

    • Total Posts: 173

    She sent me two more texts saying : “Okay then.” And “I guess I get it.” So I simply replied “Sorry, I’m at work and my phone was sitting in the back. And yes I’m still breathing :)” is that reasonable? Lmao

    • Total Posts: 73

    Lol if I was with a guy and we broke up I wouldn’t take the time to keep messaging them and even hang out with them if I wasn’t interested.
    I’m glad everything is going well 🙂 shopping is a good start, got to have her see something fresh and new haha
    Yes stay away for now and let her have to time to think about everything and take it in. Hopefully she turns around when she realizes you are not there and she misses it.

    • Total Posts: 73

    I just saw your other messages lol no you are not wrong at all. Some people that never been through break ups don’t understand the position we are in. It is hard to move on and we keep wanting to find a similar person to who we had or just not anyone else at all. That’s definitely normal. Don’t listen to them. You do you. I know how it feels trust me. My friends actually sided with me bc they knew who my man was and the situation was just odd. Idk if you read my post but yah it was interesting. And yes we ended up going back together again and I’m happy to have him again.
    I know in time if she does not cope with you and she keeps beating around the bush and avoids a relationship with you then you know it’s time to move on. But this doesn’t seem like the case.
    See you are still on her mind. If she was completely happy with the new guy, she would NOT be contacting you like this. Yes just answer her as long as she’s the one contacting you. You know, she has been waiting all day from you from the way she messaged you. Pretty insane lol
    Just answer her there is no problem with that. I like your answer. I would ask her if she still likes you and see what she says. It’s your choice though. It seems she wants you there while she’s with the other guy. Maybe she’s just not happy with him after all.

    • Total Posts: 173

    I text her but not too much, and not too rapidly. I’m taking it slow to see how she reacts for now, I’ll only text her when she texts me and only nothing too serious now unless she gets to that point and then I might get more curious lol.

    • Total Posts: 173

    I think I might give it a couple more texting sessions and maybe another few in person visits to get a better read on her intentions.

    • Total Posts: 173

    And congratulations! I’m so happy for you!

    • Total Posts: 73

    Thanks! Lol yes take it slow. Now she’s going to get to that point where she will want that other loving “boyfriend” side of you. Don’t give it to her while she’s with another guy.
    If she gets to the point of getting to close, then tell her like whoa you have a bf. Then she will realize she can’t have you like that while with him. Eventually that will be her step of choosing. If she agrees with you, then back off again and she will be thinking about it more and in time she will leave him and go to you.
    Don’t be an easy catch for her. I like how you are managing things now. Sorry I jumped a few steps ahead but just saying haha

    • Total Posts: 73

    And there is also no problem if you wanna be the first to text and say hello or something. Just keep it short and don’t text too much. Sometimes leaving her for a good hour or more will make her wonder more about you.
    If she asks what’s up just be like out with some friends or something. It will make her mind blow haha trust me

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