Boards Reconciliation Looking for Advice

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  • #69897
    • Total Posts: 57

    It’s good that you’ve gotten through these days. 22 days of no contact is rough. But you’ve done great so far. Keep finding things to improve yourself overall. You’re getting closer to that day 30 mark. And I bet you’re feeling that pressure. I did. As far as you contacting her, that’s up to you. You know her and your situation better than anyone. It might be a good idea to check up on her through a friend if you can. Ask how she is. Or if you can’t do that, look at her Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, ect. You might find out some info to get a better grasp on the overall situation. Do that on day 27 or so. Until then keep working out, cooking, being around friends and distracting yourself. I’ll go over the scenarios of after no contact.

    Scenario 1: you contact her after day 30 and she contacts back. You have to be ready. No talking about the relationship! Your relationship before is now over. So you have to start over. Be polite, positive, happy. You cannot show any signs of bad emotions, even if they’re swimming around in your head. You must be confident and a friend. Talk about what she wants to talk about. Start slow and keep it short. Maybe ask how she’s doing to know her situation. Just don’t let the past conflict with your conversations. If she wants to talk about it, she will. And if she does, keep your emotions in check. Do not point out her mistakes at all. Focus on yours and apologize for them. Just remember it’s a new relationship. You and her are different people now. So it’s new yet the same. She obviously loved you at one point. She can love you again.

    Scenario 2: you contact her but get nothing back. Remain calm. She’s not ready. Don’t try again to contact her. It’ll make you seem desperate and needy. I know it’ll be hard. But you have to keep cool in that situation. Just go on like normal. Keep your focus on yourself. Try again in another month. Maybe she’ll be ready by then. But again you know her and the situation better than anyone else. So be smart and be patient.

    Scenario 3: you choose to continue no contact. I chose this because of my situation. My ex is still having sex and getting high with this new guy. So I felt anything I did wouldn’t really matter. I assessed the situation and made a smart decision. If you do choose this path, keep focusing on yourself. And be ready for the time when you do contact her. Or maybe she’ll even contact you. And since you’re past day 30, you can respond without a problem.

    I know you wish she’d just say something to you. Me too. I’ve waited for her to tell me she messed up and sorry and blah blah blah. I’ve realized that this won’t happen from my ex. She’s stubborn. At this point you should stop wanting it. Ik that sounds a little harsh and yeah its hard.. but it’s a little obsessive as well. That’s why I stopped thinking it. It’ll help you focus on yourself a lot better.

    As far as me. Today’s tough. It’s her birthday. Im just confused on how to handle today. I was going to send a card but I didn’t. So I’m just kinda letting today pass by. I’m beginning to really get into that “missing her badly” stage. I’ve kinda felt a little empty the last few days. The relationship with that new girl kinda fell out. I knew it would. But we haven’t texted in a few days. It’s not a big deal though. I knew it wouldn’t last with me stuck on my ex. She’s still with that guy though. So every day it seems like she moves further and further away from me. It’s tough to think about it now.. moving on. I’m conflicted. She’s not the girl I used to love anymore. She’s changed so much. And not in a good way. Maybe one day I’ll figure things out. Right now, I’m just going to start preparing for the worst and start moving forward from all this. Maybe she’ll figure it all out someday and want me back. Maybe not. Either way I just need to keep moving forward in my life. One day I’ll feel better. For now, dog days.

    I’ll let you ready all this and once you respond we can talk about your ex and this new guy. It’s important you know what to do if she does decide to be with him or becomes close to him. Hope to hear from you soon.

    • Total Posts: 6

    I contacted my ex by post
    Just sent her a postcard I’d got her and said I was fine with the break up
    Told her we needed space
    Wished her well
    Told her I’ve made some good changes in myself
    I’m probably at 30 days around now
    She text me saying thanks for the post card that she liked it
    Since then we’ve spoken everyday day but only small chats and it’s been upbeat and funny
    She’s even tried flirting with me
    I’ve then ended it by saying I’m off out etc
    I’m just trying to play it cool and see how it goes
    But like me I wish I met this guy also
    I wanted to take my anger out on him but I think she was a fool more
    I’m not sure if she did cheat but I know if it was me doing what she done she’d of had a lot more to say about it
    I believe in time your girlfriend will realise herself how much she fucked up
    I think it takes time for them to see this new guy isn’t right for them
    Maybe feels good at the time because they know it’s wrong etc
    I had a girl chase me in work before and fell for it
    I thought she loved me but we lasted 6 months
    She had a boyfriend and came onto me etc
    I look back now and see she was on a rebound with me
    I thought she loved us but I think she may of just been confused and used me to get out her shit relationship

    • Total Posts: 107

    Hi Carey,

    Sorry its been a few days. Been trying to keep busy. Had kind of a rough day mentally yesterday but doing a bit better today. I really appreciate your message. Its nice to see all the potential outcomes laid out. As you suggest in your first paragraph I’m not really sure how I can see how well she’s doing. Theres a mutual friend of ours I could talk to but he’s kinda screwed me over before so idk how much I trust him. I’ve been gone off facebook for like 3 weeks now and she doesn’t really post anything anyways. Not really sure what to do there.

    I’m on day 25 now I think and I’m really starting to feel anxious honestly. What if this doesn’t work? What if I put in all this effort and she still doesn’t even want to talk to me or has already moved on? Here’s what I think will happen, I’ll send her something and she’d probably reply. But after a while she’ll start to close things down and ask me to stop talking to her again. Maybe she’ll say she’s not ready to talk again or something, even though she could easily be talking to this other dude instead of me which makes me feel terrible. I don’t know how things will turn out obviously. Maybe she will have actually missed me and want to talk idk.

    I’m not sure I’m ready to try to talk to her again, problem is I’m scared if I don’t she’ll just continue talking to him and maybe I’ll miss my window or something. On the other end, she might not want to talk to me right now if I talk to her and it could push her away even further. I’m just really scared it isn’t going to work or she’ll have already moved past me.

    Sorry to hear your ex is still with that guy. I’d bet money it wont be for much longer though. Gotta try to be patient.I know you already have been, considering you’ve made it this far already which is great. I think you can keep going. I’m struggling with the thought of spending the holidays without her. Its kinda tough to think about.Probably should avoid thinking about it I suppose.

    Sorry it was her birthday a few days ago. That had to be rough. Hope you got through it okay.I’ve been feeling a little empty the past few days as well. I hope it comes to pass soon though.

    Sorry this new relationship with the other girl kinda feel out. It was expected but at least you had a good time probably?It did help prepare you for the future I suppose. Maybe I’d try talking to her some more if you are going to try to move on like you say. I don’t know, up to you though.

    How have things been lately? Also like you mention what do I do if she decides to be with him or is already close to him? I feel like she defs could be. She did say she wanted to be single for a while though, but that doesn’t really make me feel any better. I don’t even know what she’s been doing lately. I hope she’s doing okay. I really miss her.

    Sorry for taking forever to reply. All the best.

    • Total Posts: 107

    Hi Prod98,

    Sorry you’ve been in a similar situation. Its rough. At least she’s been talking to you from what I can understand. Thats probably a good sign :). Honestly it doesn’t really matter what happened in the past if you really want to start over with her, because thats what it is, at least at the beginning, its a new relationship. I think over time it migrates together. But at the outset you have to treat it like a new one. I think there will be less animosity between you two then.

    I’m really glad to hear you say that you think in time she’ll realize she messed up. I really hope you are right. Its just frustrating and annoying and hard to wait this long I guess for her to try to figure things out.

    Any updates to your situation? Sorry for taking so long to reply my friend.

    • Total Posts: 57

    It’s great you’ve been busy. As you get close to day 30 you’ll def get pretty nervous. You have to try to suppress these nerves. It won’t help prepare for the day you try to reach out to her again. Just use what youve learned from this site and try to look back on the last month and really take a look at how you’ve grown as a person. Leave behind the bad and continue forward with the good.

    I used to read a lot. I loved reading. There was a great book series that I could dive into for hours and hours. The author used great details to really drive the story. It was set in a medieval like time. One thing ive always remembered from the books is a motto one of the main characters used to say. “Have a good plan, but always prepare for your plan to fail.” Technically saying, prepare for the worst. Now if she’s with this new guy or is talking to him seriously still, remain calm through it. There’s no way she can go from having a relationship with you to a new, great relationship with another person so quickly. You have to take a lot of time. Like almost a year. If she’s with him just remember it’s not for good. Yeah it’s a shit bummer but you just have to keep going on. Stick to the plan. Each day you get stronger and she only gets weaker. I’ve had to deal with the fact that my ex is with a new guy, already having sex with him.. it’s really hard to think about sometimes. But I’ve gotten through it and just learned to accept it.

    If you can’t get any info to assess the situation then you might just have to trust your instincts. Ik it’s pretty hard to do. But you know her (for the most part). Just send the letter if you feel the time is right. If it’s not, just wait. She’s not going anywhere. You can just wait for the right opportunity to present itself. Timing is seriously everything.

    For now, keep busy like you’ve been doing. It’s good you dont immediately respond and sit on this site all day everyday. You’re staying busy and working on yourself getting through these rough days. Continue to stay strong.

    As far as me, things aren’t exactly great I guess. Yesterday I dropped of my letter. It pretty much said “happy birthday, sorry I missed that. I’ve accepted the breakup, been pretty busy with college, sorry for the way I acted in the beginning, hope you’re doing well, maybe one day we can catch up as friends.” So far, no reply.. so the only thing I can do now is wait. I feel like eventually I won’t want to wait any longer. For now I’m not too concerned. I kinda felt like it may have been too soon for the letter. But it is what it is. For now I’ll focus on college and working out. I’ll most likely get a weekend job too. There’s a really cute girl at my gym that I want to talk to so bad but I’m so bad at starting conversions.. maybe one day I’ll just say fuck it and approach her. Until then I’ll just continue to awkwardly look over at her from time to time..

    Take these last few days to collect your thoughts and think about if it’s the right time for you, not just her. I understand you really miss her. And ik how every thoight seems to be of her. But you can’t let them get in the way. You still need to be smart and patient right now. In all honesty you’re the only one who can decide when to try to contact her again. It’ll be tough. If anything, just keep going on. One day you’ll have your chance. As far as the holidays go, yeah I’m right there with you. I’ve always gone to her families house since we started dating. It’ll be hard this year. From the looks of things for me it doesn’t look like I’ll see them this year. I kinda hope she brings her new boyfriend with her. Her dad knows a deadbeat when he sees one. More points to me in the end.. but yeah, holidays suck. Just continue to be strong through them. Ik you’ll make it. Youve come a long way already. Hope these next few days are good ones for you. Till next time.

    • Total Posts: 107

    Hi Carey,

    Sorry things have been a bit rough for you lately. They’ve been pretty rough for me as well. I’m still really terrified this isn’t going to work or she is just going to tell me she doesn’t want to talk or something. But then again, I have no idea where she is at. I kinda freaked out for a bit today thinking about all that stuff. Doing a little better now. Made some dinner in the crock pot and did some lifting at home. Helped me get my mind off things.

    What was the series of books you are referring to? I’m legit curious. I don’t do too much reading anymore. I’ve almost finished listening to The Count of Monte Cristo on audiobook during work. Its probably my favorite book ever. I think after I finish that my friend recommended me the Night Angel trilogy. He says its supposed to be really good. I think I’m going to check it out.

    Anyways, I’m still kinda on the fence about sending a letter to her. I might honestly just start with a “this reminded me of you text”. I dont really know how to send a letter to her. I dont know her new address. I suppose the apartment complex we used to live together in would have a forwarding address probably. My concern is that might take a few days. I think she might go back home for a few days around thanksgiving soon and I don’t want the letter to get stuck sitting in her mailbox when she might not be home. Also I know she doesn’t really check her mail that often. My concern with that is it might complicate timing. Also, honestly I think the letter might be a little cheesy but maybe it works I don’t know. What do you think?

    I hope she replys to the letter. I really do my friend. Maybe reach out to your friend close by her and see how things are going on her end. I’d bet that relationship with the other dude is going not well. I wish I knew more about how my ex is doing but I don’t have a good way of doing that really.

    Holidays will be a bit tough, we’ve always usually been apart during the holidays the last 2 years actually since we were in college we both just spent time in our respective hometowns. I was kinda hoping this year would be the first time we actually got to spend it with each others familys. Maybe we still can. Maybe someday in the future we still can. Honestly some of the best times I spent with her in my opinion is we’d occasionally spend weekends in her hometown with her parents. She’s really close with both of them, I really like them, and they really like me (I think? lol). I really just miss sitting together with them and spending time together. It wasn’t always the most fun thing we did together. But it was really nice and peaceful honestly. I really miss that :/.

    Btw, I have a decent way to start a conversation with a girl you haven’t met before. Now I’m not very good with girls obviously so take it with a grain of salt, but it seems to work. I always compliment their shoes. Girls like shoes and talking about shoes. So often I’ll just say something like “hey, I like your shoes, where did you get them? etc.”, seems to work most of the time. Sometimes they’ll ask about your shoes back so be prepared to explain. Thankfully, I’ve bought like 3 pairs of nice boots lately that I’ve been wearing so it makes for a nice starting point of conversation when I can talk about my shoes as well.

    Any updates to your situation? sorry it’s been a few days. I think my dinner is about done wooooooooooooooooo I am so hungry.

    All the best.

    • Total Posts: 57

    My favorite books are either the Harry Potter books or the Eragon books. The series I was talking about is called The Rangers Appreciate. They’re good reads if you’re looking to pass the time.

    I think you have a good idea with your letter. My problem was also not really knowing how to get it to her.. perks of living in the digital age 😛 in the end I just drove to her college on a day off and plopped it at her pod. So basically I left the letter sitting out in the open with her name on it. And I’m just hoping no one took it but her.. kinda not smart on my end but then again ik her friends who live in the same pod would’ve given it to her. So I’m not worried too much about her actually getting it. It’s just the fact that there was no reply from it. And obviously I can’t send another one or else I’ll seem needy or desperate or even a little creepy. So now I play the waiting game. Which I was going to try my best to continue no contact through the holidays. I hate to think I’d have to go on that long but there’s not much else I can do. Kinda sucks :/ but it is what it is. As far as your letter, I’d figure out how you’re going to get it to her. Then think about timing. Usually it only takes 4 or 5 days to be delivered. So kinda plan for that. Your timing is important but your window is bigger than you think. I feel like I may have jumped the gun. Should’ve waited for her to stop being with this new guy. But I got a little nervous and delivered it anyway.

    Ill actually try the shoes thing. It’s a pretty good idea. Hopefully she’s not already seeing someone.. she’s really cute. It’s nice to have a little crush on another girl. It stops me from thinking about my past with my ex and starts making me think about a possible relationship with this new person. Of course those memories flood me every day. I miss my ex pretty bad right now. But things have been taking the focus off that. Just spent two days with friends playing games and hanging out. It was pretty fun. Pretty much just got home. Hit a deer though.. fucked up my cars hood pretty bad -_- atleast nothing serious wrong. Just some body damage.

    Try to keep positive thoughts. And remember to prepare for the absolute worst. It makes it easier to collect your thoughts and plan your next move. And if the worst never happens then that’s good. It’s always good to be ready though. Stay hopeful and continue to be strong. No matter what work on you. Good luck with the next days. Try to think of better things. Hope things go well for you. I’ll be in touch.

    • Total Posts: 107

    Hi Carey,

    I don’t know if I’m going to send the letter. I’m a bit worried it might take too long to get there or something. I could go like drive by her work and put it on her car or something but that seems a bit creepy. So I don’t think I’m going to do that. MY concern is that if I send it now it takes 4-5 days to get to her, she might go home for a week or something and then its been 2 weeks before she might even see it. I know she doesn’t check her mail very often. I’m thinking I just start with the “hey this reminded me of you text” but maybe thats a terrible idea. Maybe the letter is essential to success I don’t know. I just really don’t know. I’m so scared. I know there are plenty of other opportunities to find love elsewhere in the world but I still am deciding that I want to be with her. Going down this path is a lot more difficult. I feel its taking its toll on me. God I hope this works.

    Do you think I should send the letter or nah?

    Jesus you hit a deer? Thats crazy. Hope everything is okay. At least you’ll have a nice story to tell your ex when she eventually contacts you.

    If this doesnt work is there still a chance we can be together again someday or should I just try to move past this whole thing? I never wanted for any of this to happen. I have no clue how she is doing or where she is at. Its starting to get pretty cold around here. I hope sometime I can be the one to help keep her warm again.

    • Total Posts: 57

    If you’re unsure and dont feel it’d be your best option, then don’t send it. A text may not be quite as meaningful but it could still work. I know you don’t know where she is tight now. And yeah that makes it kinda difficult to really know if it’s the right time. Maybe you just have to take a leap of faith with the text. And if it doesn’t work out just continue to move forward.

    Today I got on Facebook. I saw on my wall that “your ex is now in a relationship with new guy.” So yeah.. that hit me pretty hard. My heart’s still beating and I’ve got a pretty sick feeling churning inside me. Maybe she got the letter and that’s her way of telling me “look I’m with this guy now.” Maybe I’m just looking into it too much. Either way it hurt. I think I’m just going to unfriend her and block her now. I’m honestly just tired of all this. It’s definitely taken a toll on me. I don’t want to wait around on her anymore. She’s not the girl I loved. Maybe one day she’ll try to contact me or want to try again. For me I think I’m done trying. It’s just too much for me right now. I’ll focus on my career and myself. Wish this never happened. It’s rough.

    As far as your situation, if things don’t work, then you should start moving on. There’s always a chance that it’ll work out one day. But if it doesn’t work now then there’s no point in waiting around for it to happen. It’s not healthy. And you never know what other chances you miss by dwelling on your past. I’m sorry this all happened to you. I know it’s hard. I understand you love her and care about her. But there are other people in this world that will make you happy. And you can make them happy. Endless possibilities. Life is weird. Our existence is weird as hell… I’m not trying to make you question life itself lol. But life is hard. In the end we all find happiness. I know you will. No matter what happens.

    If you do contact her and she replies back, be cool. Be ready to take it slow. If you decide to not, then focus on you. Try to think of her less and less. This site helps get your ex back, but it also helps move on. I don’t want to say I’m giving up. I’m just tired of being hurt. I want to be happy again. And I can be happy without her. I hope things go okay with your situation.

    • Total Posts: 107

    Hi Carey,

    That’s rough with the Facebook thing. Sorry that happened. I know it makes you feel sick, and maybe she did do it deliberately to mess with you, I don’t think she did but she might have. Even if she did it doesn’t really matter because you know that they’ve been fighting and it’s not going to last already. You’ve mentioned this before so you already know this, I don’t think her putting it on fb changes anything, if anything maybe it means you got to her or something I don’t know.

    Went on a long run today, was pretty nice, one of the last days I’ll probably be able to do it for a while. I know there are lots of other opportunities out there but taking this time has made me decide that I want to continue to try to do this. And I think that means a lot. I think that means how important she is to me, even after the things she did. I know I can move on, but that doesn’t mean I want to. For now at least I want to try to be with her. It might be harder this way but I think she’s worth it. Idk if she’ll think I’m worth trying this again though. She could very well just be talking to this guy all the time and that would make me sick. Maybe she’s hung out with him a bit while he’s recovering. I’ve been pretty good about not thinking about this lately but considering how close I am to breaking no contact it’s made me think about what she’s doing more. Maybe that’s a bad thing idk, I suppose I’ll know soon.

    I think I’m going to send her something in a text tomorrow or the next day, but I don’t know if I’m ready or what I’ll say. I need to figure that out. Makes me sick to think about because I’m scared she might already be gone, I think she was gone when we broke up. I don’t know if I’ll ever know why. I need to think of what to say, probably will use Kevin’s guide and skip the letter because it might take too long.

    As far as the Facebook thin goes idk how connected you are to social media but I haven’t been on Facebook in like 3 weeks, idk if she’s posted anything on there or not. Maybe you should take a break from it for a bit, or you could also play the subtle Facebook game idk.

    I think if you are still having these sickening feelings maybe go to the gym. I’d try to talk to that cute girl you like, or text the girl you went out on a date with once and ask to catch up. Might be good for you, might be hard though too I don’t know. I kinda wish I had some people to talk to, I’ve been pretty anti social the last few days, not really talking to my friends at all, I haven’t looked at my non work phone in like a day and a half, which is crazy for me. I don’t know why I feel this way. I don’t understand.

    I’m sorry you are having a rough day today, I’m here if you want to talk for the rest of the day today probably my friend

    • Total Posts: 57

    Thanks for the advice. Yeah it doesn’t matter what she posts. I mean I’ve known they’ve been together for well over a month. I guess my letter did get to her. It was prob meant for me to see. And yeah I think I will take a break from Facebook. I’m pretty connected as far as social media goes. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat. Might be a good idea to just step away. I think tomorrow I will talk to that girl. A little excited to. Hope she’s not already taken..

    I’m glad you’re going to keep going. It’s great you care so much for her. She may be too blind to see it but I think you’re good for her. If only they knew huh.. and skipping the letter isn’t that bad. It’s just a minor detail. And yeah be thinking what to say in that text. It cant be too strong with emotion but it needs to be friendly. If a conversation starts, keep it short. Don’t tell her every little thing you’ve been up to. You’ll run out of things to talk about pretty quick. Probably just ask how’s she’s been doing and tell her about something big that’s happened. Talk for a little and end the conversation by saying you have to go. If she doesn’t respond to your text it just means she’s not ready. Or she’s talking to that guy. Which isn’t a big deal.

    If this guy is still around, which there’s a good chance he is, she’s not ready to be with him. Think about yourself with a new girl already. Every time you kiss, hug, go anywhere. You’re comparing it to your ex and thinking about them just about the whole time. Youll have moments where you’d feel happy, but once you’re alone, you feel that creeping feeling. The thoughts of your ex. And you miss them. One day you figure out the relationship is empty. And that you weren’t actually over your ex. The only bad thing is it might be a year down the line. But either way you end up at square one. Sad and lonely missing your ex wishing there was some way you could maybe talk to them. That’s the most probable scenario if she starts seeing this new guy. She will only think she’s happy but you’re a good guy. It’d be hard not to miss someone who cared for you. So don’t sweat too much if she’s with him. It’ll just postpone your plans. Which gives you even more time to work on yourself. Becoming stronger and smarter.

    No matter what just keep improving you. Ik I’ve said that a lot but it’s important. I’m happy to hear you’re going to keep fighting for this. I’m okay with my choice to start moving on. Maybe she’ll wake up and figure out that she’s letting go of a guy who really loves and cares about her. I just need some time from all this to be happy. I like the idea of getting past the sad days and getting past this missing her badly stage.

    • Total Posts: 107

    Hi Carey,

    I hope your talk with that other girl goes well. I feel really nervous and scared today. Been thinking back about a lot of things when we were together that I really miss. Makes me feel kinda sick. I hope this plan works. I’m not sure I’m ready to get out of no contact but I feel like I have a good window here before the holidays start up and this other guy heals.

    I’m pretty sure this other dude is still around but you never know. Maybe they haven’t talked much maybe they have. I’ve no way of knowing. I don’t think she’ll start seeing him anytime soon but maybe she already has. She said she wanted to be single for a while. Which might be a good thing for me might be a bad thing. Might mean that if I’ve done well enough during this time period she’ll realize that she wants to be with me again since she’s had somet time to her self.

    I’m trying to be optimistic but it’s hard knowing that it might not work. God I hope it does. I think I’ll send her something either today or tomorrow. A simple reminded me of you text and we’ll see how things go. I think I might skip the letter thing. Feel like it might take too long.

    As you say the relationship they may or may not have might make her feel empty as she continues to compare him to me. I’d like to try to restart our relationship before that happens if possible. I think it might be. Unfortunately that means I might have to compete for face time with her which will suck because I have to be patient. I don’t want to have to compete with some other dude.

    I hope out can take some more time so you can be happy Carey. I should be available the rest of the day and be able to reply since I might send her something today anyways. I’m not sure I’m ready though.

    Hope all is well

    • Total Posts: 107

    Ughh I am really nervous. I don’t feel very good. I don’t know if I want to send something tonight. I don’t know if I’m ready. I’m really scared it isn’t going to work. What if she’s already moved past me? What if she says she doesn’t want to talk to me? I am kinda freaking out right now I don’t know what to do. I have some ideas for what I want to send but ifk if they are good or not. I don’t know what to do

    • Total Posts: 57

    I didn’t feel I was ready to come out of no contact either. And the thought of the the long wait and the patience game is daunting. Because you know you still love them and care about them and already want things to work. But you’ll be forced to go at their pace. But you have to see the end goal. A happy relationship. You see it already and it’s keeping you going. But she doesn’t see that. That’s what we’re here for. To hopefully make them see.

    If she has been seeing this guy, you contacting her might confuse her. It’ll make her really think about what she want. It might even freak her out a little. That’s why you should go slow. Any hint you want to get her back will cause her to just lock up immediately. It’ll be too much. If she’s not texting him or seeing him then it’ll be easier for you. But you should still take it slow. You want to be her friend. Make her have a good time. Be fun and new. If you’re taking her out, go somewhere she’s never been. Don’t recreate old memories. Make new ones. It’ll take her mind off the past relationship she had with you. Not entirely. She’ll remember why she was dating you. I’m going out on a limb and saying she’s talking to that guy still. Her seeing him get hurt like that will make her feel a little obligated to stick around till he’s recovered. Which isn’t a bad thing. Her getting close to him could act turn her off. She may figure out she actually doesn’t like him. He honestly sounds like a dumbass.. either eay be cool with whatever is going on. It’ll make you look really good if you’re more understanding.

    Again if she responds, keep it short and be cool. Relax and take it easy. If she doesn’t respond don’t freak out. Just continue on focusing on yourself. The plan doesn’t change just because she doesn’t text back.

    My day wasn’t bad. I have college every day and I go straight to the gym after so I’m always distracted on the weekdays. That girl wasn’t there today so didn’t get a chance to talk to her. Maybe tomorrow. Got my car kinda fixed up. Had to drive without a front bumper or my hood today. Looked pretty getto. Thankfully nothing internal was messed up. The Japanese know how to build a car..

    Did you end up sending the text today? Hope things are going good.

    • Total Posts: 57

    Take it easy. There’s no way she’s moved past you. Not after only a month. She most likely feels that empty feeling the same one you do. Usually they’re at the same stage we are at this point. They just haven’t found this site. And they might think the relationship is dead and that we are actually the ones moving on. But really we’re trying to get them back. If she doesn’t want to talk then she needs more time. It only means you need to wait till she’s ready to be friends. She’s not just going to cut you out of her life. Unless she’s just a total bitch. Which from what I take, she’s not. So stay calm. If you’re freaked out then wait another week. I know you want to do it now but you should be in control of your emotions. Right now they’re everywhere. So wait till tomorrow to really decide. If you’re still sick-to-your-stomach nervous then don’t send the msg yet. She’s not going anywhere. Hope this helps.

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