Boards No Contact Rule longest week of my life!

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  • #68681
    • Total Posts: 2

    Only on 7 days NC, while I’m thinking about how to work things out I’m convinced my ex is committed to moving on, so the devil on my shoulder is telling me to get in touch before he moves on. Just need someone to tell me/reassure me that not getting in touch is the best thing?!

    • Total Posts: 32

    Hi, I would recommend carrying on NC. I’ve been NC for around 45 days now, I’ve not heard from my ex but ive realised that time with no contact is the best thing. You both need time to get your head around the breakup and to start healing.
    Depending on the reason for breakup there’s a lot of hurt on both sides and feelings take time to settle.
    How I felt at day 7 is very different to how I feel now and have little desire to contact my ex.
    Hold on for as long as you can, he may contact you.
    Feeling will still be raw at the moment.

    • Total Posts: 176

    Hey lauraa,
    I am sorry about your breakup. Honestly nobody can guarantee you that NC is the best option; if he doesn’t wanna keep in touch at all, you have to give him space. 7 days is pretty early and I can tell you that you will deal with a whirl of contrasting emotions along the way. Take as much time as you need, 30 days is not the strict rule to follow.
    Reach out only when you have cleared up your mind and when you feel ready to face however your relationship is gonna resolve. I have completed my NC period and it served me to analyze the whole relationship and understand what step I had to take next. I let go of all the negatives feelings and I am going through a radical change in my weak areas; I said goodbye to my ex but it’s not forever, I didn’t give up on her. I’m letting her have her own experiences, reflect on what she wants for her future, hoping one day maybe we will reunite. At the same time though I accepted that this might never happen and I am in peace with it.
    Good luck and be strong.

    • Total Posts: 13

    I think NCit is the best solution what so ever because in my case, my boyfriend is the showing off type and has a huge ego. Even if he stated that he will never chase a girl, he came after me and my nc ended after only 7 days.

    Even if it s not the chasing type he will think it through. Is the best chance you ve got.
    I blown mine with nc, we ve got back together but after 6 months later, things are rusty as hell..maybr

    So my oppinion is that you should follow your best shot 😀

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