Boards Reconciliation Letter final draft! Pls tell me what u think

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  • #38778
    • Total Posts: 463

    She must have got it, I hope. She’s a bit stubborn a bit like me. So who knows what’s on her mind. I’ll stay positive about things.

    That’s a very good point @ellie96 and a very good way to look at it

    • Total Posts: 505

    @ellie and @gingerone here’s my letter!

    Sent the letter! Help!

    • Total Posts: 463

    Hi guys how is everyone?

    • Total Posts: 463

    I’ve txt my ex for the first time in over 40 days today

    • Total Posts: 505

    how did it go?

    • Total Posts: 463

    Ye good, we exchanged a few txt’s back and forth. She asked how I was doing to which I replied trying to keep busy. Said I went home for the weekend. During the weekend I seen her mam and had a nice chat. She said her mum had seen me and said I had lost weight. Told her about my dad being ill etc then I said sorry to bother her speak to u again. Then she replied with I was going to ask u about your house share? I replied with that a story for another time. To which she replied ‘right ok’
    that got me thinking did she want to txt more?
    I went on facebook a bit after and she had liked a few of my photos. Progress I guess.

    How are u?

    • Total Posts: 505

    well if she wants moe you could text her a few days later and see how it goes.

    I’m good, trying to keep my mind off things

    • Total Posts: 463

    True I thought I’d keep it small. Might give it a week or two.

    Ye keeping busy does help. Any more contact off your ex?

    • Total Posts: 657

    Well guys, we had an absolutely wonderful day Monday and guess what?! Haven’t heard from him since.

    I realize he is very very busy. That is completely understandable. But he can’t shoot me 1 text? Like really?

    I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if later I should just be like “So we are doing this again?” or just wait until he texts me. If I wait until he texts me, how do I respond? Happy, sad, hurt, neutral? He may apologize for not texting me (just because he’s done that before), how do I even respond to that? I don’t think I should act like its 100% okay and blow it off my shoulders. Maybe just be like “its fine” and just keep it short.

    I have to become a priority and I feel as if he has once again all the power. Like its an ego boost or something. It may not be intentional, but still. I just have to become a priority.

    • Total Posts: 463

    Hi @ellie96 good to hear from u! I haven’t been on for a while and missed your story! I take it you’ve been seeing him again.

    As for what u just posted. I would wait till he txt but like u said he could easily txt u quickly even if he was busy.

    Have u both been getting on well recently?

    • Total Posts: 657

    @Gingerone More than well, I mean AMAZING. Literally right after I posted he texted me a picture of a jeep he found. Like nonchalantly like we have been talking all along.

    We aren’t an exclusive relationship and we still call each other friends even though it is clear we are not.

    I just want to get him to see my value and make me a priority. Which I know I am but it’s like I’m not as well.

    Its just a constantly confusing situation.

    • Total Posts: 463

    @ellie96 that’s good I’m happy for u 🙂

    • Total Posts: 657

    @Gingerone Don’t be happy for me yet….

    • Total Posts: 463

    Hi guys I’m not feeling very good today! Feel so lonely and depressed 🙁

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