Boards Reconciliation Is this a good sign from my ex gf ??

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  • #56286
    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Well i was about to fall a sleep clock was 24.00 (in finland ) and i saw my phone was my ex gf and we end up talking 1 hour on phone.she had bad evening at the event she was in and sayed that she was still in shock even after she got home few hours ago.we talked about many things to get her mind away from the shock.even sayed that my sexy low radio voice could make her sleep and if she was next to me right now i would take her close to me.she sayed aww..and i even invited her to come sleep with me if she couldnt get tired but talking with me helped and she was getting tired.we talked about the past when we was together that we just take some time.time to time just be close to each other and relax because i knew how active she is in life and my ex gf sayed that it was nice.she was worried too that i dont have umbrella because it has been rainin water lately in finland and wanted to buy one for me and i could pay her back later and she was worried me to get stuck in the place i live because i have been in here so long..we talked about many things during that hour but im too tired to wrote it down..but this i know we are going to see each other this friday and she sounded happy about it and tough should she come with bicycle..its anout 15 kilometers from her place to my place..but now good night its 01.15 at night in finland

    • Total Posts: 50

    Yes you are right – you have made your feelings known – that you want a physical relationship and so if she was not intending for the physical things ever then she would have reduced the contact with you. She clearly cares about you and would not intentionally hurt you. I wonder though if she will ever be able to get through this unless she gets some therapy – I wonder have you mentioned would she like to get some therapy? I don’t know if that would feel right for your dynamic, but it might help her. In any case, she is very lucky to have a close friend / partner like you – willing to be patient and kind to her. And it does sound as though she is becoming more comfortable (the yoga story is great!) so hopefully it will naturally become more physical πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 50

    I wrote my message above before seeing your latest message. The 1hr phone call at bedtime to help relax her is very lovely – these kind of things help rebuild the intimacy. Good night!

    • Total Posts: 711

    It is good but dont be too warm or she will step back again. TRUST ME ON THIS. Be a bit distant, don’t show much affection, don’t let her feel like she has a hold of you otherwise she will go cold again very quickly. just my two cents

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Thanks for the answers.well she was on theraphy.but she ended it because she sayed that she didnt had anythings to say her terapist and she ended that this week monday.but i heard that if she ever needs it she can go back.during that phone call i learned that she had suicidal toughts at the beginning our contact and talking again and she had looked wikipedia how to die.that kinda answered one question in my mind when she text me one time during our talk that “she wouldnt here anymore if i wasnt in her life” i asked about it does she feel that way still and she sayed no its good and gone because time with me. I know not to get too warm up but i think i will go for a kiss again when i see her face to face again. I dunno how bad shape she was before we met again.but theraphy and going slow had made us this far..will see how it goes

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Hello everybody and good evening from finland πŸ™‚ at last we got some snow in here..but dunno is winter here is everybody good i hope and going to have nice or decent weekend? πŸ™‚

    Spend some time my ex gf today we talked about this day yesterday and she asked what time she can come? while i was playing fallout 4 and she was listening podcast from radio and while we was on skype,we ended up play again together last night and same routine again πŸ˜€ Today at morning we text morning again and little later my ex text me that she will be little late today she got errand to run and comes right after to my place,i text her back that its ok come when you can,but she was right on time after all we hugged and kissed,talked a little and her picture was on news paper and she told me yesterday on skype that she is little scared to look it and wanted to look it with me, i had news paper few days allready so i had allready seen that picture,she was little nervous so we sit down on my sofa and she was right next to me and i hold and on her back whole time she tried to find the page and read the news and looked the pictures she was on,we ended up play resident evil together and at first she was little panicky because she hasnt play that kinda games long time and she sayed she could play it with pillow with her when she play it alone,but after a while she started to like the game and we laughed and had good time with it,during that game session i sit next to her so that my leg or part of my hand was touching her all the time and time to time i hold my hand on her back or on her leg long time,even one part of the game i put my head on the rest on her shoulder for a while and sayed she can wake me up when she got her puzzle solved,during that she asked that do i have done my decision to come with her to some bands concert next year ( she has asked to me im interest about that kinda concert earlier on skype) and i sayed im not sure can really tell on next month because wasnt sure do i got money by the tickets after saying it she had little panick attack or something and i asked did she got something like that? she sayed yes because for a second she tough that she couldnt get me to come with her and if its about money she can pay my ticket.we talked more about it and it was on next year so i sayed i know better at next the end of the evening she was leaving and she gived me hug and quick kiss and after it i sayed that she can hug me more with passion i dont break so she hugged me very tight and close to her,while she was dressing her jacket and shoes i sayed i can come escort her to her car,she waited while i dressed up and leave my apartment,on the hallway to elevator we talked and without thinking i tried take her hand and she didnt so she reacted to that a little but was smiling,in elevator i didnt think again and was smiling and tried to kiss her again but she pulled back,when we got outside it was snowing and i had so wrong shoes to that weather and we both laughed about it but continued to walk to her car,during walk she sayed she is stupid about some stuff and sayed no you are not and without thinking again tried to hold her hand,but again she didnt take it,she asked me what im going to do at at Christmas and sayed that she was going to be home,i asked her own home or at her parents home,she sayed her own home and bake some christmas food and make Christmas ham, i sayed im going to be home too and she is welcome to come spend time with me because none should be alone at christmas,she sayed maybe.we finaly got to her car and i stayed with her while she was cleaning her car from snow ( i asked could i help and does she got another brush but she didnt had,she got her car clean and sitted down on drivers seat and turned car on but the door was open ( i wondered why for a second) but then she comed out from the car and hugged me and kissed me and sayed good night it was fun today with me. i smiled back and sayed good night and she get back in her car..i walked slowly away from the car and waved my hand for good bye and started walk back to home…

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    well got text back too where was text”thank you for company,it was nice evening,going to sleep now. i replied, good night πŸ™‚ im going to sleep too soon..

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    my ex gf text today that do i got ink in my printer because she wanted maybe print some bill and our conversation went to fix her laptop a little i sayed if that printing think isnt in a rush we could see tomorrow and print stuff to her and look her laptop,she sayed that maybe we could make dinner together? she will bring the ingredients too..

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Well ex gf comed today around 4 pm,i opened door and i was wearing only towel because had quick shower before she was supposed to come,because i got home about 1 hour earlier so i wanted to be fresh.we talked a little when she comed in and she went to living room to put her laptop on my table while i was dressing up,we hugged and kissed and talked a little,after it we printed her that thing she needed from internet and started work on her laptop to get her sound fixed,it took about few min to get it done and after it she was so happy and was touching and holding me close to her and kissing and allowing me to kiss her and touch her ( almost like we was a couple or on that delight phase on our relationship) after it we started to cook,i made the chicken minced meat and she did the risotto rice.during it i acted little like boyfriend should act with her gf so i kissed her time to time during cooking touched her and told her she looks good and what i got back was smile and kisses and she hold me too a little,when the food was done we went to living room and started to look some tv serie while we was eating.during that tv serie we got done eating and she thanked me from the food and i was little supriced and thanked her back when she got back from kitchen,she wanted to look some running shoes from internet from my laptop and asked could she? i sayed yes and she went to my laptop.she had hard time to find what she was looking for so i come to stand next to her and had my face close to her to see better and i was that close that our cheek almost touched and i unexpectedly kissed her cheek few times,( no negative answer only smile)she didnt find what she was looking for so we started to play game we both like and played it through we had breaks time to time and during those we talked a little and hugged,she hugged me long time and she seemed happy πŸ™‚ ( i felt like she could me long next to her long time )and we kissed.after that we watched some more tv serie and it was getting late,my ex gf sayed she had little stomach pain from the food ( heard later every thing she eats gives her that) so i asked her to stay because its not good idea go home to be alone and with her stomach and hugged her a little,she was not sure so she tried to stay,but after a while she couldnt so i walked her to her car and carried her stuff too to her car and helped her to put them in there,we talked a bit that she would have stayed if there was ice on the windscreen ( not winter here yet only rain water) and we hugged and kissed for goodbye and sayed good night,after a little while i send her a text that i hope she got safely to the home and can sleep with her stomach.she replied back that she got ok to the home and was going to read a book little while and was more worried about me ( i didnt have any symptoms from the food,but she was worried because i wasnt eaten that kinda rice before and i got allergies, i sayed to her that she can call me at the morning to check im ok and we talked about little about her stomach be due to.

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Hello everybody πŸ™‚ i hope weekend has been starting good and doing good progress to get your ex back πŸ™‚

    My ex gf come to my place at this week Thursday at 15.00 pm with her laptop and some her stuff.we hugged kissed and talked a little and started to change her laptops windows 10 to back windows 7 because she didnt like it.It was time consuming so she stayed over on my place, i made some food during it and we watched some tv during eating and talking while her laptop was doing stuff,( i noticed she was more relaxed than earlier times and was hugging me more with feeling so i kissed her during evening many times and hugged her and she didnt turn me down any of those time and we laughed and watched some movie at that evening.( told her many time that she look beatiful during her stay with me)

    When it was time to go to sleep i ask do you wanna sleep on couch or in bed next to me ( our earlier serious talk she sayed she will sleep at couch next time she stay over night) she sayed in bed next to me is fine and we begin sleep after i have brushed teeth and she did the same,middle of night i woke up to need go to the bathroom and i notice my ex gf has comed over on my side of bed and was very close to me and was holding me tight next to her while she was sleeping and her hand was on my pectoral and she was squeezing it a little,so i tried to get out of bed that i wouldnt wake her up and comed back to sleep.I woke up earlier than her at the morning and she was looking so good next to me, i let her sleep in peace but gived her a little kiss on the cheek,she woke up a little and i sayed she can sleep if she wants to and so she did.

    It was a storm in finland at friday and her laptop wasnt finish yet ( needed to update programs etc) so she stayed over, i didnt had much food left so i ask do she wants me go out to the storm get some food for us? and she sayed it was fine.So we spend another day with each other talking hugging and kissing and fixing her laptop.
    We played while we did it and she showed to be more relaxed than other day with her little messy hair and just being more relax and time to time just relax on my couch,told her what she had done at the night and she sayed she did it while she was sleep and was laughing softly and smiling.That day went over fast and she seemed to be more and more relax and smiling more and hugging me more,she even didnt care much anymore if her bra was showing out from her shirt, all tough middle of the day she put on some make up and brushed her hair even tough she wasnt going anywhere.I made the dinner again and after it washed some dishes.

    We was up late watching some movies and playing a little and hoping storm wouldnt get more worse.whe went to sleep when we had done with the laptop and she had more less clothing when we was going to sleep and we went to bed and we both read a little our own books and we talked a little about the book she had read earlier.At the morning i woke up again before her and noticed that again she had turned next to my side of bed and she was holding my hand while she was still sleeping.I wasnt on the rush anywhere so i stayed on bed holding her hand and looking how good she looks while she sleeps.little while later she woke up and looked to my eyes and smiled so i kissed her gently on the lips and hold her next to me,she was little sleepy still so we was on bed little more just her and kissed her few time on the lips,hand and a shoulder.Then i got up and took a little shower and comed back to bed,my ex gf did the same and comed back to sleep a little more,while later i asked do she wants some porridge and she sayed yes,so i went to the kitchen and did that to her while she was still in the bed.while porridge was heating up ( i know how long it takes) i come back to the bedroom and take my all other clothes of but left boxers on and i went to under same cover where my ex gf was and behind her holding her in a spoon position,for a second i tough she tell me to a go away or move over,but no…she started to hold my free hand and let me keep her close to me until that porridge was done and we both got up.

    We did our own things at the morning so she could eat in peace and i could put my place in to the order.i went to the shower,during it my ex gf went to shop buy some food for her own place and i told her take spare keys,after my second shower because i wanted to relax my muscles on hot water ( they where little stuck) she went to shop close to my place and bought her own stuff and more bread to me ( i didnt even ask or sayed that i wanted,i sayed i go to the shop later myself) after little while she was leaving home so i escort her to her car and this time she was the one who started to lean towards me in the elevator to kiss me and i noticed it and kissed her,we walked to her car and i help her put her stuff in there and she hugged me and kissed me and was smiling,i kissed her few times and sayed good bye and continued my way to the shop.about hour later got message from my ex gf: thank you one more time.

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Oh i forgott to mention that at this saturday morning she had phone call while she was waking up next to me and there was her woman friend who with she usually run some route at morning and my ex gf was completely forgot it,it was all good tough her friend didnt get mad to her and after the phone call she was smiling a little because it was all good and i was holding her..

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