Boards Reconciliation Is this a good sign from my ex gf ??

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  • #53303
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    wow more great news! πŸ™‚ We are all happy that it goes well for you. if things continue to go on the way it is – to the right direction. Maybe you should plan on asking her to be your girlfriend again? πŸ™‚ You’ll know it when it’s the right time to do so

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Well i think i take it slow because i feel no rush to ask her to be my GF just yet because we have been spending time together again not so long ago and she still got that depression all tough she feels better when is it with me, got message to my whats app that she enjoyed the evening and night with me and we talked a litte during a day and again at evening in here finland she send my text to whats app hello what im doing at the moment and do you mind if she is asking that from me? so we ended up texting a bit back and forward little teasing in mix and soft sexual talk and stuff and only got positive answers with smiley when i sayed that i wanted to kiss her and hold her little more at morning today and keep her close to me. Its just little wierd all this feels “normal” while we hang together and she feels same way too and it seems im more and more on her mind because she started conversation at the evening..

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Hmm it seems its about 8 hours the time interval on my post because here clock is 20.55 while im posting this πŸ˜€

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Hello everybody how it is going? i hope some positive stuff has happened to people in this forum πŸ™‚ i have been busy lately so i havent seen much my ex gf but me and she have texted a lot in whats app and she have even started to tell me where she is coming from and that she is ok and safe because those trips have been out from our town even when that i havent asked or talked her at all before that kinda message from her during the day..

    My ex gf supriced me yesterday evening because she was supposed to come today to visit me and spend some with me, but she called after her hobby club around 19.00 with little laugh that she dont got nothing else for the evening and she is close with the car so could she come to my place.I sayed yes because i had nothing for that evening at the time and after little while she was at my door. She comed in and we talked kissed and hugged a little and she sayed that it was extempore thing to her to just come to see me and after it we went to living room and she sit down on my couch and asked me to what i wanna do with her? I bursted to big laugh and smile and sayed she cant ask that kinda thing from me at that moment and she got the idea what i had in my mind πŸ˜‰ and laughed too that she isnt ready for it and i sayed i understand because i know what she has been thru. we talked a litte and she show me some clothes she bought during that her hobby club thing.

    After a while we started play again because she asked and we had fun time we laugh and we was close to each other and kissed time to time, a while later she got hungry and she was so sorry about it because she didnt bring her own food, i sayed its ok i got some food if it ok to her and made her a little snack,after eating we stayed up little more and watched some tv and laughed that there is nothing good on and started to go to sleep, i have bought her a toothbrush because i kinda guessed that it will be ok to have ( told her earlier about that and she was on whats app: aawww πŸ™‚ ) i gived her time to do her things before i went to brush my teeth and stuff, we went to my bed and tried to start to sleep after little while my ex gf sayed it feels odd that somebody is close but not touching so i moved closer to hold her and we kissed a little again.

    she looked so relaxed and so nice that i had kinda hard time not to think about sex πŸ˜€ and she was half naked next to me so i had little hard time there and sayed about it to her but i sayed its ok because i know she is not ready and she sayed that its maybe little unfair to me that she is not feeling sex and wasnt ready for sex because what she had experienced after our breakup.

    i started to feel too hot sleep because quilt was too warm so i moved on my side to a bed, after a while she wanted to hold my hand for a while andasked it is ok to me? i sayed yes and there we was trying to sleep and holding hands like we did when we was together.

    At the morning we woke up and she woke up with a smile and sayed it felt good to do that extempore thing and come to see me,after she sayed that i comed under her quilt close to her and we hold each other there for a while and kissed time to time, i got hungry so i got up first and she stayed on bed looking so relaxed,after i eated my breakfeast i comed back to bedroom next to her and started to wake her up a little and we talked during it that this what we are “feels normal and good” and some other stuff during that talking i learned that she got me on her mind time to time on those times when we havent even talked or seen on that day few times a day and learned that what we are at the moment frighten her a little because what has happen to her after our breakup because she sayed first time we met that she didnt want any sort of affair and what happened at our breakup and why we breakup. I sayed that i understand her fear but our situation is differend now because we got more communication and she is getting help not to feel bad with deppression and our time together feels normal so just forget the fear because it was old relationship in our past.

    She agreed and sayed she tries and i asked her what she wants to eat and offered her few ideas what i got as a food so i ended up to make her porridge and she laughed little with a smile from bed that her ex BF is making her porridge.

    After it i started to do my own things,do the dishes and put dry clothes away from hanging while i gived her space eat in peace. we talked a little more after it and i get to know that she like”s me and it didnt feel odd or bad when i sayed that i like her. She wanted to go shop some food at close shop near by so i borrowed her my extra keys to get in to my house and did my own things at my place during while she was away. when she comed back we talked again little and i asked did it feel odd come with the key and she sayed no it didnt, i sayed good πŸ™‚ and we little more time together and after it she while she was leaving we hugged and kissed and sayed goodbye.. after a while during that day we talked little more on whatss app and about news and stuff and what she had ordered from online and after a while she send me a pic that she bought fruit went bad from a shop and was going to return it..

    That has been my late”s day with my ex lately πŸ™‚

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Hello everybody how is going? I hope more good than bad πŸ™‚ i have been little busy lately and i have spend some time with my ex gf and it usually leads to that she stays over night and sleep same bed with me..when spend some time yesterday when after little talking on whats app she comed over to make scans from her documents because she needed to do that. She sayed that she could pay me something for those scans and sayed she can pay me with kiss and hugg. She was happy to come myplace but i was little busy so i text her after few hours when i was back home and she comed to my place.while we was scanning her papers we talked about stuff and she sayed that she have talked her psyciatris about that i like her a little and she likes me too.her psyciatrist has asked her what she thinks about our future together..she left it blank and didnt say anything at the time but the way she was saying it happy with a smile i got positive vibes from it. I asked about it later and she gived me a answer that its maybe and with a smile and sayed she wants get to know me again with time.also i she told me that men gives her hmm how i can say it right anxiety or was it agony but not me.. things are going positive because last time she was myplace and we went to sleep she fell a sleep while she was holding my hand and my other hand was on her hip. Have nice day people and sorry for typos i was writing this on phone.

    • Total Posts: 50

    This is really lovely πŸ™‚ This is a lesson to all of us – even over a year after a break up and 7 months of not contact (is that right?) – it looks like the love is still there. It looks like you have handled this situation really well – given her space and been kind and patient in the reconciliation as well. It may be worth a chat at some point, to see if you are on the same page about starting a new relationship with each other. You do read stories on here about people being strung along. I hope it does become a full new relationship soon – its looking very good!

    • Total Posts: 50

    Sorry, I wrote the above comment in response to your 24 Sept message. On your 8 October message I see you are starting to talk about relationship things (so ignore my suggestion to do that as you already are!). It looks like she just needs to go slowly – which you are doing. Its really lovely to see this unfold, well done on your patience and kindness

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Well yes we broke up right before summer 2014 and i cut the contact at 01.2015 and she messaged me from email end of the 07.2017 so it about right 7 months no contact at all..dunno what this is but our chemistry and toughts sync and even she sayed that this feels “normal” and have feelings towards me too..i know she isnt ready for few things what i had in mind but maybe in be honest i have to fight myself kinda lot not go well horny πŸ˜€ when i see her half naked in my place or sleeping right next to me half naked cuddling close to me πŸ˜€ but im gentleman and when time to comes that it will be worth a wait..

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Hello how is everbody? better or fine hope πŸ™‚ im pretty ok myself was in hospital tough for a day and needed to go there by a ambulance,it was kinda scary 24 hours but i learned a lot from my ex too and about us..
    long story short before that happened we have talked a little with whats app with my ex gf because we both have been little busy and i learned on that talk that she would feel wierd and wrong if she was dating somebody else while she is seeing me and she sayed that only man company she needs is me,

    This happened to me last friday..we was supposed to meet with my ex gf because she was going to give me a ride to do some test nearest health center,but morning i felt little wierd and had chest pains on my left side and my left arm was little numb little later i felt that im so passing i called ambulance because i live alone and they comed and took me to the hospital because they tought there is something wrong with my heart. I informed me ex gf about where im and she answered that do i want to her to come to me in the hospital,i sayed maybe because i wasnt sure what they was going to do with me and didnt want to my ex gf be there whole day…after long hours they told to me that they take me to the hospital ward under surveilance over night that they make sure all is ok and just to be safe.

    When i got there and was setup under mobile heart observation device i informed my ex gf that she can come to see me if she wants.
    She comed to see me and we hugged and she comed with mobile charger that i could charge my phone because my battery was dying. we went to lobby to talk while i charged the phone and during that talk i learned a lot more about us because she was been little scared to talk with me about one thing whole week before we was supposed to see each other, because it was about her to leave town for study to differend city in the end of nex year and she was scared talk about it with me i think?

    I allready knew that because she has been talking about it from the first time we met,
    i was happy for her because she finaly was found something she like to study and i wasnt scared about future because im taking thing between us day by day and we talked little more about us between questions about my health condition,she agreed that we are allmoust like couple and im like family to her so i asked in theory how she would feel if i say she is my girlfriend and she sayed it feels good and normal and i started to smile and we started hold hands and kept talking about many things,she was visiting me like hour.

    I got out next day and got ride to home from my ex gf before she went to see band to differend city with her friend,during that evening i got few text to whats app from my ex gf that what im doing and she was little bored and lonely because had run out things to talk with her friend and band wasnt starting yet,i noticed she was little tipsy because she was little more flirty,we talked a litte and i sayed her good night and have nice night.Next day i got message morning band was good. i replied it of course,we talked again today little and sayed she is welcome visit me when she got time because she wasnt sure what day she see her old school friend this week and hoped she will inform what day that will be…im kinda waiting for that day..

    and by the way im good in health it wasnt nothing about my heart it was my chest muscle what was hurt or infected somehow to make that pain but damn that was scary,so im going to flex more everyday for a while and take little more relax..

    Thats my life lately πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 50

    Sorry to hear about your health scare but its lovely to read about you and your girlfriend πŸ™‚ I’m very happy for you and it gives us all here hope for good things in the future.

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Thanks πŸ™‚ well we are not there yet and in relationship so cant yet call her really my gf..but i hope we get there and it goes well.At the moment im kinda little nervous good way to see her but its little pain because i dont know the day we see.because i wanna talk with her about things and not over a phone or text message.but i promised her we take this day by day..just hoping our talk didnt scare her much πŸ˜€ damn its 2.00 am at finland and i dont feel sleepy..

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Hello everybody,im sorry for typos before hand,before i write down this text because i found out why i wasnt feeling sleepy at that one night i was on this forum because i had odd feeling, next morning my father called to me during while i was eating at morning while i was just woke up, that my mother has been in very bad accident with bicycle and is in hospital can i come over when i can to their home? my world crushed down after i shut off that phone call and i ended up crying and asking myself is this real? im awake or still in sleep and having a bad dream??

    after i get myself a little back together i called my ex gf and we talked a little and i sayed what has happened and after it i told my best friend and my little brother too but he allready knew it…

    so my day was that i went to see my father and get more info what has happened? after it i comed back home to eat before we was going to see my mother in hospital and i texted to my ex gf that could she come in that day to my company after i get home and she agreed..

    I must say its most hardest thing to see your mother in hospital bed under heavy surveilance and tear in her eye while she saw that whole family come to see her..

    after i was getting home i called my ex gf that im walking home can she come? and she sayed yes after eating and after little while she was at my place, we talked first a little what has happened and played a little to get my mind off and watched some tv serie,we ended up talking about us after i took a shower and its when things got really interesting

    I found out that she has been “used” sexually by one guy and she was getting to use to it and one other guy she just ended up have sex with and she got angry herself because she got horny and wanted sex so it happened,this latest guy she treated bad after those 2 guys and if i remember right that guy was fell love to her too,
    she sayed that she didnt feel anything first towards him but started love him too..Dunno what happened but she sayed that she hasnt been in contact to that guy who she got feelings for from may. ( this morning i looked my emails and this was just 2 months before she first contact me via email)

    So we ended up talk a lot of things because we both got feelings to each other and we both felt that way that it would feel bad if me or her ends up daiting or having sex with somebody else and we talked about our future and she was asking how i feel about she going school,moving to live somewhere and about our future, i answered those questions but mostly about that because all that was happened to her that i feel she is worth to get to know better and wait that our feelings gets stronger and we end up daiting and having sex till that time we just spend time together and get to know each other better.

    See seemed ok about it and kinda waiting for it too, she was going to leave myplace but it got late because we talked long so she ended up sleeping next to my on my bed,we talked a little more on bed too and she ended up asking can she hold my hand before falling a sleep and i sayed yes..and after a while she fell a sleep.

    I woke up at night go to bathroom and got back to bed to notice she is having a bad dream and while she was sleeping she grabbed my hand and started holding it so i stayed a wake a while and brushed gently her hair and looking over her that if her nightmare got heavier and she starts move more i woke her up,but it didnt happen..

    at the morning she woke up and allmoust right away was going to home because she got meeting with old school mate from years back this day,during her leaving i asked her do i have worth to wait and see where we are going and give me a chance to be more than we are now? she didnt answer right away because was just woke up so i got text little later from her when she was at home and it was first like this that im worth to wait to be ready have sex with?when she is ready again.

    I answered,that is a part a question im more im worth to wait to us to be a couple? she answered that im that worth, but she is scared that what if it takes years to her be ready and when we end up together after it that i curse her for lost years.

    I answered that i think it not will take years its takes time because many positive signs between us and my actions towards her.

    our talk revealed a lot but got me thinking a little how things go? im real to her and not going to be another bandage relationship?

    but we have only been on talking seeing state 86 days and we are on this point on us so i try keep positive..

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Hello,how is everybody? ok or better i hope πŸ™‚ i have been little busy and have even started training again it feels good πŸ™‚

    This has going between me and my ex gf lately…

    Last friday she gived me a ride to a health center to get some tests done to me while she waited in car because those was quick tests and when i got back to her car i asked where to next? she sayed we could go visit her place to me see it what it looks like, so we went there and she showed her house to me whe was there a while talking and looking her house and paying little cash for the gasoline , after i while i asked to her show me washing machine because she had problems with it so we looked it and it was little wrong way in the bathroom so my ex gf sayed that she should call somebody to help to move it,to that i sayed that im here we two can get it moved easily and so we did,it took a while because room was small to get it right place but we got it done and my ex gf was happy to not needing to worry about it anymore, little later she sayed that should we get going to get me home and i sayed yes,after we got to my place parking lot i asked to my ex gf does she wanna come in for a while and she answered yes because she had nothing else to do,so we went inside and i made myself a bread because i was little hungry and asked do she want something and she sayed yes she is little hungry so i asked does she want some porridge and she sayed yes so i made it to her,we talked a little while she was eating it and watched some tv serie,after i while she left and while she was leaving we hugged and i thank her for the ride.when she left a while later i left to go outside to visit my mom and do some shopping,when i got back home few hours later i noticed message from my ex gf in skype at my phone,there was only this “can i call?” so i wroted back gimme few min i eat and drink something before i call and after it i called her to her phone because i tough it was urgent,she sayed that we better talk on i opened my laptop and called her again.she told me that she was scared and wanted to talk with somebody ( in my mind was question why me? she got lots of people to call etc) so we continued talking and she was scared about some event where she is supposed to me serve some food and drinks alone because other person was sick or something and it is important event so she was really nervous too,we ended up talk about it and other stuff like few hours and after it i asked do i still got the skill to make her feel better after talking and listening to her? she sayed yes and after it we played a little online and sayed good night to each other.

    At saturday we text good morning to each other and talked little small talk and we did our own thing during day,at evening i worked up with weights and after it went to shower after i got out there i got message on my skype did i hear what happen in paris and we talked about it a little,she was studying and i was waiting to my friend to come back online to play with me so i didnt message her so much,but she asked me help to fix her phone and i offered my help online and sayed it would be much easier if i could see it myself,so she send a pic what she had done and i sayed what would she need to do,but sayed it would be better if i could see it myself and she should come to myplace tomorrow she sayed maybe and we continued talking while i waited my friend and when he got online i sayed good night to her and she replied.

    Next day we both send good morning text and talked little small talk but nothing about her coming to my place that day,while i was doing my morning stuff and waking up πŸ˜€ after few messages a had message out of the blue, what time is ok to come my place and i told her the time and told i was going for a walk and visit my mom so i text her when im back home.when i got back home i text her im home she is welcome to come and she replied she eats first and comes after it..after i while she was at my door wearing college tracksuit and top under her winter jacket and had hair up in ponytail she looked more more relaxed than earlier she was at my place and so damn good and hot πŸ˜‰ we hugged and talked a little and i asked what she wants to do and we ended up play a little while we talked little more,she had her phone with her so we started to fix it afte little gaiming together and she was interested about it and was leaning towards me on the couch and on my pc where where she was sitting next to me very close that our feet touched and she was leaning towards me whole time and she was enthusiastic doing that phone fixing with me i could tell because she snort accidently and bursted laughing while i looked her smiling to her,it took long time to fix it so i had to take wc break and i told her that while i had my hand on her knee and looked right in to her eyes that i need little break,after i comed back from bathroom she sayed she needs to go too and dont do anything while she is i waited and she got back in the end we got her phone working again and i sayed that as a reward i want a kiss,she didnt say no or not even thinking long to agree with it and even stand up next to me to give better kiss,i hold her next to me and kissed her not once but three times and she was supriced and sayed on high voice hello and i just smiled back.After it my ex gf sayed do i wanna do yoga ? and i sayed yes and we ended up doing was hard because i havent done much of it ever and my ex gf has done it a while now.middle of it i got hot so i had to go topless and take my t-shirt off and while we was doing yoga we talked and laughed a little and i looked my ex gf and she looked so relaxed and so good looking next to me.after it ended we talked a little and while she was leaving i hugged her and kissed her and she just smile back and sayed bye bye ( on our earlier serious talk she wanted no kissing because it didnt feel good) but now she seemed enjoy it..after i while i got message to skype that she is going to play online so i offered her to my company and she agreed to take it so we played and talked and ended up say again good night to each other..

    Next morning again good morning text and nothing more i did my stuff during a day and worked out with weights at evening and wrote on skype working up with weight after it “shower and making dinner” and while i was on shower my ex gf had wrote a text” wanna play after it?” i replied sure after im done eating and she replied tell her on whats app when im done and went off from i text her and we ended up playing again for few hours and say good night again on skype call.

    Next day i send her a good morning text ( no answer) and little later that day good luck for today serving thing and got answer little later that Sorry she hasnt able read my text earlier because was out from town with her friend and was coming back home and her thing is tomorrow and asked how im doing? i told her how im doing and what i have done in my day and we talked little about her trip on whats app while she was coming back from the trip. little later we talked little more on skype by writing and we did it a while and then she wrote to me good night she is going to read a book and i replied good night…

    this morning we both text good morning to each other and im going to after i wrote this to a end send her message to good luck with this evening at the event.

    • Total Posts: 50

    This is really lovely, man from finland! I do worry about whether this will progress from being really close friends to a romantic relationship – does she see you like a brother or close friend rather than a long term partner? The conversation earlier that said she doesn’t know how long she needs and what if it takes years – how do you read that? I know you are trying to be positive, and I think that is the right thing to do. And I don’t mean to sound negative, the relationship you have with this girl does sound wonderful – especially the good morning texts πŸ™‚ I just wonder if at some point, you need to say that you would like to see progress on the physical side – even if that means she would seek help from a therapist. It is better for her too if she can move towards a physical relationship as well and I just wonder if she is scared – but helping her become less scared, face her fears, might actually bring you even closer together. I cant remember her back story (why she doesn’t want to get physical, I think it was related to bad relationships after you two broke up originally). Warm wishes this does develop πŸ™‚

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Thank you from your text πŸ™‚ well she had few bad relationships and if i listened her right last one before me or one before it the man she was with used her sexually and she sayed shortly that she started to feel numb to it,dunno how and why she woke up in that relationship and how she got out from it,but she told me that and sayed she wasnt ready for sex first times we was meeting and little later she has been saying one time no sex without feelings so no to the sex before relationship and i heard some time ago that only 3 months before we met again she broke up with last guy who she sayed still loved some way but wasnt wanting him back or ever to be contact with i think the where we are now she just need to see that im not the other guys she has been seen after me and totally get over the other guy,to go forward with and i bet brother or friend dont kiss on the lips πŸ˜‰ and i got the vibe when i was at her place that i was first guy there who wasnt the family member,because she sayed before we went there some time ago her addres to me and sayed she trusts me that much that she is ok to tell me that.

    I think next time we talk on skype or see face to face i tease her little bit about what things she finds physical attraction on me? and one note what i havent say yet during yoga we went to pose that didnt feel good on my penis to be right πŸ˜€ and she asked about it on skype later that day is my penis ok? πŸ˜€

    well i have read her movements and how she acts,she is differend than when we was together or after a breakup because she was how to put nicely nympho what kinda worked with me because it fits me,we talked about it first times we met and she was wondering it her self too how she was wanting sex so much and i know studying take”s a lot her time at the moment and she is focusing on that.But last few times whe have spend together face to face she has been little more open up and relaxed in my company,even she know i want to date her and she being my gf and have sex with who would stay or spend time with that kinda person if she dont got some interest towards me?

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