Boards Reconciliation Is this a good sign from my ex gf ??

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  • #52338
    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    I got today message to my whats app how im doing and can she call me? during my evening we last see each other this weeks tuesday when she comed my place from work to spend time with me. i didnt notice the message right away so i called her about half hour later and we ended up talking on phone to the point she was so tired and i heard from her voice that she was ready to sleep so i sayed that i let her go to sleep and she wish me good night and i sayed same to her too,during our talk we talked many things and she mentioned that she was relaxed and enjoyed my company last time and we we are going to see each other again this weeks sunday after she comes back from visiting her parents

    is it a good sign that during about month me and my ex gf communication has go from texting to phone calls when we are away from each other and that she wanted to talk with me right before she went to sleep? i would love female point of view about this πŸ™‚

    btw time is 23.21 when i wrote this and she wanted to talk about 21.00 and i called her little later πŸ˜€

    and each sorry forgott to mention because im little tired here going to sleep right after posting this, but during our phone call she asked me because she was little worried that have i eated today more than a breads and asked about it because during our last meet i only eated few breads and drinked more water and i told her that i ate before she comed good and after she went home that day…

    • Total Posts: 4

    It sounds all good to me πŸ™‚ she is worried about you and waiting for you to call and wanting to care for you and cares about you. I’d say you’re doing just fine! Maybe say something In a couple days or a week about going out to do something together like a movie you guys would like to watch, or something date-like that’s not a date and see how it goes. Don’t do this too often; if you go on a couple of these date-like dates, eventually start calling it a date. If she doesn’t like that title, just be cool about it. She might need more time to come around.

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    well we are going to see each other on this week sunday to watch movie or just play games and she has been talking about to do yoga with me some time in future πŸ™‚ i just hope not to get ill on flu because i have been in places where people had it..

    • Total Posts: 10

    I think it is a very good sign πŸ™‚
    better it took you half a hour to call her! That is so nice, man! Congrats

    quick question: how long have you guys been apart? How long was your NC period? Did you send something after that?

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Well Bat i was wash the dishes and had music on because i do it by hand so i didnt notice message earlier because it was so late at evening so i tough none would wanna contact me and i got message from her today too at morning where was Good morning πŸ™‚

    Well we broke up last year just before summer so we have been apart 1 year and few months on that and i did total NC like 7 months i cut all connections to her and chainced phone number and started live my own life and about after 7 months she send me a email where was shortly: hello how are you doing and how has you been? and our communication started from that…There is more info from my other posts if you are interested Bat πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 10

    That’s awesome πŸ™‚
    Anyway, you guys are basically getting together yes. Congrats.

    Would you mind give me an insight in my topic pls?

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Well we didnt see each other today like we was supposed so and my ex made the first contact how was my day going and do i wanna see her today..i sleeped late today because had my little brother visit me at saturday evening to late at night ( we havent spend time together with my little brother a while so it was fun ans my little brother asked to come my place ) my ex gf had busy day and it went so late that she was tired so we talked little on whats app she send me a picture about her apartment and the free space she have now after selling few furnitures from her place and in that picture was text:” you coming to my place some time to visit? πŸ™‚ “

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Well we met with ex gf today she comed to my place little after 16.00 pm and went home 21.00 and i walked her to her bicycle and we hugged and kissed for goodbye. During this day we hugged a lot kissed alot and i was touching around her body and she was touching my upperbody and smoothly touching my arms when we standed close to each other and talked..
    i even made tear on her eye when we was hugging and kissing and sayed that i care for her and she can be relaxed and safe with me and i just wanna make her feel good and smile what i did she smiled a lot and laughed,we played a little some game she wanted and after it we paused it to do yoga.

    because she wanted to do it with somebody it went pretty intimate because we started help each other out on some moves and she wasnt fearful to let me touch her body even in one point during that yoga she was at her back on floor and i come over her missionary postion ( we had clothes on) and i went so close that i could kiss her and i kissed her after it she sayed isnt this little dangerous? i sayed why? we both are single and enjoy each other company and i just wanna make her feel better and smile after me saying that she hugged and kissed me. after yoga we watched some x-files tv serie and after it we played little more because she wanted it we did that little while when she got tired and was ready to go home.

    Sorry about errors in my text my english isnt so perfect πŸ˜€ but that was my day today with my ex-gf and if somebody has tough how old we are im 30. and she is 25..

    • Total Posts: 35

    Seems like it’s going well.
    Keep going out and having fun. At least 3 more times.

    Don’t address the relationship until after the 3rd hangout. I think that should give you an answer. If she keeps saying yes to going out, and the intimacy is there, then address the break up and talk about creating A NEW Relationship. The old one is dead. There’s no getting it back.

    You will start version 2.0 and it will be much stronger if you’ve both worked on yourselves during that time apart.

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Well im going slow because im no rush to anywhere and enjoy the ride πŸ™‚ because it seems that experience my ex gf had with other men she tried to meet and stuff didnt give her what i could just being i, today was little grey and cold rainy day in finland but my evening got better ( its 18.44 now time when im writing this post) when i got message to whats app from my ex gf where was :” It was nice to see yesterday πŸ™‚ ” so it seems our evening was in her mind whole day to this evening πŸ™‚

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Something positive for a change to this website πŸ™‚

    My ex gf comed to my place today again ( she walked to my place like 7.5 kilometers one way so she walked like 15 kilometers just to spend time with me ) and its rainy September in finland. She comed to my place whe talked a little while i was cleaning my eyeglasses and she was taking her shoes and outdoor clothes off,then we hugged and kissed and talked more and i gived her cold water to drink while she sat on my sofa and ate what she had with her,we talked little more and i asked what she wanted to do and she wanted to play something with me and relax because was little tired after a walk,we was supposed to do some yoga and she brought 2 yoga mat with her but i sayed it can wait little while we are not in we ended up to play few hours and having fun laugh,hug,kiss and i teased her a little kindly,after it we ended up watch some tv serie and i gived her Swiss roll and i ate few breads.

    during watching and relaxing and just hanging with each other i sayed to her that its interesting that this what we are doing at the moment feels normal and maybe its our chemistry and little that,that we had to been together 3 years but this thing is rare and she agreed.after it she sayed it feels good just to be like this in that moment and little after it she started hold my hand when i sat next to her so i kissed her too,she hold my hand long time and let it go when i went to shut balcony door off and took my hand again and we continued watch more tv serie..after it i massaged a little her shoulders because they was little stuck.we continued our evening close to each other and kissing and just enjoying each other company and i sayed she looks beatifull and she sayed i look good too,

    it was getting late and she was getting tired and had to walk home so she had to leave and i sayed i walk with her while because i need to go buy more food for tomorrow and during while we was putting outdoor clothes on i sayed it feels good that i can make her feel good and smile just being me because i have had bad luck lately on things and i really dont feel to be myself and we hugged long time after it i sayed i cant resist hug her more and kiss her because she looks so good and make little Grr noise after those when i was close to her after hug and kiss and kissed her neck. we went outside and to the elevator and we was close to each other talking and kissing and holding hands whole elevator ride down and we walked till it was time to me turn back we talked little more and hugged kissed and sayed goodbye and during that time my ex gf sayed that i look good and she like”s my beard and did same thing what i did few minutes ago and did little Grr noise after saying it πŸ™‚ we departed and after a while i send her message to whats app that i hope she got home safe and healthy and good night and good big hug.she text back Yes i got,good night and hug πŸ™‚ i replied
    good πŸ™‚ because i was little worried because i care about πŸ™‚ and she answered
    quite in vain πŸ™‚

    That was my day i hope this brings some positive hope to somebody who has lost his/hers ex because i have once”s and we are like this now…

    • Total Posts: 107

    Aww! Such a sweet post! Congratulations on making this far with her! πŸ™‚
    Your story made me smile πŸ™‚ I hope things will continue falling back into place soon and everything would not just be back to normal but better!

    How thins will continue heading the right track and always remember to take things slow. If it’s feel like the right time already and if you feel like you should say it ( getting back together) then do it! For now just give it more time and observe more on her behaviours and your interactions. If it’s real genuine emotions from her, I’m sure you would feel it. Remember to take this as ‘dating’ her again as you are going to start of a new relationship with her!

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Thanks and yeah im taking things slow,but it seems my ex gf has looked more future to do things with me because she talked about ordering sport clothes from UK and we live in finland and doing yoga with me and just enjoy my company because it seems i have mostly only got positive feed back to things to do together..funny thing tough her psychiatrist sayed to her ( it seems she have talked about me in her sessions) that she should take me to run with her..i have sayed to her that more important thing to her is that she feels good mentally and physically so its ok if she it not feeling the mood come see me but it has been zero that kinda time this far πŸ™‚

    man from finland
    • Total Posts: 38

    Well hello everybody how you all doing? i havent been in this website for a while because i have been little sick and after it busy so no progress with my ex gf during that time. We met yesterday after some texting during morning on whats app. she comed my place again with bicycle at afternoon, when she got to my home she loiked like she could use shower so i gived her towel and some of my jeans and t-shirt to wear so after little talking,hugging and kissing she went to shower and we both laugh after it because during our morning talk on whatsapp

    “i sayed we could try take nap together because she havent sleep well lately and because history together i have seen her naked so many times so its nothing to be shy about and she answered to that text that she is not getting naked on front of me and to that i sayed its ok to me and because she is little tired she should come with a car”

    so she comed with bicycle and got naked front of me while i got her that towel and clothes and she sayed that i planned this to see her naked with a laugh and smile and i laughed back and sayed how could i, wanted to you come with a car πŸ˜€

    after it we went to living room and she eated a little what she got with her and we talked a little during it and after it i asked what she wanted to do and she wanted to keep go forward that game we are playing and we played that and laughed and smile and had fun together and we both talked a little how its interesting that this what we are doing feels “normal” and between us must be something special and rare because we work so good together without any work and all things are easy between us.

    after that talk we talked little bit about sex too that myself after breakup wanted something else with somebody than random sex and that proximity what couples got who are together i missed and my ex gf felt same way because after it she was at my arms next to me kissing, cuddle and she seemed to feel so good that she allmoust fell a sleep on my arms so i sayed maybe we could take a little nap on my bed and she agreed so we went to my bed and cuddled up close to each other and kissed and i kept her close to me and she looked so relaxed and beautiful we was on that bed like a hour and we ended up talk a bit stuff and cuddling and kissing and i kissed her neck too and shoulders and we hold hands and her hands stroke my arms and upper body gently because i was shirtless,after it we talked a little that she could come over night sometime because things between us feels so good and it was ok to if it was ok to her, she agreed and we got up to eat something and watch some tv during it..

    my ex sayed that its started to get late and she got some stuff to do at morning that she was tired and i asked is she going to go home? she sayed she was too tired to do that so she ended up sleep on my bed, i stayed up little more because i wasnt tired and watched some tv and went to sleep next to her on my bed.

    i woked up to her wake up call on phone and she woked up too and she looked like she could stay on my bed forever because she seemed so relaxed and she noticed that i was wake too and i got to next to her and we both was close to each other holding hands and kissing allmoust right away we wake up and kissed her neck and upper body, she seemed not to be so shy like yesterday because she was topless and and seemed more relaxed to be next to me that way,after a while she got up and i tried a sleep little more but i could so i got right before she was leaving and we hugged and kissed few times..

    that was my day/night and morning with my ex gf πŸ™‚ just keep your hope up people anything can happen when you least expect it, because i wasnt prepared that my ex gf stays a night with me.

    • Total Posts: 711

    it seems good cause women relate sex with feelings

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