Boards Reconciliation is it too late…plz help…

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    Its beem 3 weeks since my ex broke up with me. Its been on n off with callin and texting eachother. I had lasted a whole week without calling him n he called me 3times that whole. But i relapsed when he spoke to a girl he dated wayy before me. They only spoke for like two days over the phone and she lives in florida so i no he cant meet her but the thought still killed me. Eitherway i jus made the mistake to call him n spoke about his behavior towards me n he didnt want to hear. And i get it. All i ask is it too late to start the no contact? Is it even possible for it to work on him regardless of my mistakes?? He broke up wit me bz he said i ws very jealous but that he knows im an amazing woman n he still cares for me. One day he hot then cold. Please someone help.

    • Total Posts: 5

    Hi Kevin

    Ok, so me and my boyfriend had dated for a year and a half. We broke up about 2 months ago. We’re only 16 but I feel like i may have lost him forever, he was my bestfriend. Dont tell me im young or stupid because trust me, the pain I have felt without him in my life has been unbearable. At first he broke up with me saying that it was just a break. He told me that I smothered him. He continually said “This is only temporary” “I’m coming back to you”. He was hystericaly crying holding me in his arms while saying all of this. He just kept saying he needed time to think. I would text him saying how sad I was and how i couldnt stop crying, and he told me he felt the same way. I was extremely confused. Anytime i would bring up the break up he would completely ignore it. About a week passed and we still talked like good friends. About two weeks later it started to feel like a little bit more than a break, but he never said anything to me. He told other people that he doesnt want to get back together anymore. I would blow up his phone, which i know was a big mistake, and he would completely ignore me.

    School ended and I hadnt seen him, or texted him or anything for a whole month. After having no contact I texted him a very polite text asking if he could call me when he gets the time. He answered and asked to just text. At first i said, ok no problem. But then i said i really needed to talk to him and then he started to ignore me. So i blew up his phone begging for him to come back to me…. I just needed to know how much longer this “break” was going to be. He finally answered saying “Im sorry that you feel this way, I didnt mean to put u through this but we are young and we need to live our lives” and i said “I COMPLETELY understand. Can we just talk about it?” and he said “Im sorry i just dont want to be in a relationship right now” so i asked “I understand, but its not over forever, right?” he said “idk Sarah” i said “U told me this was a break” and he said “well ive been thinking and I just think its better if we just live our own lives” so i said “why would you say youre coming back to me?” and he said “I said that awhile ago Sarah” and then he just continued to say how we should just move on and that hes sorry. I told him that i would always be here for him if he needed anything and all he said was “ok” i asked if he was alright and all he said was “I’m fine”. And that was it. About a week later out of nowhere I got a text message from him saying “Hey Sarah listen i don’t know how you’re feeling right now but I just want to let you know that i’m here for u if you need to talk, but I’m sorry you need to move on” so all i said was “ok thanks I understand I’ll move on” and that was it. He tells other people lies about me trying to make me sound like a crazy ex girlfriend. He tells others that he’s over me because he wants to get to know new girls. On social media people say things like “i’ll have sarah she’s perfect” and all he says is “go for it”. I have deleted every picture of us on social media and blocked him. We havent talked since the last text he sent me about 2 weeks ago. Im not sure what to do anymore, I feel like he’s moved on and has forgotten about me forever. I know we are young and we have plenty of time to get back together, but I’m afraid that I may lose him forever.

    • Total Posts: 9

    hi, jennifer22.

    I can’t really advise much as I am still struggling myself. But I have been in similar situation and according to my experience, you can’t get back together if you keep contacting him. I think it’s not too late to start NC now. His behaviour suggested that he hasn’t moved on totally. But you should use this NC period to focus on yourself and think if you still wanna get back with him.

    As I am struggling too, if anyone has more experience to share, please do.

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