Boards Reconciliation Is it over?? Please Help

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  • #3904
    • Total Posts: 778

    Do whatever you want.You have all the rights in the world to do it.You are more important than her.

    • Total Posts: 45

    I think it’s fair territory Joe.

    I thought the exact same thing but even worse… because my ex left a “promise”

    Which I found out later it was a mind game.

    When my ex broke up with me a week before my birthday, she promised just a month of space. And she’ll stay faithful and can control herself as long as I can.

    Which is a HINT. That I figured out later on.

    Because when she didn’t contact me for my birthday, I was in shock.

    That night I went out for my birthday, and I met a great woman. I wasn’t hounding her either because how depressed I was. Anyway she invited me back to her place after the bars closed and we hooked up.

    my ex’s play complete

    She knew if she didn’t contact me for my birthday that I would be pushed away so hard and potentially hook up with women. Especially a week or 2 down without contact.

    And thus gave her a reason or validation to sleep with someone and not feel guilty or dirty

    Why? Baggage. Less guilt. Clearer conscious in the long run. But it back fired on her. With her 2month then 7 month later contacts.

    • Total Posts: 45

    So I wouldn’t worry Joe. Its actually great because you find yourself and love yourself. You felt someone was with you as a team. But once you realize and discover yourself it’s amazing. Of course there’s times it’ll haunt you.

    But don’t be surprised if and when her call comes. Just play it cool. She called to gain. You, nothing to lose.

    • Total Posts: 73

    Hello ALL (Dara, Mordicai, AZ, Sunshine and others) and welcome Otherone,

    WOW!! Its been a little while since I’ve posted on here. Its not that I don’t have much to update (cause I Do!!), I’ve just been super busy with work and life that I haven’t had a chance to write anything. However, I have been reading the oldies posts and a few other threads….. I’m hoping that everyone is doing well.

    Lately, like others have realized, I’ve also been avoiding posting on here cause it is a bit of a downer and a reminder of all the crap we’ve gone thru and the crap that others (like us) are just starting to feel. Regardless, this is a great place for support and knowledge.

    Here’s the updates:

    I am currently a little north of 2-1/2 months of NC. Things have been going very well with me. I’ve made tons of progress; of course, I still think about her and wonder what she’s doing from time to time. However, its not nearly as much as it was before. I worry about my day to day and my goals first; thoughts of her come merely as an afterthought, a quick thought that just goes away.

    As I’ve mentioned before, I have come to the conclusion that my ex is not a good person and is not good for me. I was so deep in the relationship (doormat) that I overlooked all the negative and just wanted her so bad that I didn’t care about anything else. Regardless of how I felt, it was her that would never change…. Even now, A part of me wants her so bad.. but the things I want are an illusion of the relationship and not a real image of what the relationship really was… YOUR BRAIN MAKES YOU THINK OF THE GOOD AND IT WANTS TO FORGET THE BAD. That’s why the activity of noting down the negative/bad things works so well (keeps it fresh on your mind).

    I’m still a number getting maniac… I notice girls left and right; I’ve gotten so many numbers lately that its impossible to keep up. Just like Dara said in an earlier post; I get numbers and most of the time I don’t even call them or follow up. It was almost like I wanted to know I could get the number. My therapist said it was normal and just a self defense mechanism to get our self esteem/confidence back. I did meet a cute lady a few weeks ago and I did go back to her place after the bar and well…… that takes care of knocking that task out.

    When I heard that time heals; not only did I not believe it, I also didn’t want it to happen (didn’t want her to forget about me)…. But its the best thing and it’s inevitable to happen.

    I’ve still been seeing the therapist that I started going to… I’ve actually hung out with my therapist on a few occasions after my session (drinks and dinner). NO NO NO… Nothing happened, it was simply a friendly hangout…. she is way cool, and I’ve learned so much from her…

    OK HERE”S THE JUICY UPDATE: (MORDICAI, if you’re still out there, you’re going to want to read this… Your a Genius bro!!)

    So…. as I mentioned, I am currently going on a little more than 2-1/2 months of NC. I haven’t heard anything from her during this time period. 2 weeks ago, I started receiving incoming calls from a private/unknown number. A total of 5 calls came in that week and I didn’t answer any. Of course the calls got my mind wondering about who it could be, but I didn’t answer any and each time no voice mail was left. Last Saturday (10/04), I got two calls in a row again from a private number. This time I answered the second call…”Hello, Hello” I answered…. No one answered but someone was listening. After my second “Hello.” I hung up…..

    After that last call, I was really really curious as to who was calling and if there could be any chance that it was her..

    Having some tech savvy friends, I remembered hearing about this app that unblocks private calls when they call you.. SO.. I went online and purchased this app.

    For the next week, I didn’t receive any private/weird calls of any sort. That was until this last Friday… I had a therapist session and we had agreed to grab dinner after. So here I am at dinner with my therapist sharing a bottle of wine. Now at this point I had already shared the fact about the incoming calls with my therapist. Her thoughts on the matter were the same as mine…. Its was most likely her making the calls.

    Anyway, here I am having dinner (Firday,Around 10 pm) with my therapist and my phone starts to ring….. Private call!! My therapist says, “Don’t answer it!!” Having already known about the app I purchased, I asked her if it was ok to activate the app and unblock the number. She said it was ok but again warned against answering. So, I activated the app and it unblocked the number.

    It was her!!
    The number was from her area (I know nobody from there, besides her) and it was almost identical as her old number. (if you remember my story, she changed her number when we broke up). I was SUPER SHOCKED…. I had a feeling it could have been her.. but I wasn’t sure. (MORDICAI YOU CALLED IT!!)

    Anyway, three calls came-in in a row that night (from that same number, private first and unblocked by the app). I didn’t answer any!! The next day was quite, no calls from private or that number.

    Sunday, (yesterday) I received two call from that same number (8:30 am and 12 pm); both came in blocked and were then unblocked by the app.. I didn’t answer either one.

    So far today has been quite… no suspicious calls or anything.

    Although, I feel somewhat good that she is sort of reaching out to me; this situation has completely brought her back in my thoughts. I find myself thinking more about her. Not as much as in the beginning; but much more than I have been lately.

    My therapist says its just the beginning…. She believes that this is just her first attempts at reaching me.. and when this doesn’t work, She (my therapist) believes that she(ex GF) will step it up in attempting to reach out to me.. She says, don’t be surprised if she shows up somewhere out of the blue or something else.

    So now… its in the back of my mind that I may just run into her somewhere.

    I say this to you guys and I said it to my therapist… I AM NOT READY TO SEE HER!! I am too weak. I will break if I see her, I’ll fall right back into whatever it is she’ll say and I’ll be that doormat again.

    I said earlier… “I know she is not good for me and that the relationship was not good”… but no matter how much I know it to be true, I know that I’m super weak for her!!

    Not only that… the really sad part is… Here I am assuming that she is wanting a relationship again… She could just be reaching out just out of curiosity and nothing more… 🙁

    I will continue working on myself and ignoring whatever calls do come in. If I see her… I’ll just run!! (I think I would at least).

    I am so sorry to ramble so much on this post!! I thought it was some interesting stuff!! I’d love to hear your guys’ thoughts!!! I’ll keep you guys posted if anything else comes up.


    I’ll read your post later today and post my comments. If you haven’t read my previous posts on this thread; I suggest reading them, as it will make this story a lot more interesting!



    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    I’m busy tonight but I will read your post ASAP! Our case was almost same! So since I’ve let her go, I would like to share my “fresher” thoughts here!

    I agree with your therapist! My ex shows up places where I am supposed to be and I have changed my life plan for now! Her best friend also updates her pictures almost every week! That f**kin’ bothers me because if I get close to her, she will probably threaten me to call police again. At the same time she feels great if I make eye contacts with her!

    One secret: act super-strong if you see her–like a f***er-man!

    Good luck for now!

    • Total Posts: 778

    Hey Joe,

    Its been a long while,i’m glad you posted an update and OMG your ex has been callin’ you !!!! Wow,its really good to hear it. You have been handling everything really well and you really tried. You
    Made positive changes in your life and you really did your best to get over those horrible days.well done buddy xx.

    Alright back to your ex 😀 i’m pretty much sure she will contact you again and i’m kinda sure that she will do something to open the lines of communication with you.

    Just like Dara said,be super confident if you see her and don’t try to start a conversation.if she does,keep it short and try to show her how much you have strong and let her see the new you.

    I know its difficulttstop thinking about her,especially now but continue what you have been doing. Get yourself busy and remember that everything is gonna be alright and you will be fine.remember what you have been through and be proud of are such a strong guy.
    Your ex misses you but there’s no point in yourself you have been doing great just keep it up and see what happens.if she loves you, she will come get you otherwise its her loss.let her feel the fact that she is losing you forever.

    Best of luck 🙂

    • Total Posts: 161

    Joe I am so proud of you!! You’ve made it this far!!

    And other guys are truly genius for knowing this!!! I agree with a.z. that your ex misses you and will try everything to reach out to you. Hey the way she called you is crazy!!!

    I just wanna to encourage you here – don’t ASSUME you’re weak! Shift your thoughts – tell yourself that “I’m strong!” “I choose to be composed!” “I am attractive!” Use positive thoughts to say goodbye to the negative ones.

    Joe, you know that you’re not weak at all. I admire that you’ve made it this far. We all know that you’re strong and attractive. Keep it up, you’re doing really great!

    • Total Posts: 84

    Thanks for the update! I am glad you are doing so well.

    • Total Posts: 156

    thats really good to hear. some amazing progress has been made! this is really inspiring stuff! im a little bit in a no hoper kinda situation.. not quite deaths door.. defintely drift but we are separated. she told me not to message her again (full story here but she hasnt removed any of our facebook pictures or blocked me, changed her number, email or anything. it she didnt want me to be able to contact her, wouldnt she just get new ones?

    Robot 3
    • Total Posts: 469


    I am not sure if I should say it is good that she called you! I believe that there are some blood-sucker exes who enjoy having a doormat!

    I congratulate you on coming to a conclusion that she was not a good person and you deserve someone better! After reading the whole stuff I don’t find anything to add except that now you have a good understanding of where you stand!

    I am in a new stage–I don’t take numbers anymore! Though it was fun but it was just a defense mechanism to prove myself that I am still wanted!

    Just like you and Daniel (in Oldies), I believed that there is nothing bad my ex. After implementing the trick of remembering a negative things, I see tons of negative things about her and every time she pop up in my head, it will end with a “f**k her” phrase in my mind. This b**ch enslaved my soul and pissed on feelings and I was such an ***hole that I still begged her for mercy! Seriously, f**k this b**ch for putting such a terrific memory in my life timeline!

    Good luck Joe! Will be glad to hear more from you!

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