Boards Reconciliation IS IT OVER?

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  • #32897
    • Total Posts: 536

    I would be here only:)

    • Total Posts: 32

    @divjun Dont mind me asking this. They both are seen together in college. Chat whole day with each other and are very happy together. She has met his family too.

    Do you still think there is a chance for me? Is it greener grass on other side for her?
    She always compares me with him and insults :/

    • Total Posts: 1012

    1. Its not over
    2. She is being competitive rubing everything in your fave trying to make you jealous
    3. Start NC for 2 months
    4. Dont answer her
    5. Work on yourself (new clothes, haircut, perfume, go to the gym)
    6. Go on dates bring that confidence up!
    7. Are you sure she will be better with you? Cuz this guy will treat her good and you seem to not be serious i mean you keep on dumping her… like bro if you love her youd never do it you may be in love with the relationship more then with her

    • Total Posts: 32

    I don’t think she is making me jealous. They look really happy and are moving very fast.

    And yes I am very sure that I wont repeat my mistakes again because I now realised what the actual problem was.

    What do I do if they are serious? Do you think its rebound?

    • Total Posts: 32

    @divjun please reply

    • Total Posts: 536

    I somewhere agree with samuel
    But if she was really in love with you, she will revisit you for sure.
    He might be her rebound or something like that and thats the reason why they are moving that fast. Dont worry about it just be cool and calm.

    • Total Posts: 1012

    Well this is obviously a rebound and i say go and read everything in “understanding my ex”

    • Total Posts: 32

    @samuel and @divjun today is my 4th day of NC. We were face to face in college today and she turned away. Even I didn’t speak.

    But in the evening she messaged me asking why no messages? Some days ago you wanted me badly, now your fever is down?

    So I told her I just don’t want to disturb her because she told me she is happy.

    So she said she’ll ask the same question after some days. I said okay.

    Wat is this now?

    • Total Posts: 32

    @divjun and @samuel please reply

    • Total Posts: 536

    She is still interested in your life.
    You shouldn’t have replied to her.
    Do strict NC it will help a lot:)

    Can you check my updates? I am feeling very low and alone at this moment:/

    feeling hopeless and confused

    • Total Posts: 505

    @divjun how should i deal with my ex being in rebound?

    • Total Posts: 536

    You shouldn’t do anything and let the time pass. Dont see what she is upto. Heal yourself and be the confident guy again.

    • Total Posts: 505

    The thing is that I’m meeting her and our mutual friends tomorrow. Thought it would be a good time to show her the changes I’ve made.

    • Total Posts: 32

    @divjun she was texting almost like she is close to me. But I decided to stop the conversation. Is she just being friendly or?

    • Total Posts: 3

    Well,imo she still thinks about you if she texts you.
    I am in same situation like you,she got with other one in her class. but i’m not in sane school.
    Just do NC 1-2months (atleast for you ,she text you,but mine just ignores me and shes moving really fast,trying to piss me off).
    Try to hit the gym,new haircut,and socialize more with people.let her think you just got over it ,this will make her reallize and miss you(atleast i think she already miss you),and after the NC when you are a new start,try to message her ,date ,take all cool ,and i think you will be back with her.

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