Boards Reconciliation is it ever really over?

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  • #38905
    • Total Posts: 1012

    @kaila please help!

    • Total Posts: 750

    @Samuel I agree with what the others have said. You’ve gotta give it time. you can’t really do anything while she is with this other guy, rebound it might be yes, but you still can’t do anything while she is with him. It’s not fair and not cool. Just bide your time. Take a deep breath, be calm and collected and start the process of moving on. Now I am not saying that you don’t have a shot of ever getting back together, but if you start the moving on process, you will be a lot stronger. So when this rebound relationship ends, you will be emotionally stable enough to talk about it with heightened emotions. Emotions play havoc with our minds and what we can control and can’t control.

    • Total Posts: 1012

    Thanks alot men that helps! It just pisses me off i feel like i was dumped for no reason and that i deserve a 2nd chance which she dosent want to give me.. and i am moving way out of province probably in october since i would be starting my life long career as a police men so i was thinking that if i never speak to her until my departure i would just swing by her place and say my goodbyes..

    • Total Posts: 750

    I know how you feel. I know the reason behind but want the second chance because I know what a difference and improvement I have made to myself. But sadly, you can’t force them to feel the same way. October is a long way off yet. I would literally take it one day at a time, then week by week etc. So have some time to get your head straight and focus on number one 🙂

    • Total Posts: 1012

    @kd1988 if you need you can post your story here i can help!

    • Total Posts: 1012

    @kd1988 i just feel like she is never going to come back but i know she will regret not staying, as much as i love her and want her back in my life i just dont think i could date her again since she broke me so bad i’d feel stupid doing so :$ i am not even afraid of saying she is the one for me! No other girls that i met before or after made me feel the way she did! I wish i still had ger and that i could say that she will come back but i cant and it pisses me off

    • Total Posts: 750

    @samuel yeah I feel the same as you. The latest with mine is that I sent him a letter, he sent me one back, we were talking quite a lot since then. Then this weekend it all went a bit tits up lol. Basically he’s said he feels like I’m trying to justify us getting back together and he’s glad I’m ok but it doesn’t change how he feels. Then said he can’t give a definitive answer as to whether he will ever change his mind, but doesn’t want me to wait around for him. Before that he was saying when he feels he can meet me he will let me know. So I’m back to no contact again, I’ve gotta do it for my own sake. I thought I was making progress but clearly not!! Just gotta accept what it is, and that he still feels the same way. He’s very stubborn. The relationship broke down coz I went on medication that fucked me up basically, and I wasn’t being myself and I was depressed. I’ve sorted myself out since then and he won’t see me to see for himself!

    • Total Posts: 1012

    Well i guess after your NC you can try talking again just more friendly no love talk if possible dont be too flirty you want to build a friendship! And i think he said that he still had no feelings to push you off and make up a lie to protect himself, i’m saying this because i feel like he was starting to see you were getting close again! Just send him the bliss bomb “very effective it goes like ‘look we’re close and i want it to stay that way i want you to know im here for you anytime we always manage to get things sorted together’” like that if ever he has a problem you can bring him back to that text of yours were you say “look were close…” then you make him feel comfortable, trustful and secure bringning down his walls!

    • Total Posts: 750

    @samuel I think a lot of it is protecting himself. He fell out of love with me, so he says, but was not acting like a man who had fallen out of love! I just want to be ok regardless of whether we get back together or not. Gotta do it for myself!

    • Total Posts: 1012

    Very true and very good and i’m in a similar situation with my ex she shows me many sings still she just dosent want to come back afraid of being hurt again i guess :/ i dont know

    • Total Posts: 750

    It’s probably that Yep. Some take a while; some don’t. I think a realistic amount of time is at least a few months. It’s very hard x

    • Total Posts: 1012

    I dont know how long its been for you but me its been 5 months.. and i wonder if it gets to 8 months (amount of time we dated) does it mean that its over for real?

    • Total Posts: 750

    I don’t think so necessarily. Mines only been a month but we were together about 6 months

    • Total Posts: 1012

    Thing is that im the kind of guy that does not depend on others to get stuff done.. so waiting for time to do its work.i hate that

    • Total Posts: 1012

    Okay so i was going threw my clothes to re organise them and i came across my exes pyjama shorts now how do i do this? Do i give it back to her? Or wait to give it back? Its an excuse to meet up again though so thats good haha

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