Boards No Contact Rule Is feeling like you should give up normal?

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  • #53685
    • Total Posts: 117

    I have given my email id just search for that id

    • Total Posts: 117

    I dont think he’ll ever love me again πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 107

    hey he surely will! you just need to give him some time off to take away the negative feelings and thoughts of why won’t you both work out. Some time couples take had been together for a long time (more than 2 years) end up breaking up because they got too comfortable ( in many aspects that results in one party trying too hard or stopped trying) , then they end up back together again. But at that meantime, two people chose to move on for themselves, they strive to become better, even date other people but only to realise they are the ones for each other. You see reconciliation sometimes takes several months even years to be exact. Sometimes you two need to be apart to realise if you both are meant to be. But anyhow we need to choose to keep moving forward, just no regrets from trying to work things out in the past. Maybe not now but, but one day we will be okay again with them

    • Total Posts: 117

    I dont know what to do…but yeah i’ll keep moving on…..he talks to me like a stranger but i am tired of behaving as if i i’ll behave as i dont care anymore

    • Total Posts: 117

    Iy hurts a lot… he replies so late to my msgs..and he does that intentionally…i know it know..he does evrything to get my reaction…once i was compelled to ask him about his relationship status because he put sone couple pic as his watsapp dp..i got desprate and indirectly asked him…and aftr geting my reaction he removed it

    • Total Posts: 117

    He thinks that i will never change and he is still negative about me!!!
    I think i should go for 30 days..or i seriously dont know what

    • Total Posts: 117

    I have lost all hopes..and chances !!!!

    • Total Posts: 76

    Aw moonbunny! I hope your insomnia isn’t too bad. I’ve been feeling really tired lately too (but haven’t been able to sleep much at night).
    I’m not really sure how I’m feeling towards my ex anymore. I’m really really sad still and quite often I cry at least once a day. It’s not healthy and I know I should probably try harder to move on but I’m not really sure how. I’m still wondering if I should even talk to him at New Year’s or before. Or never speak to him again. Although that would hurt me very much and I probably wouldn’t be able to do it, it’s probably better for both of us :/
    Then again, I kinda want to talk to him just in case there is a slither of a chance that we could be together again. I had a whole speech planned out and everything but I’m not sure if I need to say these things anymore. I might just leave the past in the past. And just say that I’m willing to give it another go if he is. Or if he still isn’t that keen, then I could ask if we could maybe try again in a few years (although I’m not sure if that seems desperate or like I’ll wait around for him or not). I don’t know. Maybe I should still say everything that I felt that I needed to say. I just know that I’ll get really emotional and I don’t really want him to see me cry once again, it’ll just remind him of the past idk.
    But that’s enough about me and my thoughts – I hope that you guys are okay. I’m not really sure if you sent the wrong message to your ex moonbunny. Perhaps he will think that you have moved on, but that’s okay. Then you could still re establish and connection, hang out as friends, and eventually get a feel for things and tell him how you really feel? I don’t know.
    Hopefully we can all just carry on hoping and becoming better versions of ourselves in the mean time. Let’s just let fate do it’s work. Message them if it feels right, talk to them if it feels right and give them space if it feels right. I think that all we can all do is just take one day at a time and go with how we’re feeling in the moment. I don’t think it does any good to think about the past or the future – look at how messed up I am wondering if I should even talk to him or not!!

    • Total Posts: 76

    I’ve realized that I’m still going to be very emotional when I talk to him and really upset if he doesn’t want to give me another chance. So I guess I have to get to a stage where I know I’ll be okay without him. I’m still not feeling that way yet. Like, I think about it long and hard and don’t think he would want to just give up on me but I never know that. He may not be sad and may have moved on already. And if that is the case, then I have to deal with that. I’m not sure. I guess for now I’ll focus on myself until October when I invite him around. Then I’ll see how that goes. You never know, he may say that he has missed me or something then. (These are the fantasies in my head that I need to stop thinking about). I’m going to try and go back to my philosophy of only thinking about him once a day, so I’ll talk to you guys tomorrow morning. Stay strong xx

    • Total Posts: 107

    hey there scatteredtracks πŸ™‚
    Seriously I’ve been thinking a lot. I do miss him bt it’s not like I’m 100% determined to get him back anymore.. I mean of course I don’t want to give up here. Because we are worth another chance to make things right. Maybe when one I’ll meet another guy that treats me like a princess but that’s not what I want. I don’t think it’s so easy to find someone that has the same heart with us. πŸ™ All those bonds created.. through years of love for each other.. Shouldn’t just end with some silly reasons :/

    Don’t stress too much babe. Stick to NC and try to keep your mind clear off negative things I’m sure soon you’ll now which way to head to. For myself I’m kinda confused too. I’m hoping he would initiate contact, even if it’s just a good luck wish for my exam I would be really happy. I remembered him telling me, that he’s glad he have me on his tough times, and I always never forget to wished him good luck in his exams and he really appreciated me for that. It hurts to much still to think that all those times are gone πŸ™ I hope your ex initiate contact with you too . Even if he doesn’t I hope things will go well when you do talk to him. After all both of our breakups didn’t end in a terrible way that end up in a tons of arguments and stuffs like that, I hope those negative feelings will fade with time and the good ones will take charge.

    The sad thing is .. we don’t need any reasons to fall in love, we just did. When it come to the end, even the silliest excuses count. πŸ™

    I’ll feeling abit low and I’m still okay. And abit lost too but I’ll keep going. Hope your day goes well! TTYL <3

    • Total Posts: 107

    Using the earphones he gave me the second last time we met :'( I told him mine spoiled and he immediately offer to give me a new one he had.. although we are already broken up that time. But we were still in contact. Well what now.. we’re like strangers with memories..

    • Total Posts: 76

    My ex is in a relationship :/ my friend found out from facebook and told me this morning. I am completely shattered. I don’t know what to do. Everything feels completely hopeless now. Just when I was feeling a little bit more hopeful that ONE DAY it could possibly work out. I don’t know what to do with myself now. I actually broke no contact and I’ve asked my ex to come around and talk. Don’t think he will come though. I feel absolutely sick to my stomach.

    • Total Posts: 68

    I know exactly how you feel, @scatteredtracks! I found out my ex, who claimed he was in love with me and told his friends I could be the one and acted all summer like he wanted to be with me again, is dating a girl who’s boyfriend recently died (and he and my ex share the same name! soap opera…) It’s completely devastating!

    I would say, don’t contact him again. Having him come around and talk isn’t really going to do much except hurt you more, I think. It’s not going to go well for either one of you, and in all honesty has every possibility of pushing him closer to her. You know how people tend to want what’s forbidden? Well, if you try to convince him to date you and not her, he’s going to be more pulled to her, even if he was once (and therefore likely still is) in love with you and logically should choose you. Logic doesn’t work when people are very emotional, unfortunately. If he contacts you and says “Sure,” if it were me I’d back out. I’d say about how on reconsideration, it wouldn’t be a good idea, and leave it at that. Trust me, your silence (and patience) will speak volumes.

    If you have been thinking of him every day, I can pretty much assure you he has been thinking about you too. It’s been 2 months since y’all broke up; how long were y’all together? Some people say the longer you were together, the more likely a relationship soon after a breakup will be a rebound, but I say if you were together and just had this special connection with each other, it doesn’t necessarily matter how long you dated (as long as it’s more than like two weeks! lol)

    • Total Posts: 76

    I know. He has already said that he will come round and talk to me. And I know that’s not really the best thing to do. But I’ve written down some things to say and hopefully I don’t seem to desperate or pathetic. I was just so upset and asked him to come round. I’m not going to say ‘don’t date her’, I’m just going to try and get some answers out of him. I feel like it could be a rebound but it could also end up being the love of his life so I’m freaking out. I know it’s a really bad idea but I need to talk to him more than anything. Hopefully it won’t push him away but I have no idea. I am completely crushed.
    My ex and I were together for 2 and a quarter years. I always felt so drawn to him from the moment I met him and some of the times we had together were the happiest in my life. I haven’t forgotten about them and I can’t believe he would forget either? When we broke up he told me that he didn’t have the energy to be in a relationship anymore. I’m guessing that this new girl is a lot easier to deal with ??? It’s still so hard to understand. I have no idea if it’s a rebound or not. I can’t assume anything. For now, I realize that I just have to move on. But it’s so hard and I’m not sure I can do that. He told me that we were going to talk about our relationship at New Year’s and now I’m just so hurt that was a lie. I’ve been in bed feeling like I’m going to throw up ever since I found out the truth :/
    My friend is really angry at him for saying things etc. But I’m trying not to be bitter. He is allowed to get over me. He is allowed to move on. He is allowed to be with anyone he wants. But it just feels so unfair. It’s unfair on me because I love him so much and I know that I always will. It’s unfair because I thought that he was still a bit sad about the break-up and he may just be with her because he’s lonely, but the thing is, I was still here… just round the corner from him. I was almost, waiting, for him.
    But anyway, I’ll let you know how the talk goes. I’m going to try and not come across as desperate. There is still time to back out but I really feel like I need to talk to him or I won’t be able to move on in a healthy way.

    • Total Posts: 76

    Okay I just finishing talking to him. And I’m absolutely shattered. I don’t know why I expected anything else. I’ve told him that I’m saying goodbye to him for now. He has told me to go and do crazy shit because I’m young and I need to start having fun like him.
    He doesn’t think that our relationship was ever healthy. He doesn’t think that we could ever be together again. It feels just like he has broken up with me all over again. Some of the things that he said were a bit harsh, but I guess that doesn’t really matter anymore.
    He said that he is heartbroken because he had to break up with me and he didn’t want to break my heart but he had to do it because it wasn’t healthy and we had stupid arguments like over light switches (our last argument which i AGREE was absolutely stupid). But i’ve seen past that now. I knew the whole time that it was really silly and I’ve seen about the things that I could’ve done differently and I know that we could still make it work if both of us put the effort in. He doesn’t think so. He is absolutely convinced that I will stop loving him and that I will get through this. He also thinks that we could never be in a healthy relationship.
    But he said that just because we’re not together doesn’t mean that he doesn’t care about me. And that doesn’t mean we can’t be ‘mates’. But the truth is, I really don’t want to be ‘mates’ with him. I know that it will be too difficult and I will always be hoping that he will be falling back in love with me. I don’t think I can ever hang out with him again while feeling like this.
    He also asked what he could do that would just make me hate him. But I said that I could never hate him and he knows that. He will always be a part of my heart, whether he likes that or not.
    I really want to just move out of the country for a few years and throw myself into somewhere new and truly get over him. But unfortunately I can’t afford to do that. I still don’t want to give up with him even though that’s all he wants from me. And even though that seems like it would be the only option now. I guess we’re truly on ‘death’s door’. If I go away some time next year or something maybe I will say goodbye to him properly and idk maybe that will make him realize that I am truly moving on and away. Maybe it’ll make him miss me.
    I guess I’ll just have to see how long this relationship lasts. It may still be a rebound. It seems like he really likes her, but I think all rebounds are that way. I’m so jealous of her, and I hope that she is really happy. I didn’t think that it was fair on her that she is with someone who has admitted to being ‘heartbroken’, but we’ll just see. Maybe they are true loves and will be together for the rest of their lives. Maybe it will all fall apart in a couple of months and will also be ‘unhealthy’. There is nothing I regret more than the stupid argument about the light. Who knows how different my life would be if we hadn’t argued about that??? There was absolutely no sign that he wanted to split before then. (Buying me chocolate hearts, calling me beautiful etcetcetc).
    I don’t really know what my next plan of action is. My ex said that time heals everything. We could be dead in a couple of years. That’s why he is just living in the moment and being happy with this new girl. And I know I should be happy for him, but the truth is I’m still really upset and I just wish that I was the one making him happy.
    So much has changed since my last few replies last night moonbunny & sri! I hope everything is going better for you both <3 I still have many thanks for you both for being here for me. It means a lot.

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