Boards Reconciliation I wish I could tell him how I feel.

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  • #32784
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    You should most definitely wait until you’re feeling better. You want to show him that you are a confident woman who can do just fine by herself. Something that has helped me feel better is when I do things that I think will impress her. I learned how to knit, since I thought that would be unique, and I could make things for her. I have never had much self-esteem, but after using the NC period to better myself physically, socially, financially, and educationally, I actually like myself as a person. Hopefully if I like myself then she’ll like me even more! If your depression is more of a long-term thing, try talking to a therapist or psychiatrist about anti-depression meds. They helped me in a way no person or lifestyle could. You want to be able to knock this guy out with your looks and confidence!

    From what I’ve been reading, I doubt he’ll forget about you anytime soon. I certainly hope not, since my break-up was in September and I don’t want to think that she’s forgotten about me :p. Besides, if he’s too busy and stressed to talk to you, I doubt he has any chance of starting up an entirely new relationship.

    If you’re willing to put in the effort, you should be able to have a long-distance relationship, unless he is super opposed to the idea. You will have to deal with long distance since it’s going to take some time before you can propose moving to where he is, so you might want to look up tips on how to handle the relationship. For instance, it’s important to only talk with him once every day or more so that you don’t try to integrate each other into your own lives when you really can’t. Texting more often that that should be fine, though, as long as you both talk to other people as well.

    • Total Posts: 94

    @tighem You are right. I feel like I’ve been needing to put a time frame on when I should talk to him, but I guess its more of a personal thing. I really do want to show him Im confident and strong. That’s great that you’ve been able to use NC to your advantage so well. It sounds like you are doing great! The depression has honestly just been from this whole situation with my ex, but I am trying to see a therapist just to get some help.

    Thanks, after 5 years I really hope he still thinks about me, and is getting to the stage where he misses me! Im not sure how its ben going for him over there, but I think he is busy like you said.

    I would definitely be willing to do long distance, its not permanent. He will be moving back in less than 2 years, but otherwise I would have considered moving with him. I know it would be difficult, but it could also be a new adventure at the same time. I still love traveling and if he would let me I would come see him.

    Thank you again so much for your advice, you seem to really know what youre talking about. I hope things work out with your ex, goodluck to us both 🙂

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