Boards Reconciliation I think I've lost my husband! any advise

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  • #10338
    • Total Posts: 7

    When he contacts you about the children, be really cool and polite with him. Make sure the conversation doesn’t extend from that (unless it’s something else that’s important, family, insurance etc)
    If you feel tempted to say how you feel, hold it back the best you can.

    Take a month out from all this and do some stuff for yourself. Stick with it too. πŸ™‚ I hope everything works out for you.

    • Total Posts: 894

    @Hamuel thanks for replying. πŸ™‚ so do you think I really screwed up when I ignored him and blew him of? im on my second round of no contact and feel like nothing is gonna work for me but a miracle. πŸ™ should I send him a text apologizing or what should I do? im scared every time hes around because I feel like hes gonna keep hurting me ect. Im trying to avoid him at all cost. what do you think? how should I go about all of this? its just I really miss him. I hate hearing him calling me by my name. its really hurtful. πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 7

    I can’t imagine what you’re going through seriously, I’m sorry that you feel like this.
    But as a male, if I feel that I no longer what to be with a particular person I’d be doing what he’s doing to you right now, but saying that what drives me as equally crazy is when it looks like that person no longer talks to me. No contact even the second time around can drive a guy crazy, he’ll start double guessing what he’s done, miss those genuinely happy memories with you. It just takes time, but it’s what you do in that time that really helps you out in the future. I don’t think you screwed up, you just realised it’ll take longer than you thought it would!
    Keep doing what you’re doing and stick with it. With in a month, maybe even 3 weeks you’ll see what it’s doing to him. πŸ™‚

    Good luck and all the best.

    • Total Posts: 272

    Oh man πŸ™ Your husband seems to be really confused and to be honest, so do you. I don’t think you should apologize to him for not speaking with him, just do no contact until he contacts you again and then see what it is he wanted to speak about. Right now you just need to stay strong and focus on you. Of course it sucks with the insurance but you are the mother of his children so of course he is going to help you out and maybe you even get that job you were speaking about earlier – that would be a great thing for you and then you also wont be so dependent on him. He will for sure also be impressed πŸ™‚ Take it one day at a time, you’re doing really great!

    • Total Posts: 536

    Dont be so depressed about it. Your a strong woman and you can deal with this I know. πŸ™‚
    Dont apologise to him but try not to ignore him that much. Dont talk about personal stuff.
    Your doing great keep it up. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 894

    @Hamauel thanks for the reply. πŸ™‚ this sucks that he keeps showing signs of not wanting to be with me. πŸ™ its so depressing. πŸ™ I hope your right about everything. I have no idea what he could be thinking f me atm. I hope it works. I feel like he keeps invading my space as he wouldnt like me doing that to him if it were me. ugh lets see how everything unfolds itself from here on. ugh, I’m hoping for the better preparing for the worse, or trying to anyways. :-/ thanks. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 894

    @divjun thanks for the reply. πŸ™‚ its so hard not to feel depress when I feel like or know that my whole life is falling apart.:-( I really miss him. atm I cant face him, every time he comes around or tries to contact me, it hurts me really bad. πŸ™ I hate this feeling. πŸ™ thanks

    • Total Posts: 536

    I can understand what you’re going through. But you just cant give up. Try to keep yourself busy and work on yourself. Go on a date maybe?

    • Total Posts: 894

    @cassie thanks for following me and helping me along the way till now. πŸ™‚ so we both sound confused? omg. thats horrible. πŸ™ so wait for hm to contact me no mateer in which way. he probably knows by now that im bothered about something, he may be confused as to why im acting the way I am. I have no clue. πŸ™ its so hard to remain strong while all of this is happening but its so hard. πŸ™ hes actually pushing me away after he said he was gonna help me. look at what hes doing with the insurance. πŸ™ yes hopefully by getting this job he’ll start seeing a bigger change in me but I highly doubt that he’ll care as far as going back with me. If anything he’ll probably look at it as less money he needs to give me or something. ugh(i’d be good because at least I’ll be getting my own money and stuff its the only good thing. πŸ™ ugh. I hope im doing great. ugh. πŸ™ I was thinking if I do talk to him and he asks me about the church to tell him that I’ll have to go to check it out to see what I think about it then I’ll let him know. to use it as an excuse to be in the same place as him. do you think its a good idea? also this way I can talk to the pastor of this church its a really small church and see if she could help with my marriage. do you think its a good idea?(i honestly dont see how he could go to church while acting this way) let me know what you think. I really feel like Ive lost him and I hate this feeling. πŸ™ ugh thanks cassie

    • Total Posts: 272

    He will for sure contact you again, it’s just a matter of time. I think that he is definitely confused as to why you are acting the way you are also, if he comes by again, be nice and talk to him otherwise he will find you silly and immature.
    I don’t think you should go to the church just to be in the same room as him. I think it’s not a bad idea for you to speak to a pastor about you marriage, if it helps you then go for it πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 894

    your right its just hard to confront him. if he does ask me why I acted that way Ill just tell him I dont want to talk about it. also if he doesnt contact me then even better. but your right about him thinking of me as silly and immature. hes probabbly confused and may be thinking it. i may have to put ground rules to him as to when he can contact me and get the kids ect. well to be next to him but to see how it is as well. I’ll have to think about it. also if he wants to be a hypocrite and look for God and go to that church then why not. God hates divorce right? and if I was willing to work on my marriage then he should want to have to stay. so maybe they can help me out, who know. im so stressed depressed ect. ugh. πŸ™ i feel so hurt. I really miss him. πŸ™ I wish I could have him back. Ugh :'(

    • Total Posts: 272

    Yes, it’s tough but you’re doing as good as you can! πŸ™‚ I think putting down ground rules would be good.

    • Total Posts: 137

    He is maybe jealous because of the meat cutter guy and he’s trying to make u feel bad about it a little .. I read both of your topics ..
    Honestly .. I think that what you had together can’t be forgotten in a month or two ..
    And ..
    because of the children .. I think you shouldn’t start the NC role .. you can stop calling .. but you should answer his calls sometimes ..
    He clearly still has feelings for you .. and I think .. if you act smart .. you can get back with him by being his friend ..
    Good luck .. and keep us updated ^_^

    • Total Posts: 894

    thanks cassie. I guess your right with everything im going through im handling myself pretty well. it just sucks. He finally called this morning (meaning he respected my wishes) so thats a good thing. πŸ™‚ he left me a voicemail saying he dropped both kids at school. that my youngest was 3 minutes late because of traffic. also to call him then he said said text (because he knows Im not talking to him) if anything. so that was it. havent heard anything else from him at all. was the message good bad or just regular? thanks πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 894

    @mema thanks for reading my posts and replying. πŸ™‚ the reason why Im doing no contact again is because the way hes acting and I feel like hes hurting me and I need to have this space between us so I can continue to improve myself and become stronger because every time he comes around I fall back down and its hard for me to get back up again. how do you think I should go about being friends with him then? he keeps sending me mix signals and I feel like i’ve lost him already. I feel like its not the right time just yet for this, but im not sure, maybe its me trying to protect myself so I wont get anymore hurt again. ugh πŸ™ what are your suggestion and what do you think would make him want to come back? every time I though he was close I just see him further away all over again and the pain in unbearable, hence the no contact. ugh. thanks

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