Boards Reconciliation I think I've lost my husband! any advise

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  • #10948
    • Total Posts: 894

    thanks vanessa9 for your reply. well unfortunately this type of job is when they have work available for you. :-/ so sometimes you have work and sometimes you dont. so for the time being im gonna do this but need to look else where for a job as well. yes a job is a good thing for many reasons. πŸ™‚ yes he probably does feel financially pressured atm. why did you have a panic attack? do you suffer from them? yes they do suck, I know cause I suffer from them. πŸ™ ugh

    • Total Posts: 894

    ok so todays dilemma was: so I didnt know his schedule for this week changed. so he called today to talk to my oldest and when my oldest called him he ask if my youngest was with us because he was gonna ask me to drop them of. my youngest wasnt with me so he said he may pick them up later. (he never talked about this with me and is doing whatever the hell he wants. i dont like this at all and feel like I could snap but am trying to keep my composure.) anyways that was that. then he called his mother and when he called I was in the room. well he was saying the samething about picking them up ect. I said I didnt know that I had to think about it. so later on as Im playing a board game with my kids I asked them because unfortunately for me they wanna go with him. as sad and stressed and depressed as I felt and feel I was thinking of them over myself. so I told them fine. they saw me crying and my youngest said that it didnt matter if they went or not and my oldest was hugging me (weird on her part) and telling my youngest that they should stay. I said no your both going. ok so I text him later on because he had called me. I said for him to come get them. okay so he said since I didnt answer him that he went to the gym. that he was the only one there today and he was taking a break. he said he was gonna practice his striking and then come later on to get them. so I later on text him saying my oldest was misbehaving and what not. he text back saying that if I wanted to punish our oldest that he would take my youngest and leave my oldest. so I text him saying they were both fighting ect. then I texted him to just come tomorrow instead. have agood night. he text saying he was already on his way. I text its ok. you should rest. its already late anyways. so he never responded. (i thought he either was gonna turn around and go back or not show up but was concern that he’d still show up.) well apparently he didnt respect my wishes. so my kids fell asleep and I was in the room getting ready to relax when I hear a knocking on my bedroom door. guess who popped up, my mother in law knocking on my door. she points to yeah my husband. ugh. yup he showed up. okay so he asked about the kids and I told him they were sleeping. he told me I never text him saying they were asleep. I told him that I had let him know to come tomorrow and that they had recently fallen asleep. (like I said he never text back and I had the feeling of sending him the text about us going to sleep, lol, but I never sent it.) anyways so he said wake them up, I said no let them sleep its late. he asked if they were really asleep, I opened the door and saw they were really asleep. then he asked his mom how she was doing and she said she was fine, lol (yeah right). then he said how are you(to me) doing. I stood quiet and he said every time I see you you look skinner good for you or her. ugh and his mom says and you look slimmer to. im not sure what he said, lol. then the moment of silence came. ugh he kept looking around and said this is awkward like 2 times. idk why he said that. ugh I was going into my room little by little lol until I came in my room, while I was doing that I did what he does to me, lol (I hate when he does that) so I put 2 fingers up made the peace sign and said peace and went into my room. (he stood outside talking to his mother for a few. then he said bye to me saying bye and said my name. and said bye to his sister. he then went downstairs and was talking to his mother for a few and left outside. I usually wait for him to leave for me to go outside to see him go. (im not sure if he knows I do this or not) so I turn of the light and put the window low enough to be able to see out the window. he finally came out and I saw him stading outside for a few seconds (i was wondering what the heck was he doing) and I saw him looking up, lol I got scared because I wasnt sure if he saw me or not. lol but then I moved and kept looking at him from different angles lol. I saw him like looking up again not sure if it was me or not. and then he left. (when I asked his mom what he told her she said nothing just that hes coming tomorrow.) that shit annoys me because he was talkng to her. ugh maybe nothing much but was saying something and I wanted to know what the heck it was. so what do ya think of the peace thing I did? why do ya think he was standing there and looking up for? what do you guys think of the whole situation? ugh this is so strssful I feel like im never gonna get him back. it hurts to see him go and all. I must add that I wasnt expecting to see him and I came out of the room in short shorts lol was this a good thing, lol? also he would make slight eye contact with me but not look into my eyes. he would look at me and look away and he would look up most of the time. why was he doing this? also when he said this is awkward he kept turning around and looking out the window. any opinions on this whole situation. please help me out here. thanks πŸ™‚ i feel like I’ve lost him forever. ugh it even hurt when he called me by my name and every time he calls me by my name. ugh πŸ™ thanks

    • Total Posts: 894

    do ya honestly think I still have a chance at getting my husband back? ugh πŸ™ I really miss him a lot and feel like he doesnt miss me love me or care about me anymore by the way he acts and calls me by my name. ugh. πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 71

    hey you did well !
    in my opinion he said this is awkward and standing outside both related to the situation, I mean it should be normal that dad went home and then stay at home , but he had to go back to his place because your kids were sleeping, you were the parents but it seems he is not the family member, probably he felt uncomfortable and missing something lost ..

    keep showing him the positive side and let him walk to the family step by step !

    • Total Posts: 894

    can anyone give me their insight on issue? @divjun @cassie anyone? thanks

    • Total Posts: 69

    I know when my parents nearly split it took a long time for them to get back together (8 months to be exact). Give him space to have some fun and also you need to have some fun, go enjoy your self.

    Always show a happy and positive side to him. He will slowly creep his way back once his mind gets in a better state.

    Could you check my post out “A bit stuck” be really appreciated!

    But seriously it does sound like he just needs some space to pull him self back together. I know you are in pieces at the moment so you need to work on your self. He will most likely not work on him self but if he notices that you have changed he will see a new light at the end of the tunnel πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 894

    @vanessa9 thanks its so hard feeling this way. it hurts a lot. yesterday when he looked up to the window I felt like he wanted to say something to me. but im not sure. today he will probably act different if when comes, if Im here when he comes. ugh this is so hard for me. πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 894

    @Nick thanks for your reply. I feel like im never gonna get him back. πŸ™ if I get him back with time I’d rather do that and have him then him not coming back at all but it sure doesnt feel this way at all. ugh. im trying to be nice happy and positive but I feel like its not working. πŸ™ I miss him so much. :'( I hope your right. and comes back. πŸ™ thanks

    • Total Posts: 69

    Now I haven’t been on this site for very long and I cannot imagine what you are going though. Plus I haven’t been in a full on official relationship so that might change your view of my comments. But I hope what I have wrote below gives you not hope but confidences that you and he will get back together!

    I have always thought of a relationship as a wine glass.

    When you drop a wine glass, the stem and base are always undamaged but the cup part is always shattered and all its contents out for everyone to see. But amongst all the fuss you always have the stem and base, the foundation to build from. You just need to pick up the pieces and put them back together in the right order at the right stages. Some pieces might take a long time to find some wont, but eventually you will rebuild the wine glass and only then are you safe to begin to pour.

    Now reading over it again and again for me loses its meaning but I hope it lifts you up! (or it could mean complete crap haha)

    • Total Posts: 71

    hey act happy, positive side to him !
    but don’t be needy like talk to him too much, don’t talk any personal feelings to him, just like at the beginning when you met him! like Nick said “put pieces together”
    luckily you and him have strong base and didn’t damaged by another relationship, those are all good sign to the relationship !

    finally, learn to be happy, confident,humorous, independent woman, of course GUYS will like this like of woman, no pressure and enjoyable !what do you think?

    • Total Posts: 536

    Hey.. you really did great.
    I think he was probably looking for you when he was looking up. And you still have a high chance to get him back. I dont like giving false hope so trust me. He just needs space to breathe out of a relationship. Some people take breaks for that. Just let it be. You really did great and I am proud of you πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 894

    @Nick thanks for your reply. lol, couldnt you imagine,lol. as a guy I appreciate your comments, as I can get a better understanding of my husbands thinking, lol. I understand what your saying. its just so hard when you miss them so much and want them already and you cant have them. this sucks, lol ugh. your last sentence made me laugh. but yeah I get what your saying. :-), its not crap,lol

    • Total Posts: 894

    @vanessa9 thanks for your reply. πŸ™‚ I always try to act postive and happy infront of him,lol but then I go and cry or whatever of course when hes not around,lol. I always talk about mutual things like the kids and our things or bills so nothing personal. I try not to be around to much either when we have conversations. how do I put these pieces together @Nick and @vanessa9? actually I cheated on him. this was the second time in the relationship. first time was totally different then the first time as to why I cheated. but yeah, im not sure about ” and didn’t damaged by another relationship, those are all good sign to the relationship”. :-/ I am trying to be a better me. I’ve been working on me for a while but I can always improve more. πŸ™‚ thanks

    • Total Posts: 894

    @divjun thanks for your reply. πŸ™‚ are you sure I did great? lol. why was he looking for me for? (when I write my new posting you may laugh,lol.) im trying to give him space but ugh I miss him lol. I hope its true and I can get him back. ugh lol and thanks for putting my self esteem up by saying “You really did great and I am proud of you”. it put a smile on my face. good thing for the great people on this site. πŸ™‚ I really like the support everyone gives to each other. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 894

    okay so todays story is this: lol.. his mom called him this morning to remind him to bring her her coffee and he told her that he was going to already that he remembered. that he was coming later. (I told my mother in law Im glad they’re getting along, and she says I just want my coffee. lol) anyways so after a long while he gets here. (I have been feeling sick today.) So my oldest comes up saying daddy wants to know if your ok. (I was thinking about it but didnt want to sound needy and he does the samething, so I did to) I said Im fine. (I was feeling like crap,lol) anyways then my oldest comes up again and brings me nuggets. (my oldest says daddy wants to know if you want chicken nuggets.) I said no. (my husband brought food for everyone and apparently I feel like he left me for last or left overs, I have no idea.) so anyways after a while. my husband goes outside with my mother in law. and my oldest said Im gonna slap her. I said what what happened, then she said it was her sister blah blah blah. I was by the window. (heres the part I was telling you about divjun,lol.) well im not sure if he heard me or not but I went by the window, lol. so anyways he kept looking up again im mean a bunch of multiple times. im not sure if he saw me once or a couple of times at the window. lol but before he left he said bye and my name(I was thinking oh crap,lol) and my oldest says bye mommy. and he kept looking up. he even took of his shirt and was in his tank top. (that made me so jealous lol but what can I do lol. he even left like that too ugh,lol) so anyways he left. I was talking to his mom and she told me he was probably going to be taking them to the pool and that he was really worried about me. (my oldest told him I was sick,idk why.) my mother in law even mention that last night he mentioned I look slimmer every time he sees me. I told her that if he notice that what else does he notice lol because she says he knows me well, lol. ugh. so what do you guys think about todays story. lol. (I feel like im writing a story to ya everyday,lol, I wonder if its even interesting,lol) but for real do ya think he knew I was at the window?(btw I never answered, just in case) do ya think he misses me? what do ya think of his reactions and what not? is there any other questions Im missing here? thanks every one for your help. πŸ™‚

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