Boards Reconciliation I ran into him.. he acted like I'm a stranger!

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  • #14476
    • Total Posts: 137

    And one more thing ..
    His profile picture on whatsapp was with one of his female friends .. so I told him .. I didn’t like it .. he wasn’t looking pretty in it .. and he has his “false smile face” on ..
    And he has many other nice pictures ..
    i went to sleep after that
    And when I woke up ..
    I saw that he changed his picture .. and he put one that I took for him on our graduation day πŸ˜€

    • Total Posts: 137

    @pixie25 .. and @aamls .. thanks alot .. I know it’s week 2 of nc .. but I couldn’t take it anymore πŸ™ ..

    .. I know I was all needy again .. but .. I tried my best when we talked on skype to sound strong .. and I’ll give him space .. I won’t talk to him unless he talks to me .. I’ll not be available all time for him .. And I’ll never do anything that will make me sound needy again.. I’ll do my best this time to be strong ..
    but what do you think about what happened yesterday? ..

    .. I know he needed time .. but 1 month was too long for me to take ..
    I’ll do my best to stay strong and not to do anything to push him away πŸ™‚

    .. I’ll do my best .. I’ll continue working on myself .. I’ll respect his wishes .. I can’t afford to lose him anymore .. this will be my last chance ever .. I won’t contact him unless he contacts me .. even if it take weeks now .. but I really needed to have this talk with him ..

    • Total Posts: 137

    @zuzu1000 .. I know it’s hard .. i was there .. I did Nc For 2 weeks .. then I cracked down (twice) .. but .. I’m not used to be far from him .. we used to be together all the time .. 24/7 .. and that’s why I felt that one month was too long for me .. but I hope what I did will effect my relationship on a positive level .. πŸ™ .. and he’ll consider being friends again ..

    • Total Posts: 137

    @TristanJade .. I did say no to him .. he knows that this will be my answer .. but I was hurt when he said that πŸ™ .. I never expected a quest like this from him .. but what do you think?
    Why would he says things like this to me? ..
    and I didn’t want to talk to him to him that I’ve changed .. I wanted him to see that .. but if we are not talking .. how would he see that? ..
    I’ll nkt act like before .. he will see the new me now πŸ™‚
    And I hope he’ll fall in love with new me πŸ˜€
    but what do you think about what happened yesterday?

    • Total Posts: 137

    @whena .. i know πŸ™
    I acted needy .. but .. I couldn’t take it .. and the fact that he answered me on the phone texted me back .. and unblocked me .. I was very happy .. I knew he let his guards down and he misses me .. so I tried to took advantage of that .. I know he’s hurt .. but I tried to sound not needy .. I know I was .. but I tried not to be .. and I’ll do my best not to sound needy ever again ..
    the fact that he’s back in my life gives me hope and strength πŸ™‚
    What do you think about what happened yesterday?
    Does he really wants to be just friends ? πŸ™
    And I hope you will get your ex back soon .. I think it’s a rebound .. I’ll read your topic as soon as I can sissy πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 70

    thats a good start know sissy @meme your lucky your x stilnng single but my ex having someone but i didn’t see yet the girl on his fb or his in relationship, i was waiting for that so i can convnced myself that he have a gf.. oh he nver contact me for 2 days now..strange bec. he nver do than only for 1 day so iwas thinknig there is someone who captured hiss interest and really forget me.. πŸ™

    you just act normal back to start the time you and him are not together ..try to be civil dn’t flirt him and wait for him to open his feelings and confess it..

    • Total Posts: 137

    Just relax @whena .. if she exist she is a rebound .. he clearly loves you alot .. and it will be hard for him to move on .. he won’t forget you .. just stay strong ..
    And I’ll do my best not to screw up this time πŸ™‚
    P.S: I looked up your topic but I did not find any update so I replied here πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 137

    Another update :
    So my ex talked to me today .. he said that he wasn’t comfortable talking to me yesterday ( he’s a lair .. he was smiling all the time and he looked happy .. I know him enough to say that) .. and that he want me out of his life .. and I was completely shocked .. I asked “why? ..did I did anything wrong?” .. he said “no .. but I’m not comfortable to talk to you again .. and I don’t want you in my life at all .. not even as friends !!!!”
    So I said .. “ok .. i can see .. you are still hurt and all” .. he said “not just that .. it’s more comfortable to me not to talk to you anymore .. ”
    and that he’ll give him self time to think about being friends again but he’s not comfortable and that’s what it matters to him .. so I said “ok .. I see .. it’s normal to feel like this now .. you need time to feel normal around me again”
    so I asked him not to block me again .. so I can prove to him that I’ll change and that I’m not going to be needy again ..and I’m not gonna talk to him unless he talks to me .. and I’m taking this seriously .. he said ok ..
    and then I sent one of RR messages
    (So i’ve been doing a lot of thinking about what you said, and you’re right, things haven’t been the same between us. We both feel it and i’m actually grateful you were honest enough to bring it up. I think I had known that we were growing apart for a while, but part of me didn’t want to admit it because I was trying to hold onto the idea of all the good times we did have together. And that’s when I realized that we really do have an awesome time just hanging out. But we overcomplicated something great by adding a relationship . That’s why I think it’s a much better idea for us to Must be friends, don’t you agree?)
    so .. we are back to NC .. πŸ™
    What do you think? πŸ™
    Do I have hope?

    • Total Posts: 894

    not all hope is gone you still have a chance thing being is that you need to stay no contact for at least a month to 2 months let him miss you he seems like hes sending you mix messages. give him time and space no more talking texting emails nothing. dont stalk him either. stay strong you got this. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 137

    I don’t want to sound childish .. but .. what he said make me happy .. especially when he said that he misses me and thinks about me and stalking me on fb and I’m getting prettier πŸ˜€ ..etc
    am I crazy to think that he still have feelings for me?
    I mean .. he sounded hurt I know .. and now I understand that he really needs time of his own ..
    but I felt like he still have feelings for me .. and that’s why he needed to block me again .. he’s hurt by the person he loved ..
    Am I crazy to think like this?
    I mean .. I’m giving myself too much hope .. right? πŸ™
    And I’m still afraid that he’ll block me after a while .. πŸ™
    I’ll will do 30 days of NC .. i swear I’ll this time .. lol ..(unless he contacts me πŸ˜€ )
    But I wanna know what you think.. does he have feelings for me?
    or he’s just nice to me?
    Why would he change his profile picture when I said I didn’t like it ?
    And all of the things he said β™‘ .. was he laying to me about all of it? πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 894

    he may be being nice but to me it sounds like hes hurt and needs his space, dont push him away more give him his space and do you. im sorry im out of it these days, and am really sad and depress to answer better and clearer. but yes I think it sounds like he still has feelings for you. you can do this stay strong. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 137

    @aamls .. I know you are hurt .. πŸ™
    I hope everything will get better soon and you’ll get him soon .. and he’ll see what’s he’s messing .. πŸ™‚
    You are strong and you will survive πŸ™‚
    As you said “stay strong .. you can do this ” πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 894

    thanks mema πŸ™‚ your so sweet, I really hope you get your ex back. πŸ™‚ I really miss hi so much, I hope your right, but it doesnt seem this way. I feel like im going crazy. πŸ™ I keep trying to come up with ideas on how I can get him back. :'( everyone s just telling me to let him go. :'( thanks mema

    • Total Posts: 14

    Like people have said, he probaby acts that way to protect himself. One thing I’ve thought of is that people gets really immature by love, they’ll become stubborn, childish and simply weird. So just ride it out and try not to worry to much of his actions, the weirder he is the more he’s struggling without you πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 137

    Thanx @aamls .. you’re sweet too and you deserve the best .. so stay strong πŸ™‚
    you can and you will get him back πŸ™‚

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