Boards Reconciliation I ran into him.. he acted like I'm a stranger!

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  • #14090
    • Total Posts: 137

    By “he’ll be with me” .. I meant if I decided to move on .. he’ll help me to move on and support me during the hard times .. as a friend .. he said that he loves being my friend ..
    And i feel like he’s hiding something .. IDK why .. maybe that I know how he thinks about our relationship ..
    And I thought that he can talk to my ex about us and help him realising how much we meant to each other ..
    I mean .. he’s my only connection with my ex πŸ™
    so .. I’ll stop talking to him about my ex .. but I’ll be his friend .. πŸ˜€
    And BTW .. it’s 3 years .. not 2 πŸ˜€
    But I’m afraid that the last year helped him to move on .. due to our multiple break ups and fights πŸ™
    So he’s used to live without me now πŸ™
    And the break up was easy for him this time ..
    idk .. I’m feeling really down .. and i just wish I could know if it’s really possible to get back with him again ! .. or I should move on πŸ™
    is there hope?

    • Total Posts: 137

    So tomorrow will be the end of the 4th week of my NC .. ” 30 days from the break up and the srart of my NC ”
    But I contacted him about 2 weeks ago .. “i was needy.. clingy and inscure.. i sent 100 messages in one day!! ” and no response from him ..
    So in this case ..
    am I in week 2 .. or week 4 of NC?

    • Total Posts: 40

    week 2, any contact at all, even searching for him on internet = breaking no contact

    • Total Posts: 894

    week 2 you start all over again and honestly I think you should do more like 2 months or more if possible. good luck you can do this. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 894

    also do what you feel is best in your situation, I think that you need to think long and hard about what you want and once you figure it out then you can do what you need to but continue no contact. you can do this. πŸ™‚ can you tell me what you think about my issue now? thanks πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 137

    I called him today .. and I break the NC role ..
    We talked foe about half an hour ..
    He’s still angry about what I said when I broke up with him .. and really hurt πŸ™
    “I was so mean to him on the break up.. i said things just to hurt him”
    He said that he gave me too many chances .. and he doesn’t want me in he’s life anymore .. and I don’t deserve to be in his life again
    And he’s happy that I’ve changed .. but that is not important to him anymore ..
    I told him that all what I want to be is to be his friend .. and he said he has too many friends .. and doesn’t need me..
    I told him that I know things weren’t going well on the last year and that I didn’t want to believe that so I’ve tried so hard to get back again .. but this time I know we weren’t good as a couple .. but he’s too important to me that I want to give our friendship a chance ..
    He said he will think about it .. I said promise .. he said he won’t!
    He said that I’ve lost him for all and that he want us to be strangers again ..
    And that his bff .. is telling him everything about me .. -_-
    So I told him he means alot to me and that I miss him and want him to see him much I’ve changed .. and I’m really working on myself .. he said good for you .. but he’s not interested in being my friend again ..
    So we hang up .. he was really angry ..
    Then I texted him .. “can we talk later?”
    He texted back “No .. yo had all your chances”
    So i texted him : ” I know .. but this time is different .. I’ve changed .. and you’ll see that if you gave me a chance”
    He texted back: “no” i said : “i know I you hate me .. but I really want you to forgive me ”

    I’m waiting for his reply now πŸ™
    What do you really think? πŸ™

    • Total Posts: 15

    I think you should leave him alone. You’re still being very needy and clingy. And it’s driving him away. You’ll never get him back by acting this way. You told him you’ve changed when you haven’t changed at all. You’re still acting the same. Give him space because all you’ve been doing lately is smothering him.

    • Total Posts: 84

    You need to respect his wishes of no contact. At least for 30 days and maybe even longer. All hope is not lost, but it is going to take some time. Once I dated this guy, and he once said that he hated me and never wanted to talk to me again and wanted me to leave him along. We didn’t talk for 5 months. We ended up seeing each other for 2 more years after that. But notice how we had no contact for 5 months after he said that to me. There is hope, but you have to not talk to him.

    • Total Posts: 894

    mema listen to everyone else, do no contact. hes very hurt atm so you need to give him time and space. keep yourself busy. I also think you should also stop talking to that friend you have in common. but its up to you. like sunshine11 said do no contact for 30 days but I agree with longer. and tristanjade is right. just keep working on yourself. you can do this. πŸ™‚

    • Total Posts: 137

    Thanx all ..
    but I’m looking at the bright side .. he unblocked me .. he talked to me for 30 minutes .. and texted me back ..
    And one other thing ..
    We are now on long distance ..
    And we can’t meet up ..
    But the bad thing is ( and I’m ashamed to say this) he want us to talk tonight on Skype .. BUT .. he want us to talk “dirty” πŸ™
    I’m not sure what to do ..
    I mean .. we never had sex (in my country it’s a bad thing to have sex before marriage .. although I know he doesn’t think that .. he thinks once you fall in love you can do it .. or you can do it with bad girls .. but still I’m old fashioned and didn’t approve that )..
    So .. IDK what to do .. he knows that I’ll say no .. but I want him to see that I’ve changed πŸ™ .. and the only way to do this is to talk to him .. and it’s my only chance.. and I know that he said that because he knows my answer is gonna be NO .. but what if he said that to hurt me? .. or he really think I’m desperate and he wanted to take advantage of me? .. or it’s a way to see if I really want him back?
    idk .. I’m not thinking straight .. and I have only 3 hours to set up my mind .. what do you think?
    Should I talk to him on Skype?
    Or I should block him again?
    Or what?
    He said that I mean nothing to him .. not even a friend .. and he want us to talk dirty and this means nothing to him !!
    And we’ll probably end up blocking each other tomorrow !!
    I’m confused !..

    • Total Posts: 137

    So .. he sent me message on whatsapp now saying ” you told me that you have no electricity! ”
    ( that means he’s checking to see if I’m online .. because on whatsapp you can’t see if a person is online unless you open their conversation πŸ˜€ )

    P.S: due to war we have electricity for 2 hours every 6 hours -_-

    • Total Posts: 23

    Hmmm. I don’t know :/ It seems like youre not ready to talk yet! Especially if he’s just saying to talk “dirty” after he was so mean to you over the phone! I would give him more time. I’m sure he’s angry because he has feelings for you…he needs to sort himself out as do you. My ex was super angry after the break up as well and we haven’t talked for over two weeks! I’m on day 17 of NC and lemme tell you, it is HARD but it is the ONLY thing that will help you work on you and could possibly (but no guarantee) lead to another chance with your ex

    • Total Posts: 15

    You are vulnerable and he knows how desperate you are for him (which you shouldn’t be honestly) so he is taking advantage of that. And no, talking to someone about how you’ve “changed” is not going to work in your favor. You don’t tell someone that you’ve changed. You SHOW them. Don’t let him use you just because you’re desperate for him. Put your foot down and say NO!

    • Total Posts: 70

    hey sissy stop being needy ,stop being desperate i understand you i been hurt ,i want my ex back its hurts to see him dating someone kills me so much..but i love my pride girl needs to have pride so boys cn’t take advantage to us..leave him alone your strong bec. yyou do nc for a week but me i do nc but when the time my x msg me im so weak and respond to him.he have a gf now but still his saying he miss me.. but i push him away saying stop sending me msg and stop talking to my sis not because i dn’t want him back. just because i want him to fight for me and to realized the real feelings for me.

    • Total Posts: 137

    Ok .. so here is how it went :
    We talked “normal” .. he was just saying that to push me away and hurt me .. and I asked him to be honest with me ..
    he said that he loved me alot .. and still sometimes he misses me and misses me being in his life as a gf .. he said that he still wish that things didn’t end this way .. and he wishes that the last year didn’t went like this ..
    and he sometimes thinks about how things would be if we didn’t break up ..
    but now .. nothing matter .. we should be friends .. and we will never be anything more ..
    so I tried to do what RR says ..
    I told him .. I knew deep down that our relationship was going to an end and that I didn’t want to believe that .. and I told him that I know now that the last time we were back .. I pushed him away .. he said “yes you did .. but why you didn’t know this by then? .. things could be different if you understood this back then ”
    He said that he had hope and faith in our love .. till the last time we broke up .. now he want us to friends .. and he needs time to decide if our friendship is gonna work ..
    he told me that I need to stop getting more beautiful .. and that he loved my new look ..
    we talked for hours ..we even talked about how we thought about our wedding day will be ..
    he didn’t ask me anything about my life yet (I think he knew that I’m doing great form his friend ) .. and he admitted that he checked my Facebook πŸ˜€ ( I sent him a photo of me .. he said yeah I know this one .. you put it on Facebook ) πŸ˜€
    but .. after all of that .. he’s still saying that he will think about being my friend .. and nothing more .. and that we can’t be anything more than just friends πŸ™
    we talked for hours .. we laughed alot .. and there was a moment of “red noses” when we both got emotional and we were about to cry
    I know I break the NC role .. and I broke so many roles too .. but if he wasn’t texting me .. I would never broke them .. And one month is too much for me to take .. πŸ™ .. I tried not to sound needy .. I didn’t text him unless he says something that I should answer to .. and I tried to take my time to answer ..
    I did say all the things i remembered from the RR ..
    I eben tried to create a new bliss moments with him .. we were laughing and having much fun ..
    And I think he was all nostalgic and emotional when he saw me again ..
    I hope I’ll not rush things this time .. and that I’ll give him his time with the FF .. and he will really consider being friends ..
    but still ..
    What do think?
    does he love me?
    Is there any hope? Or he really meant it when he said he wants us to be friends ?
    or will he block me again after this? πŸ™

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