Boards No Contact Rule I need some advice please!

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  • #71290
    • Total Posts: 2868

    @Anni – You have to stop thinking of the past! When people start dating, they put their best foot forward. Only over time you discover what they are like when they take the mask off. Don’t feel badly that you fell for his early tactics to win you over. It happens to a lot of people. Yes, he’s the one who should be in intensive therapy for his psychological issues. Even then, it may not help. You should realize that you’re a good person and deserve better. What he answered is true for a lot of guys. They’re not satisfied or unhappy and it takes a while to reveal it. And then they give all sorts of wacky reasons which may not even be the truth. Whatever his problem is, it’s not your fault! At this point it doesn’t matter why he’s acting strangely or why he says it’s your fault! Dwelling on how he treated you won’t help. You have to think of yourself first and what’s best for you! If you see him on the streets with or without a girl, it will affect you in some way, you might feel a skip of your heartbeat. But don’t let it make you think anything has changed. Even having a sensible conversation with him won’t likely make any difference. It’s mainly by actions and words over time that changes for the better are apparent and true.
    Wishing you the best always:)

    • Total Posts: 115

    That’s true, I know I need to stop thinking of him and that I’m responsible for him and start thinking of me. He won’t thank me anyway when I try helping him and thinks I attack him instead.

    I went to see my therapist, too and she told me the same. It’s just hard to believe that he has those two faces but I know anyway that I don’t want to be with the person who he is atm and it helps a lot to remind myself of that whenever I’m sad or thinking of him.

    I had my first date with that nice guy yesterday and it went really well 🙂 we get along great and he is in the same situation as I am (he broke up with his gf about 2 months ago), so I think we are on the same page there and that was really important to me. We gonna meet up again soon when he is coming to visit his sister who is living in the same city as I do and I’m looking forward to it 🙂 It really helps to see that someone out there is interested in me and it gives me new hope and I’m happy that I met him finally. I can only suggest anyone who is going through a tough break up to start dating other people. It shows you that other guys have a lot of good sides too and it takes the status off your ex in which you have put him (if that makes any sense) Like the throne you were building around him disappears and the dates show you what you were missing out in the relationship.

    I wish you all the best too and I’ll keep you updated if I have any news!

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