Boards No Contact Rule I need some advice please!

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  • #69764
    • Total Posts: 115

    Hey everyone, so I’m on day 4 of No Contact and I changed the chat back to normal today (no nicknames, cute animal as an icon) because it hurt me a lot to see everytime I saw it. I know it might have been a deal breaker but I just needed to do it to move on.

    Now my ex wrote me right when he saw it:

    “you changed the chat back to normal, which is fair enough i guess
    I hope your bachelor is going well
    ive been ok the past few days”

    Why would he say he was okay? Is the break up maybe really the best thing for him because I was too annoying for him? I know he typically is thinking about me too but I kinda believe him that he was okay.. This makes me sad now. Does anyone have advice how to continue now? I won’t contact him but I’m really sad now again when the last days were fine. I’m really hurt by how he treated me during the break up and really disappointed but I still want him back. I’m just so confused now šŸ™

    • Total Posts: 2868

    @Anni – I’m sorry for your situation. Sounds like he has very low self esteem and that causes depression. There would be times when he’s feeling good, but then go low again. The hurtful things he said to you are the result of his low self worth and a kind of protective mode to lay the blame for his bad feelings onto someone else. If he started talking with a therapist or even group therapy, it would help a lot. My suggestion is to continue no contact until his birthday in December and focus on your college studies. Don’t worry about changing the chat or what he said about it. And don’t be sad or obsess about his word “ok”. Later on Skype might be nice, if he agrees. Wish you luck:)

    • Total Posts: 115

    @patricia12 Thank you so much for your reply! It always helps to hear the perspective of other people and I think you are right. He needs to figure out himself now that he should to talk to people and also that no one can be blamed for the bad feelings he gets.

    Once No Contact is over I’d love to tell him how disappointed I am though how he treated me, how he let me fall and how he never apologized but also that I am a strong woman who has changed as well. And I’m not sure how I can do that without putting him into the position again that he gets bad feelings… Do you think I could do that in a second letter or on Skype after his birthday somehow or is it a bad idea when I really want to get him back?

    But for now I need to figure out a lot myself. I’m really good at distracting my friends, going out for drinks or coffee and study and being happy and somehow free doing those things even though I miss him and know I don’t want to lose him. It’s a strange feeling.

    • Total Posts: 2868

    @Anni Are you still planning to go to Ireland in the spring? Is your family in Germany? I don’t think you should tell him you’re disappointed by the way he treated you or didn’t apologize. Saying those things will only make him feel guilty. Also, don’t tell him you’re a strong woman. It would be like saying, I’m strong and you’re weak. I’m sure he knows he treated you badly and he might someday apologize. When you write in December or when you Skype be positive, letting him know what you’ve been doing and ask how he’s doing etc.. I’m glad to hear you’re distracting yourself and enjoying life.

    • Total Posts: 115

    @patricia12 Yes that’s true, I don’t mean to do that… more like that I can handle this break up and am not needy and desperate but I guess he will see that through no contact. I’m just so hurt and disappointed… Thank you for your answers!

    Yes I’m still planning to go to Ireland because I really want to work in that design studio for some time. And yes my family lives in Germany.

    • Total Posts: 115

    Patricia, from what I can tell from reading other posts you are very well in giving very objective advices and answers.

    Could you give me an advice on following? My ex wrote me this today:

    ā€œhey (my name), you asked me to check in in like two weeks or so
    im up at (friends name) recording
    i dont know how i feel to be honest
    im very sad some days
    but im working a lot on myself
    and I think im slowly getting better
    your mandala is very nice
    i should start doing them more
    that was a part of art therapy
    i hope your ok anyway
    and im sorry for being the person I was in generalā€

    Shall I just ignore that and continue NC? Iā€™m really confused now but also find it really nice that he apologized.

    • Total Posts: 115

    Guys, I need some advice please. Do you think it’s okay to write following instead of ignoring him completely?

    “Itā€™s nice to hear from you. Iā€™m sorry youā€™re sad. Iā€™m really good but at the moment I need space to concentrate on myself. I will write you once I am ready to talk again.”

    • Total Posts: 2868

    @Anni – Sending a short reply would be the polite thing to do since he did reach out to you. If you really need more space, then what you wrote about it is fine. OR you could send the note omitting the part about space and wait to see if he writes again and thereby slowly reconnect. In your reply, you could also say thank you for the apology.

    • Total Posts: 115

    @patricia12 Thanks so much for your answer! I felt already so confused not knowing what to do and so overwhelmed.

    “Itā€™s nice to hear from you. Thank you for your apology, it means a lot to me. I’m truly sorry on my part as well and Iā€™m also sorry to hear youā€™re sad. Iā€™m good, I’m concentrating on myself and feel happier day by day.”

    Should I apology again? I have so many times before but I don’t know, I find it so nice of him to apologize finally.. What do you think?

    • Total Posts: 115

    I wrote him.

    It’s nice to hear from you. Thank you for your apology, it really means a lot to me. I’m very sorry on my part, too and also sorry to hear you are sad. I’m good! (Besides being sick in bed for almost a week) I’m concentrating a lot on myself and feel happier day by day.

    I’m not sure if I’m ready for a conversation with him. I don’t want to go back to being needy or begging for anything in case he tells me it’s still over.

    If it’s getting too much for me I can still write that I think I need a bit more space to concentrate on myself, can’t I?

    • Total Posts: 115

    “That is good, im happy you are feeling more confident and happier every day. that is what i am aiming for too. good to hear from you”

    What could I answer on this? Should I answer at all?

    I just feel sad now. All the emotions came up. I was able to write him without thinking and now all of that is lost. I want to write something but I don’t know what and if it’s wrong if I do. It’s a strange feeling

    • Total Posts: 2868

    @Anni – Did you already send the text? If you didn’t and you’ve already apologized many times before, omit that part. Sure, if you feel you need more space you can let him know. I’m glad he wrote and it seems a good sign he thinks of you:)

    • Total Posts: 115

    Yes I did and he wrote back the text above right away when he saw the message. I just told him how Mandalas help me a lot and that he could try to do them. And that I’m working on another one which I can show him once it’s done.

    I’m just so confused šŸ™ I think he wants to move on but that’s not a sign of moving on is it?

    • Total Posts: 115

    UPDATE: He wrote “anyway, im glad you are doing well. send me your mandala when its done so i can have mandala inspiration ?
    im going to go eat and then relax and sleep”

    So he finished the conversation before I was able to.

    I have the feeling he just checked in so he know I’m okay and doesn’t need to feel guilty anymore so he can continue moving on. I could be wrong though…

    Do you have any advice on how I should continue? I wanted to send him the mandala maybe tomorrow night or Wednesday night and see. After that I wanted to wait again and improve myself more maybe?

    • Total Posts: 2868

    @Anni – I know you must be confused because you can’t possibly know how he feels about you or what his intentions are. If you can accept communications without thinking about what everything might or might not “mean” or lead to, but instead just enjoy the contacts, you could continue without texting too often or asking him how he feels (neediness). I know it would be difficult because you want answers right now, if not sooner, lol. The thing is to take it slow and simply enjoy each contact for what it is. My suggestion is to wait until Wednesday to send the mandala. If he responds with thank you, you could write back you’re welcome. If he responds with more than a thank you, you could write back if appropriate, but keep the conversation very short and upbeat. Since the contacts probably won’t be daily, you can improve yourself if needed. But if you don’t want him to contact you for a while, you could let him know you need space. Please try to calm down. I know it’s easier said than done, but high anxiety won’t help you. It’s great he apologized:) Good luck..

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