Boards No Contact Rule i broke no contact in 15 days :(

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  • #51248
    • Total Posts: 117

    I am 20 and he is 23 we were in a very serious relationship for 5years we broke up 18 days ago as he said he has no more feelings for me i followed the no contact for 15days perfectly but one day i ended up texting him and the talked to him for an hour on the phone.i tried to remind him of our good memories together but he thought i was trying to seduce him. i dont know what to do. Should i start no contact from the beginning?his birthday is coming in next 15days i really dont know what to do ..i really want him to love me back ๐Ÿ™

    • Total Posts: 15

    Forget about the birthday. Who cares. Start no contact from scratch. He will expect contact from you because of this birthday. Do the opposite. Make him chase you and miss you.

    • Total Posts: 117

    That day when i talked to him he seemed to be missing me and wanted to talk to me for long..but i rushed in too much and asked him again about relationship to which he said its too late..but before i asked him about relationship he told me that he is still single and i can say anything i want..and then he said its too late…i started the no contact again but this time i told him that i agree with the breakup and not to contact me until m ready..have i lost my chances of getting him back?

    • Total Posts: 6

    I don’t think you have. Just don’t contact him! Wait for him to contact you! And it’s perfect cause it’s going to be his birthday so you shouldn’t contact him. You’re the most likely person to say happy birthday so he will definitely be surprised when he doesn’t see one from you. What is she doing? Why didn’t she wish me a happy birthday? Had she moved on? Did she forget? All these questions will pop in his head. So instead of 30 I say do a bit more until you are stable. Again work on yourself and try and focus on other things.

    • Total Posts: 117

    Should i do 45 or full 2 months no contact?

    • Total Posts: 15

    30 days starts over when you talk to him. There should be no contact. No happy birthday, no discussions about anything.

    • Total Posts: 6

    Do the amount that you think is right for you! It might be 30 or it might be 60. I say do more than 30 just cause it’s the second time you’re doing no contact. Until you feel confident that you can accept both possibilities of either being back or being all done with him, the that is when you’re ready to start talking again and finally find closure or a new beginning.

    • Total Posts: 117

    WHat if he doesnt contact me?he’s egoistic and since i told him not to contact me he’ll not contact me until i do….
    And should i continue using my fb and whatsapp aur close everything?

    • Total Posts: 117

    Thnkyu so much guys ๐Ÿ™‚
    I know m irritating you guys with so many questiona..but m a mess right now ๐Ÿ™
    eVery morning i see him in my dreams..m really sorry for disturbing you guys

    • Total Posts: 6

    Just wait. If he doesn’t contact you, let it be. Don’t have expectations that he will. People can still miss their exes and resist to text or maybe yes he’s trying to move on but you should too. Just focus right now on you! It is very hard I know, but once you realize your value then you’ll know maybe both of you weren’t meant to be. And after those days pass by you can contact him and if he still acts like a jerk, you don’t need him. Maybe after those days it’ll be different. You just need to keep your cool and don’t bring back bad memories. Just read over the rules again and follow them this time.

    • Total Posts: 117

    Should i continues using my fb and whatsapp??i know he checks my profile and status so should i continue using all these stuff??

    • Total Posts: 117

    I am on day 25th feeling much more stronger than before but m confused with my ex’s behaviour…i told him not to contact me so he is not contacting me but we r friends on facebook and he likes all my posts and pics that i upload
    And he is updating very sad updates about broken heart and people leaving him and that he lost love…i simply dont understand him..if he wants to be with me y cant he tell me..and if he doesnt then why is he posting such stuff

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