Boards Reconciliation i am confused and in anxiety

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  • #2667
    • Total Posts: 29

    ok ill start it again n make sure i wnt break it…bt she told all kinds of bullshit that she likes someone..and that brother of mine is better than me and some guy dropped her off at the station wen she was goin home..i mean y she is telling me all that knowing it wont hav a gud effect on me…

    yesterday before the msg in the eve after clg we crossed paths she had an attitude so did i…

    bt knowing about other guy its still feels bad smwhere..

    • Total Posts: 778

    She was trying to make you jealous.don’t concentrate on her words.she can change it anytime.focus on your plan and make positive changes in your life.don’t over analyze her words/actions.

    • Total Posts: 29

    ok but in the end i was so frusterated that i shouted and disconnetced the call..

    i saw her this morning and inside i feel week and bad really bad…

    • Total Posts: 778

    Its normal but everything is ok.all you should do is to continue NC for now.
    Don’t worry about anything.everything is gonna be fine and you will feel better soon.just follow the plan.

    • Total Posts: 29

    ok if u say so ill do it..but i dnt thnk she will ever contact again…

    • Total Posts: 778

    Doesn’t matter you can contact her later in a right time.
    Just work on yourself and try to be happy.
    Best of luck

    • Total Posts: 29

    thats the whole point i cnt c my frnds and family wont let me do dat …n evn she has become a different person..earlier she was sweet and down to earth person now she has somewhat of a superiority complex that im nt gud enof and she thinks tha every person in the world is bettr than me….

    • Total Posts: 778

    I can help you a little bit to deal with your break up but there is nothing i can do if your friends and family won’t let you contact her.
    Its your life and you know whats best for you.
    I suggest you to continue NC as long as you are feeling this way and ask yourself if you really want her back? and if you get her back,are you gonna have a long healthy relationship with her?

    Sometimes we mistake obsession for love.once you get rid of this obsession,you can sort everything out.

    • Total Posts: 2

    My roller coaster bf broke up with me the second time after a weekend of space with NC. He texted to talk more about it but I ignored it because I didn’t want to hear more of he can’t change how he is feeling right now. He gave me his key to his apt the two weeks ago. I mailed his key and belongings left here by mail. Having anxiety I may have done the wrong thing in doing that. If we meet to exchange things like he suggested, I know we would end up right back where we started. We can’t resist each other. We have such an amazing time when together but apart we don’t communicate very well. It has it’s good moments but the frustration with the texts back and forth ruins the relationship atmosphere. Did I send the wrong message, like I don’t care at all about him or the grief of breaking up by mailing his things to him?

    • Total Posts: 29

    ok if u say so ill jst focus on NC n become the best version of myself…

    i have started many positive things recently lets c how this all turns up…

    • Total Posts: 778

    You made me happy,keep up the good job.
    Good Luck 🙂

    • Total Posts: 29

    thank you would u mind if i still keep taking your help…
    because knowing my nature she will be around and seeing her makes me weak all the time…

    • Total Posts: 778

    You can talk to me anytime you want 🙂

    • Total Posts: 29

    thnku ..i am missing her wondering wat she might be dong and all …or who she mite b wid..these thots are really bad fr me…

    • Total Posts: 778

    Yeah i know.but you should focus on yourself.its hard but its really possible.
    Everytime you feel like this,tell yourself that if you really want her back,you should be happy and confident without her.thats the first step.
    Don’t care about what she may be doing…. ,concentrate on yourself and the plan.
    I’m sure you will feel better soon.

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