Boards Reconciliation HELP she moved on quick..

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  • #35640
    • Total Posts: 268

    Sounds like some time apart could really benefit the both of you.
    Yes right now she only remembers the bad things from your relationship. As time passes she will slowly start to forget them, and only remember the good times. (I am sure you have also been a good boyfriend before all the fighting started)

    • Total Posts: 77

    Everybody says how happy she is. All the guys are giving her the attention and I’m just there.

    • Total Posts: 59

    I would be concerned if they didn’t seem so ridiculously happy. The fact that they’re making an effort to make it look like they have a great relationship means that it’s a rebound, she’s not as happy as she seems, and she might even be trying to make you jealous. Continue NC until she has time to realize that rebounds aren’t the answer.

    • Total Posts: 268

    Excatly @tighem

    This is what naturally happends after EVERY BREAK UP!
    The dumper is on a high because they finally broke up. And they do everything they can to show this to everybody around them. And if they do meet a guy straight after the break up and do everything they can to show how happy he makes her feel, then it is a rebound. You can be sure of that.

    I wont give you false hope. I cannot know for sure if your ex will ever come back. All I can tell you is that what is happending now is very normal for every break up, and the new guy is just a rebound and could be good thing for you in the long run.

    • Total Posts: 77

    I keep reminding myself it is a rebound but then I see them literally alone everytime after school. I play volleyball so I stay after school for it. And everytime I go to my game, I see them talking by their locker smiling and just seem normal and kissing. We have class together and she literally talks to guys right next to me and seems like she doesn’t care about me. I’m just really frustrated of that fact that she thinks it’s right to immiedietaly have a guy after a breakup while I’m not even looking for a girl. Yes I have friends that are girls but not that serious. It isn’t fair how she can just jump one guy to another like nothing. She posts so many happy things on her tumblr(in which she uses it as if her life depended on it).

    • Total Posts: 64

    Just my two cents, smells like she is big time rebounding. Keep in mind a rebound, when it comes down to it, is defined not by how many new boyfriends or how long they date, it comes down to how hung up on you she still is. So basically she could be single for months, if she is still thinking about you a lot, missing you, etc then any new guy she starts seeing is still basically a rebound because she is still working to replace you.

    Also, I am willing to bet she is nowhere near as happy as she looks. Think about it, if you screwed up and made a huge mistake, would you walk around all mopey and depressed? No, you act happy because you look very very stupid. If she turned around right after the fact and said “Well look who was wrong” then she looks like an idiot or like she can’t make up her mind, so they stick by their guns and pretend they made the right choice as long as they can.

    So in my opinion, no she probably hasn’t moved on, she just thinks she has or even just wants YOU to think that. I’d say give it a few months and see what happens from there, do your best to keep busy and ignore it, I know that is impossible but still try your best. Remember rebounds very rarely last longer than a few months and usually one or two big fights is enough to collapse it like a house of cards. Good luck

    • Total Posts: 77

    Thank you so much, would I mind asking how long would it be until she contacts me? Like I said she looks happy and maybe moved on but I still have some feelings there. Everybody keeps saying she’s not coming back and I might believe that.

    • Total Posts: 77


    • Total Posts: 64

    No telling how long it could be, with me my ex took over a month of NC before contacting me, although she did start checking up on me through mutual friends 2-3 weeks into NC. General rule from what I have heard this is that at some point during the month of NC it is pretty common to hear from them.

    • Total Posts: 268

    I am not a fan of putting a time frame on love. You cant rush love, it has to happend on its own.
    My last 3 ex’s all came back. But it took at least 6 months with all of them. One of them even passed the one year mark. I rejected them all. However, some of them still drunk calls me every now and then to get me back, or sometimes they just want a one nigth stand.

    Time is your best friend.

    • Total Posts: 268

    Every time I feel down I turn to this list:

    • Total Posts: 77

    Thank you so much, that list really did help.

    So today I was talking to my friend next to me and then my ex came up to him saying ” don’t talk to fuck boys” and walked away. Isn’t that a little immature? Then the following hour I see her and her guy holding hands. Around 1:00 I had another class in which I stood outside waiting for a friend and my ex and her friends passed by. I didn’t even notice them passing by and then her friend yelled out looking at me smiling ” you are ugly as hell!”
    Can someone explain this to me?

    • Total Posts: 59

    There are plenty of reasons her friends will say and do stupid things, so just ignore them. As for your ex, she probably wants to hurt you because she’s hurt and confused, and/or trying to prove that she’s “moved on.” Any display of emotion means she still has feelings for you, but take these events into consideration when you think of whether you really want her back or not. Do you want to be someone who will treat you like crap if you have a fallout, and who’s such a poor sport?

    • Total Posts: 77

    I understand. But the thing is idk her friends at all. So it was basically a random friend who said it while she was with her. Is she playing some games or something or trying to act immature? If it continues shouldn’t I do something about it?

    • Total Posts: 77


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