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  • #60791
    • Total Posts: 47

    That’s a long story . And not very nice story .
    We fought about financial part in our relationship. So ,he makes lets say 10 -15 k a month or more and I make 3k per month . When we stared dating he knew , when we been traveled he paid for all , but he is who offers that . When we went to restaurants or bars he paid. And in 11 month he tald me first time , Karina , you never pay for anything . All my friends are pay with their girlfriends 50/50 or at least 70/30. I said him , hey , you make much more money than I do , I can’t pay 50/50, are you seriouse ? Then I offered him option so he can feel better , I will buy you a drink if we have some out night , will you feel happier ? He said -yes . then I left for couple weeks to my home country to Europe , to visit my parents . The day when I came back we spent awesome .Next day in a morning he started a bad mood and stared talk to me like this ; Where is my breakfast ? Are you going cooking me breakfast ? Let’s go to gym , you are not exercise enough. All day he been in bad mood and me too and I could see that there is something annoy him . At 6 pm , he said he is bored and want something to do , and I was in enternet ,We started fight , that I was in Internet and he said he will leave than . I got mad that he wants to leave and wants leave me along at his home , because I have not seen him 3 weeks .And he got mad that I was in enternet . Finally we started fight and money topic came again !!!!He said I am not enough Financially committed , and again and again talked about his friends . How they date their girls .? So we couldn’t talk any more calm and he left . And I left too . But before that we both said , like -let’s brake up than if we don’t understand each other .,
    That’s the story . ? And he left me at his home , I left his home in 2 hours later . He never texted me month . I did, I tald all the story here, First time he seems like he into me again , happy that I texted . Now after I didn’t give a sex , he is cold , uninterested, never text me fist. Talk to me like I am a stranger for him . ?
    I finally texted him said like; it’s would be nice if you at least have said like have a safe flight and how are you ? And in couple hours he texted me bake ; “Did you just text? I saw something come through and than it disappeared.
    Hey you how is the wonderful Cancun?Any ways hope your having fun!Ah there it is. Sorry if you feel like I wasn’t concerned. I just think air travel is safer than driving in a car. What have you down there so far?”
    I sent him some pictures , he said – awesome ! that’s it . ?
    No conversation , nothing . He looks like he makes me a favor that he responding sometime . And treat me like I am an acquaintance . I don’t really he any future with that kind of relationship , when one person don’t want anything there is nothing you can do . ?

    • Total Posts: 13

    It seems that he had expectations how your relationship should work (due to his friends)
    And maybe because his expectation of you two having sex again did not work, he is angry.

    Is he really that kind of guy who would just answer you something that nice just to do you a favor, even though he had moved on?

    It is your choice if you want to hang in there or not. After all, there is a risk and you should know yourself if you could handle a rejection or if you are willing to wait and fight for a long time.

    Think about it but don’t push yourself. 🙂

    • Total Posts: 47

    He is a nice man . And good person , kind. I know his best friend , him and her dated in college . He can be friend with ex. I don’t know what is in his head now . He changed a lot and behave very different.
    I completely lost with him . I just decided not sms him any more . If he will sms me fine , I will respond . If not , I don’t want do that again .
    thanks for your help !??

    • Total Posts: 47

    So he has texed me ; how are you? and sent me a lot of pictures of this work .
    I v noticed he goes back and force . One day he is nice , other day supper cold . Talking to me like he knows me 1 week.

    • Total Posts: 13

    This is the commonly “hot and could phase”
    It is actually a good sign.
    The Idea is not to get into an argument if he shows you a cold shoulder and show him that he is safe around you when he is in a “good mood”

    Hang in there!

    • Total Posts: 47

    He keep inviting me to his home.
    He doesn’t say date, he doesn’t invite me to restorant . He say , lets match movie at my place .?
    What should I do ? How to explain I am not interested in just sex ?

    • Total Posts: 47

    What you can recommend me to do ? I so need your advise !
    He wrote me agein just now ;
    Morning. Maybe an episode of ….”…” tonight?( Tv show we used to watch together ) ?
    He only want one thing , sex . What I must to say ?He is waiting for my response. So it’s doesn’t sound rude , because then last time I said no , he disappeared .

    • Total Posts: 13

    If you can control yourself, accept it.
    Enjoy his company but as soon as he want sex, explain him directly what you think about that topic.

    • Total Posts: 47

    Updetes .
    So here is and of my story ?unfortunately.
    I seen him today , I will explain all now , two day ago he had party with all his best friends. We met with him 3 days ago just to grab a drink .And he tald me there ,that he going to go to the party with his friends on Saturday. He didn’t invited me .Yes , he didn’t .? So today I texed him ;” how are you , and how is party? “. And he invited me to grab some lunch , today . So , i met him . He kissed me , I asked him how was the party and I found out he was at the party where is all his friends been with their gilfriends .I and I asked direct ” if your friends been there with all their gilfriends why ! why you didn’t took me there ? And you know what he said !? He said ; I am not his girlfriend, you and I broked up .? I said calm ,( it’s really was explosion in my soul and my had and in my fellings ) ” then Why you are tryed to have sex with me then ? ”
    And he said ;” because I am just a man “. I just want sex.
    I asked ;are you still attracted me physically?
    He said – yes . It’s so good Karina ,that you are didn’t give me sex ! it’s would be a problem , it’s would be a such mess between us ?. I am so happy we didn’t had sex .” period …
    That’s what he have said. Really.?
    I really was in shock . I have no feeling to explain how did I felt at the moment. Then I asked him to explain how he feels like , what he thinking about our relationship, about me , about us . He said he wasn’t happy , and we are not good much . And this month made him feel and realize that a lot . He is going to sell his home , move go into sport and exercises a lot and work . He said that when I left he didn’t had any hope for our relationship any more . Let that’s mean that’s it.
    That’s all. We said good buy each ocher, I went one place ,he went to other . That’s all. It’s the and of our story, unfortunately. I did all could , I try to compromise. It’s did work out . I just want to say tto the all people who read now , I sue some people read now or later .just small tips , First; never say goodbye to people you really love and it’s going to be and that way. You will not have chance and more . And other never give sex after you broked up. Just read my story. You you get the conclusion.

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